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執漏需時幾耐 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-4-14 11:46:15 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
If is there any owners have submited defects report and HC begins to 執漏?  Generally how long will complete the task.

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-4-14 15:19:47 |只看該作者

Re: 執漏需時幾耐

[quote:ce8ffee86e="ttchan"]If is there any owners have submited defects report and HC begins to 執漏?  Generally how long will complete the task.[/quote]

管理處話4個星期左右 用電話或信通知完成執漏. :em10:

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Rank: 2

發表於 2004-4-14 16:19:34 |只看該作者
WAH!! gen  can't move in before July 16 wor decolation need two weeks then furniture 3 weeks. Shit

I still not have key

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-4-14 16:26:03 |只看該作者
我12號交defect list

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-4-14 21:47:54 |只看該作者
[quote:0f129e8be2="ttchan"]WAH!! gen  can't move in before July 16 wor decolation need two weeks then furniture 3 weeks. Shit

I still not have key[/quote]

something can be done together i.e. decoration and furniture.  don't need to confirm furniture after decoration work finish ga ma.  

i even not wait for them fixing the defect problem and started decoration lar... coz i will paint/stick wallpaper again main defect is in kitchen toilet and ouside window.  so they fix their defect i do my decoration.  河水不犯井水.  I expect the overall work (defect+decoration+furniture) can be completed within 4 weeks.

For example:
Week 1 : Defect
Week 2: Defect + Decoration start / Confirm Furniture order
Week 3: Defect + Decoration / Furiture in progress
Week 4: Defect + Decoration Completed / Furiture deliver

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Rank: 4

發表於 2004-4-14 21:57:35 |只看該作者

war...Y&T你呢個plan.真係幫我呀 安排得好好真係可以做到 "河水不犯井水"呀 :em11: 噤你訂家俬未呀 :?:  ops:

ttchan I same with u lo... 不過好彩有Y&T提議咋 hehe! ops: don't worry be happy la! 明天會更好呀嘛 :em12:

smallpotato噤咪"靮Ytomorrow beging噤你多唔多要 "執漏" :?: 麻煩你如果可以話"執漏"期間有咩整得好/唔好/我要注意地方上提提我呀thanks!
多1事...不如少1事...少1事...不如唔好生事... :em11:

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