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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-5-11 00:29:16 |只看該作者

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-5-11 01:12:31 |只看該作者
Buy a router like this. Only cost $260. It has FIREWALL protection built-in. Microsoft server is a joke.
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使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-5-11 01:22:45 |只看該作者
yes you are right if you are using PCCW because they are using PPPoE for authentication which will only assign 1 ip address to you but we are now using Hutchison which just use DHCP to assign an ip address for us which means a router/gateway/server is not needed just use a hub or switch can work normally you will get a real ip address from DHCP for each workstation I have tested and introduced my friends to use this method for Hutchison in different building no matter ADSL or 10MB boardband are also works.

[quote:b6a1a2b24f="hales"][quote:b6a1a2b24f="rstfung"]請問有無人試過用Switch 駁可唔可以 :?:  如果可以就有兩個True IP  :em17:   用Router當然可以 但就只有1個IP :em16: !!![/quote]

1.將細房果個TEL/Boardband wallplate拆走
8. 夾幾條LAN線將細房wallplate上其它插位用條lan線駁去個switch/hubs

9.有兩將lan卡果部機install wingate/sygate之類既software router server
其它電腦就裝client  就搞掂了不過呢個方法既缺點係細房果部pc
一定要開著 其它host落去既client先可以上到網而所有機都係以同一個

另如果只係需要大細房上網(兩個data point) 既話 就switch/hubs都唔需要買
但工序一樣 不過細房PC果兩張LAN卡其中一張照樣咁駁去SIGNAL INCOMMING
果個插座位 但係另一張卡所用果條LAN線就要做o下手腳...
將RJ45頭果8條線芯 一邊頭正常咁夾另一邊頭就要將 1 同 4 號位互掉
2 同 6 號位互掉咁就唔駛買多個switch/hubs就可以兩部機直接lan埋一齊了

但當然用boardband router更好 router再加wireless lan更更更好[/quote]

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-5-11 01:45:59 |只看該作者
Oh yes I forget we are using Hutchison boardband which is "FREE" for RC resident. The central server in RC may be free for us to use as many IP address as we like.

Normally in a pay cable boardband system the DHCP server is suppose assign only ONE IP address for each household. You want more one than one computer to use internet then you pay more for second IP address.

Our system may be free for us to use anythings (Hub Switch Router) that can plug in the cable. hehe

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-5-11 02:00:16 |只看該作者
Second problem:

If Hutchison will give a real ip address from DHCP for each workstation then using a hub off course can connect to boardband. Then our network within RC will be too simple sometimes naive. Hub is the most basic networking device. If there is one Hacker within our community then he can...  :em07:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-5-11 02:08:44 |只看該作者
yes for security issue I recommend zone alarm which is a free personal firewall which can protect you.

but actually i tried to share a files on this type of network within 1 home its not work... so I think Hutchison has block some traffic like boardcast or some port like windows file shareing..

[quote:a49ddbfa09="Rambler Villager"]Second problem:

If Hutchison will give a real ip address from DHCP for each workstation then using a hub off course can connect to boardband. Then our network within RC will be too simple sometimes naive. Hub is the most basic networking device. If there is one Hacker within our community then he can...  :em07:[/quote]

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2004-5-11 02:09:20 |只看該作者
[quote:b6182d4785="Rambler Villager"]Second problem:

If Hutchison will give a real ip address from DHCP for each workstation then using a hub off course can connect to boardband. Then our network within RC will be too simple sometimes naive. Hub is the most basic networking device. If there is one Hacker within our community then he can...  :em07:[/quote]

HGC 的 10M 入屋通常都會有VLAN 即是Boardcast 單位和單位間是不能直通.
但是在Router以外的人 (e.g. RC 以外的地方) 反而可以 Access 任何 port. 所以一定要用FIREWALL (Software 或 Hardware).
超頻COD中 (Compulsive Obsessive Disorder)

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-5-11 02:19:06 |只看該作者
yes I agree this method but instead of using connector which will disabled the port in the small room I suggest to use a RJ45 socket and parellel the cable so that we can use internet everywhere. I m not very sure this method is works any comments qualcomm  ??

[quote:301cc9b3f6="qualcomm"]因為所有Tel Cat 5都由細房開始Serial入來

i.e. 細房->(中房)->廳->主人房

我講多一次拆開細房Socket你會見到有四條芯(White OrangeOrangeWhite GreenGreen) (實入中房∕廳)冇駁千萬不要駁回到電話socket因電阻會太大.


1.先unplug電話Socket的(White OrangeOrangeWhite GreenGreen)芯線除了要用的Socket除外.
2.用一些Connector(SSP $0.2 per one買二十粒)將所有四條芯跟顏色駁上

然後你便省回$150 和時間loo...[/quote]
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使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-5-11 02:31:21 |只看該作者
i c... VLAN...... but how to implement that ? I don't really understand how it works on our building.... use VLAN on each port of the switch then mirror all this VLAN port to a port that connect a router to route us to internet ?  :?:

[quote:8165733524="stephenyeong"][quote:8165733524="Rambler Villager"]Second problem:

If Hutchison will give a real ip address from DHCP for each workstation then using a hub off course can connect to boardband. Then our network within RC will be too simple sometimes naive. Hub is the most basic networking device. If there is one Hacker within our community then he can...  :em07:[/quote]

HGC 的 10M 入屋通常都會有VLAN 即是Boardcast 單位和單位間是不能直通.
但是在Router以外的人 (e.g. RC 以外的地方) 反而可以 Access 任何 port. 所以一定要用FIREWALL (Software 或 Hardware).[/quote]

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2004-5-11 08:22:00 |只看該作者
[quote:e458848c3b="Arbee"]i c... VLAN...... but how to implement that ? I don't really understand how it works on our building.... use VLAN on each port of the switch then mirror all this VLAN port to a port that connect a router to route us to internet ?  :?:


所有和記大廈、HKBN 10M 等等用DHCP Assign IP 的都會用VLAN.
因為這些Case個Netmask通常會幾大 (in RC = 25bit).
電腦會把同的Subnet的124部電腦 (128 - 2 - 自己 - Router = 124) 當成Local Computer.

如果唔用VLAN,一開電腦上的Browse Network就會見到其他鄰居,可以Port Scan還有Access 無Set Security 的Network Share....

如果有VLAN,所有電腦只能見到Router,完全不知其他電腦存在,完全Access唔到其他電腦. 而Router 可以Access 所有電腦,回應outgoing request並傳遞所有incoming package.

不過VLAN有一個問題就是不能用ICQ 直接 Send File 給其他鄰居 (不過如果Router 無Block 到Inter Zone Routing 都有辦法)
超頻COD中 (Compulsive Obsessive Disorder)

使用道具 舉報

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