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戒夜片 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2006-9-28 21:51:52 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
有乜好方法可以幫小朋友戒夜片呢? 我個仔有時連續10晚都唔瀨尿 但有時又會連續成個禮拜都瀨...激死... :dead:
Rambler Crest Soccer Club

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2006-9-28 22:14:55 |只看該作者
how old is he :em18: ......maybe you can just let it be if he is still young :em18: ...

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2006-9-28 22:16:04 |只看該作者
[quote:4ee80e738c="sunday"]how old is he :em18: ......maybe you can just let it be if he is still young :em18: ...[/quote]

3歲半... ops:
Rambler Crest Soccer Club

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2006-9-28 22:20:42 |只看該作者
ic it seems quite common still have such occasion.  so don't be too depress about this. 8)   

i think...you may develop a habit to ask him to go to toilet before go to bed every night... 8)

in my experience i had not teach but it can automatically done...so don't know how to train... :roll:

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2006-9-28 23:30:18 |只看該作者
[quote:f6844533e8="sunday"]ic it seems quite common still have such occasion.  so don't be too depress about this. 8)   

i think...you may develop a habit to ask him to go to toilet before go to bed every night... 8)

in my experience i had not teach but it can automatically done...so don't know how to train... :roll:[/quote]

但I agree that  " it can automatically done...so don't know how to train"
Janice & Philip

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發表於 2006-9-29 10:07:48 |只看該作者

Re: 戒夜片

[quote:827704b5fc="Eddy Lam"]有乜好方法可以幫小朋友戒夜片呢? 我個仔有時連續10晚都唔瀨尿 但有時又會連續成個禮拜都瀨...激死... :dead:[/quote]

我兩個小朋友都係一樣 兩歲多少少已經戒到,而兩個都係發覺佢地有一輪已冇夜晚瀨尿 所以就開始戒用夜片。

有冇試下 :
(1) 晚上少點飲水 尤其睡覺前 ;
(2) 臨上床習慣去多一次廁所 ;
(3) 又或者用獎勵制 即儲印仔方式 一晚冇瀨尿 可取一個印仔 儲薺10個有禮物之類呢?
(4) 同小朋友講 你已大個啦 XL碼既片都已不合穿了 叫佢如果晚上有須要 就同媽咪/DADDY講 你地一定會陪佢去廁所咁囉。

不過 我覺得呢樣野好睇個人既 如果比得太大壓力個小朋友 又好似對佢地唔係既好 大吉利事講句 除非係本身身體有問題 如果唔係 總有一天佢會戒到。

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2006-9-29 12:48:46 |只看該作者
以上方法都試過了... 不過我地都冇乜俾壓力佢 都係順其自然算啦...
Rambler Crest Soccer Club

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