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百佳開啦~ [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-12-19 00:34:06 |只看該作者
[quote:c24115af9f="bean"]me too. suppost to hang out formuch longer. but........I had a very bad week. Lost my Mobile this Monday and lost my diamond ring last night(well should say the diamond fell out from my ring).  :em01: . When I look at the ring without the daimond...........better go home and loct myself at home for the weekend. may only visit the park-in shop. :cry:[/quote]

嘩! 乜妳咁慘呀!!!! 跌左個電話定比人偷左呀? 而家d人好猖狂架...小心為上~ 唔好困住自己太耐呀~ 我聽日會去上個course學攀石呀~ 嘻嘻~ 未玩過...唔知會點?!  :roll:
~~我地新婚喔!~~ ~~好Sweet~~ http://www.webshots.com/user/kilianho 若不是耶和華建造房屋 建造的人就枉然勞力; 若不是耶和華看守城池 看守的人就枉然儆醒! (詩127:1)

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Rank: 1

發表於 2004-12-19 11:25:58 |只看該作者
[quote:37f603724d="Kiliyan"][quote:37f603724d="bean"]me too. suppost to hang out formuch longer. but........I had a very bad week. Lost my Mobile this Monday and lost my diamond ring last night(well should say the diamond fell out from my ring).  :em01: . When I look at the ring without the daimond...........better go home and loct myself at home for the weekend. may only visit the park-in shop. :cry:[/quote]

嘩! 乜妳咁慘呀!!!! 跌左個電話定比人偷左呀? 而家d人好猖狂架...小心為上~ 唔好困住自己太耐呀~ 我聽日會去上個course學攀石呀~ 嘻嘻~ 未玩過...唔知會點?!  :roll: [/quote]

It's fun. U will like it. I did it couple of years b4. quite like it.
I suppose to go hiking today with friends. but really afraid will lost my head somewhere..........better stay home......個電話 is跌左. Daimond also跌左. Like my friend said may be I should be v. nice to them this time. make them fall in love with me and never leave me again.........

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Rank: 4

發表於 2004-12-19 12:01:48 |只看該作者
[quote:f970ef53b4="Mr. & Mrs. FireFire"][quote:f970ef53b4="gp"][quote:f970ef53b4="Mr. & Mrs. FireFire"]請問有冇鮮魚賣呀....
d肉係呀係一包包包好架.... [/quote]

有一包包已pack 好o既菜 雞翼 豬肉呀......唔記得有無魚喎 :
其實"食送"種類唔多 好過無囉. 反而生果比較多d款.[/quote]
thx~~~~以後唔使咁辛苦走出去買野lu... :mrgreen:[/quote]

系囉, 你買左之後可唔可以上你道開餐呀  
我地2公婆巳經過咗第11個思愛架年頭喇 :em21: 祝願rc所有有情人或兩公婆開開心心 永遠恩恩愛愛 :em19: :o :wink: :em12: :D :) :face13: :em04: :mrgreen:

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