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一個私人屋苑有無可能有咁多機密 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-5-23 14:20:37 |只看該作者
[quote:1ac94e321d="G-NET"]我希望其它業主能主動了解業主大會和業主委員會的分別 我們有權利只參加業主大會 不參加業主委員會. 兩個會同樣可以討論屋苑事務 同樣可以投票成立決議案 反而只有業主大會的決議案 先有法定效力.

最重要係只有業委會十人 明年有權決定是否續約管理公司 反而業主大會不能作此決定. 公契訂明明年四月一日 業委會就會變成屋苑臨時管理人 只有業委會可以決定新管理人 任期無限 而且一經業委會主席簽字 管理合約就無辦法推翻.[/quote]

我蠢....我唔係好明紅色果兩段阿.......... :?:
咁到底只有業主大會的決議案先有法定效力 定係業委先可以去做決定??
如果業主大會決定要A公司做管理公司 但業委最後決定用B公司.
:dead:  :dead:  :dead:  :dead:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2005-5-23 14:31:28 |只看該作者
Hales you're right ! That's why I asked G-net to point out the main point
summarize what's he/she  want to do to improve RC

改選都無防呀... 正所謂董建華都可以下台啦...
:em11:  :em11:  :em11:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-5-23 14:39:20 |只看該作者
[quote:6b3a01eccf="Hello Kitty"]Hales you're right ! That's why I asked G-net to point out the main point
summarize what's he/she  want to do to improve RC

改選都無防呀... 正所謂董建華都可以下台啦...
:em11:  :em11:  :em11:[/quote]

其實我好多地方都唔係好明...... :em18:
但係唔知點問.... ops:

其它地方我都唔係好明想講乜..... :em01:
因為唔係好明想講乜 所以令我唔知可以用乜野方法去問問題來加深了解. :em18:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-5-23 14:43:21 |只看該作者
[quote:35a2df518e="Ice"][quote:35a2df518e="G-NET"]各位業主可以不支持招開業主大會 但其它人有知道的權利.

我為什麼要選業委 我入去又點 我又沒有六票通過決議案. 如果我同朋友一齊參加業委會 我們有六票 到時候 管理公司都可以有各種理由唔聽. 跟本業委會只是一個 到時候 大家進退兩難 我點解要參選被人利用.

我不滿業委會 係因為它已經變成行政機構 想講屋苑問題 隨時被人話洩漏機密. 我無興趣入去同人玩政治. 我點解不可以要求重選 業委會又不是私人俱樂部. 想選的人為什麼一定要自己出面. [/quote]

我唔係業主 亦無旁聽過業委會既會議.
曾經我以為你係為 rc 好 但宜家 我個人覺得你好似過左火.
睇完你既段文 我好奇怪:

你要批評業委會班人點點點 點點點 仲要要求重選.
但業主們叫你做 你又唔肯做喎. 話俾人利用.
好似 hales 咁講 選完出黎 你又唔滿意 咁你又要再嘈話要選過?
選到 d 業委岩你心意 順你既意願去做 我又可唔可以話佢地被你利用呢???
好似我地個政府咁 做完 d 政策出黎 都未見成效 見到有 d 唔對路又改黎.

我都有同感及唔明點解佢會覺得比人利用 有point就講清楚D 大家都唔係佢肚裡面條蟲 唔係人人都知佢想點就好似我我真係唔知佢做乜....所以都係收聲....
~~tOMorROw iS aNotHeR daY~~

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-5-23 14:45:57 |只看該作者
[quote:ea9dbafe25="hales"]其實我好多地方都唔係好明...... :em18:
但係唔知點問.... ops:

其它地方我都唔係好明想講乜..... :em01:
因為唔係好明想講乜 所以令我唔知可以用乜野方法去問問題來加深了解. :em18:[/quote]你咁醒都唔明....難怪我更加唔知佢想講乜真係連問我都唔識問.....
~~tOMorROw iS aNotHeR daY~~

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Rank: 4

發表於 2005-5-23 14:56:01 |只看該作者
陳日君主教:求主給你智慧!  :em12:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2005-5-23 15:40:31 |只看該作者
I think I better use English to express my point.

There is a contradiction in the DMC. The owners meeting is the only legal authority in Rambler Crest. However to decide whether to continue the management agreement with the company. It is in the hands of Owners Committee because when there is no manager. The Owners Committee is the manager.

If owners meeting make a resolution not to continue the management agreement with current company. You are right that the owners committe does not need to listern the resolution by owners meeting. They can make any decision on thier own judgement.

Secondly the owners meeting is NOT organized by a single person I'm just the representative of them. I am not the owner and I cannot sign the convening letter.

So if you don't agree with this meeting don't sign and vote NO for re-election in the meeting.

Even if the meeting is convened by the manager then what is the difference. The meeting will also ask for re-election of OC. Why you will get upset for re-election of committee. It is suppose to be a meeting of discuss estate matter the only difference is that member has first priority to voice first.

Why only you have the right to voice first when other owners need to wait until the end of meeting to speak.

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-5-23 16:00:28 |只看該作者
You are just the representative of them?
What do means by "them" ? The Owner?

In first WHO give you the right to be the representative?
Are your meeting requested by MOST the RC OWNER?
點解..唔知道 亦唔知幾時 有人企左出黎搞大會 然後話俾我知呢個大會
有一個居民代表 代表了屋苑既業主...但最少原來 身為業主既我
都唔知道有件咁既事.....中途 無request 無徵詢同意 無簽字受權...

業主代表自己唔係業主........Do you think you are REALLY
can be the representative of "US"? (NOT THEM this point you should remind)

實話實說的....你個居民大會無過半數既owner受權 我又真係好質疑你個
所謂"大會"的認受性....一係你就搞大o的 搵夠過半數業權簽名支持你開
呢個大會......如果搞o的唔搞o的 搞左無意思既話 你係搞好玩的嗎?

而唔係不停乜野政治迫害 乜野機密敗露.....呢o的bxxx xxxt 野囉....

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2005-5-23 16:19:20 |只看該作者
So if you don't agree with this meeting don't sign and don't come to the meeting.




使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2005-5-23 16:23:12 |只看該作者
If made a mistake in the sentence. Everyone should come to the meeting and vote NO for re-election.

I am not the representative of you Hales. I am representative of the owners who wants to open a meeting. Currently 3 only does it answer you question.

In order to open a meeting we need to find more owners to support us. We need 80 owners to sign the convening letter and at least 160 owners to attend the meeting.

And you need to vote in the meeting to decides everything. Nor I am the person to suggest re-election initially but I support him however. And I will not hide my intend and trick people to the meeting.

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