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你地o係RC 晚餐食 D乜? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2004-12-3 10:34:35 |只看該作者
[quote:16da44b246="dracula"][quote:16da44b246="leemoksau"]凡事都有因果循环. 当初两个人越开心 依家一个人就越伤心 越难放开. 这就是......开心的代价.[/quote]

唔付出咁多 唔投入咁多 少 d 開心 咁係咪會少 d 傷心?  :?:[/quote]
冇错! 不过你要识得享受孤单.

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Rank: 4

發表於 2004-12-3 10:34:42 |只看該作者
[quote:3f101b20d3="dracula"][quote:3f101b20d3="Kiliyan"]...你係咪講洗手間個洗手盆呀? 個卒係唔可以直接按下去的 :em16:  要從水掣後面個支掣拉起的...(我好似形容得唔係咁好...) :shock:  [/quote]

呀~~ 妳好勁呀~~~ 妳唔講我都醒唔起我係就咁向下按o架~~ 係喎... :em14:[/quote]

嘻嘻~ 唔使客氣~ 不過下次你整cake既話 記住留份比我就得喇!  :em04: hehe...
~~我地新婚喔!~~ ~~好Sweet~~ http://www.webshots.com/user/kilianho 若不是耶和華建造房屋 建造的人就枉然勞力; 若不是耶和華看守城池 看守的人就枉然儆醒! (詩127:1)

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2004-12-3 10:37:46 |只看該作者
[quote:4b1d620e03="leemoksau"][quote:4b1d620e03="dracula"][quote:4b1d620e03="leemoksau"]凡事都有因果循环. 当初两个人越开心 依家一个人就越伤心 越难放开. 这就是......开心的代价.[/quote]

唔付出咁多 唔投入咁多 少 d 開心 咁係咪會少 d 傷心?  :?:[/quote]
冇错! 不过你要识得享受孤单.[/quote]


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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2004-12-3 10:42:40 |只看該作者
[quote:b37153fa05="Billy"][quote:b37153fa05="dracula"]一年一兩次呀~~ :em13:[/quote]

唔開心除外..... :mrgreen:[/quote]
饮酒的原因有两种 一种是开心 一种是唔开心. 我......
两种都不是 :mrgreen:

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2004-12-3 10:43:58 |只看該作者

Re: would u like some soup ?

[quote:21b629e733="Kiliyan"][quote:21b629e733="bean"][quote:21b629e733="Kiliyan"][quote:21b629e733="bean"]am going to make some soup later. if it's drinkable (am not so sure ops: ) and wouldn't be home too late. will love to share some with u.[/quote]

Great! Can you count me in? I want to taste it. ^.^[/quote]

sure since ur right next door  :mrgreen: . Pls so expect too much. am a not very good cook ops:
but don't worry. I haven't poison anyone yet.....so far :em03:[/quote]

hahaha...good good! I will be home at around 8-9pm tonite because i will buy x'mas tree and decoration with my bf at 青衣城..i am so excited now. hehe... I PM you my contact no.[/quote]
唉~ 又冇我份 :em18:

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2004-12-3 10:45:15 |只看該作者
[quote:a3f63318be="leemoksau"][quote:a3f63318be="Billy"][quote:a3f63318be="dracula"]一年一兩次呀~~ :em13:[/quote]

唔開心除外..... :mrgreen:[/quote]
饮酒的原因有两种 一种是开心 一种是唔开心. 我......
两种都不是 :mrgreen:[/quote]

好似食飯咁開唔開心都可以食飯...... :em19:

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2004-12-3 10:45:25 |只看該作者
[quote:2dca6e369a="leemoksau"]饮酒的原因有两种 一种是开心 一种是唔开心. 我......
两种都不是 :mrgreen:[/quote]

飲完酒o既心情有 2種 一種是開心 一種是唔開心
我兩種都不是~ :mrgreen:

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2004-12-3 10:45:34 |只看該作者

Re: would u like some soup ?

[quote:867673dfaa="Kiliyan"][quote:867673dfaa="bean"][quote:867673dfaa="Kiliyan"][quote:867673dfaa="bean"]am going to make some soup later. if it's drinkable (am not so sure ops: ) and wouldn't be home too late. will love to share some with u.[/quote]

Great! Can you count me in? I want to taste it. ^.^[/quote]

sure since ur right next door  :mrgreen: . Pls so expect too much. am a not very good cook ops:
but don't worry. I haven't poison anyone yet.....so far :em03:[/quote]

hahaha...good good! I will be home at around 8-9pm tonite because i will buy x'mas tree and decoration with my bf at 青衣城..i am so excited now. hehe... I PM you my contact no.[/quote]

Sam Sui Po is much cheaper!
GK新聞台 ** 我住在這裡是因為我有精神病,不是因為笨!

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Rank: 4

發表於 2004-12-3 10:46:30 |只看該作者

Re: would u like some soup ?

[quote:efd55bbdaa="leemoksau"][quote:efd55bbdaa="Kiliyan"][quote:efd55bbdaa="bean"][quote:efd55bbdaa="Kiliyan"][quote:efd55bbdaa="bean"]am going to make some soup later. if it's drinkable (am not so sure ops: ) and wouldn't be home too late. will love to share some with u.[/quote]

Great! Can you count me in? I want to taste it. ^.^[/quote]

sure since ur right next door  :mrgreen: . Pls so expect too much. am a not very good cook ops:
but don't worry. I haven't poison anyone yet.....so far :em03:[/quote]

hahaha...good good! I will be home at around 8-9pm tonite because i will buy x'mas tree and decoration with my bf at 青衣城..i am so excited now. hehe... I PM you my contact no.[/quote]

唉~ 又冇我份 :em18:[/quote]

你未放工呀? 定係唔係香港? 嘻...我都未見過你地 希望可以快d見面啦~ ops:
~~我地新婚喔!~~ ~~好Sweet~~ http://www.webshots.com/user/kilianho 若不是耶和華建造房屋 建造的人就枉然勞力; 若不是耶和華看守城池 看守的人就枉然儆醒! (詩127:1)

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2004-12-3 10:48:16 |只看該作者
[quote:8f7271f73b="Kiliyan"]嘻嘻~ 唔使客氣~ 不過下次你整cake既話 記住留份比我就得喇!  :em04: hehe...[/quote]

冇問題....今晚都要整 不過要雪一晚先有得食

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