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與和記黃埔地產有限公司商討 (六月十九日 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2004-6-17 01:52:25 |只看該作者
Tower 1 : 11
Tower 2 : 18
Tower 3 : 13
Tower 5 : 28
Tower 6 : 16
Total : 86 (count to 16 June)

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2004-6-17 13:23:56 |只看該作者
H&H x 1
~~tOMorROw iS aNotHeR daY~~

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Rank: 4

發表於 2004-6-17 13:48:05 |只看該作者
Hi who and I

please count one one if possible!! anyway really appreciate for your help in RC....

我地2公婆巳經過咗第11個思愛架年頭喇 :em21: 祝願rc所有有情人或兩公婆開開心心 永遠恩恩愛愛 :em19: :o :wink: :em12: :D :) :face13: :em04: :mrgreen:

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2004-6-17 13:55:22 |只看該作者
To Patrick & Cherry 我都想寫大家個名出來,但係...但係...大家個簽名實在太撩草,小弟D文化太差,唔係好看得明,如果在此登大家地址又好似唔係咁好... :!:

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2004-6-18 00:49:05 |只看該作者
修正-藍澄灣業主與和黃會議 (六月十九日星期六)


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Rank: 1

發表於 2004-6-18 23:58:37 |只看該作者
we will like to join hope is not too late.  We just read the mail.  Sorry

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2004-6-19 00:25:11 |只看該作者
集合地點: 藍澄灣第三座及第五座中間
開會地點: 黃埔花園第十期海珍閣酒樓
日期: 本星期六(六月十九日)
專車出發時間: 下午二時十五分
開會時間: 下午三時至五時

我是誰 x 1
Liuh x 1
stephenyeong x 1
Rambler Villager x 1
ptsom x 1
AngusZire x 2
Bingbong x 2
Kalvin x 2
Alex Lau x 1
wychan x 1
BB x 2
Hello Kitty x 1
Jess&Burns x 2
Tomato x 1
esther x 2
Jessie x 2
Kaiser wong x 2
Pighome x 1
eric_818 x 2
Koala Bear X 2
Turbowing X 2
KCs2 x 1
Hi Hi x 1
Justin x 1
june & Fai x 2
kyu x 1
Jeffrey & Shirley x 2
Andrew & Jessica x 2
AgnesSarah x 1
chloe x 2
Hotcake x 1
LO LO x 1
27a x 2
YY & KC x 1
Henry Cheng x 2
Bascodaddy x 2
Kit & Carol x 2
J&G x 2
chee x 1
FD x 2
H&H x 1
Chris x 1
rstfung x 1
李太 x 1
lbkoala x 1
diedsee x 1
ROCKAN28 x 2
ye x 1
一座Delta x 1
Pauline x 2
alankle x 2
關小姐 x 4
Fanstar x 2
Michael x 2
candy-cheung x 1
Suzuki x 1
Wilson Mok x 2
Patrick x 1
N&M x 1
E & M x 2
黎生 x 1
鍾姑娘 x 1
Mr. Lee Y.W. x 1

Total 95 persons

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Rank: 2

發表於 2004-7-3 17:06:44 |只看該作者
Anyone can tell me why there is insufficent ventilation facility inside the lifts and at the lifts waiting places at each floor?

Each time I feel very uncomfortable during the journey in the lift.
May "WHO AM I" to be our representative to follow-up this matter?

In fact you are our welfare representative!

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