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買樓時你們的地產代理有無 return!!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 2003-8-31 14:23:12 |只看該作者
貓貓問過agent 佢話起碼要四個月後先有得俾 不過已經白字黑字簽o左約 唔怕佢癩皮。[/quote]

簽果張野冇用架 因為冇deadline 所以可以拖 果次睇next magazine咁講架

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 1

發表於 2003-8-31 14:54:12 |只看該作者
NO AH...
Since the agent is nice and she said the commition rate is around 1.5% not 2%

話到尾,買樓始終係人生一大事,咪當買個好美回憶law  :roll:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2003-9-1 20:32:23 |只看該作者
[quote:e3c0b1d2a2="Ha&Kui"][quote:e3c0b1d2a2="Ice"]係唔係講緊回佣? d 地產代理每賣出一毎單位 發展商就會俾 (2%??) 回佣佢地. 之前因為 competition 太大 有 d 代理就以俾返呢 d 回佣 d 買家作為吸引力去吸引 d 買家經佢地買樓.

我都係道聽途說架咋 唔知有無錯  :em12:[/quote]

係呀 我都聽朋友講過 地產代理為爭生意(或者引人落搭) 會將部分發展商俾既佣作為回佣俾買家.

我個agent就應承回番0.6% 不過到而家都未攞倒  :em20:  (好在有black and white 無得抵賴).[/quote]

I want to know the real amount of the refund la??  Assume your flat is 1400000 2% of commission is $28000.  If you hv the 0.6% of his commission then u will hv $168.  Am I right la??

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2003-9-1 23:47:36 |只看該作者
[quote:e2fd32cf31="Suzuki"][quote:e2fd32cf31="Ha&Kui"][quote:e2fd32cf31="Ice"]係唔係講緊回佣? d 地產代理每賣出一毎單位 發展商就會俾 (2%??) 回佣佢地. 之前因為 competition 太大 有 d 代理就以俾返呢 d 回佣 d 買家作為吸引力去吸引 d 買家經佢地買樓.

我都係道聽途說架咋 唔知有無錯  :em12:[/quote]

係呀 我都聽朋友講過 地產代理為爭生意(或者引人落搭) 會將部分發展商俾既佣作為回佣俾買家.

我個agent就應承回番0.6% 不過到而家都未攞倒  :em20:  (好在有black and white 無得抵賴).[/quote]

I want to know the real amount of the refund la??  Assume your flat is 1400000 2% of commission is $28000.  If you hv the 0.6% of his commission then u will hv $168.  Am I right la??[/quote]

I should have written more clearer.  The amount of "現金傢俬禮券" (in cash) is 0.6% of flat price or about 1/3 of agent's commission that is several thousand dollars.

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2003-9-2 09:09:02 |只看該作者
[quote:aedf9d0959="Ice"]係唔係講緊回佣? d 地產代理每賣出一毎單位 發展商就會俾 (2%??) 回佣佢地. 之前因為 competition 太大 有 d 代理就以俾返呢 d 回佣 d 買家作為吸引力去吸引 d 買家經佢地買樓.

我都係道聽途說架咋 唔知有無錯  :em12:[/quote]

correct  and I also tell you this before
If not Mrs Chan hahaha ... I will be an evil on 6-9

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2003-9-2 15:40:31 |只看該作者
I see la!  Then Ha&Kui when will you get the cash fm your agent la??  Is it after they get the commission from 和黃??
:detective :detective :detective

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2003-9-2 15:48:30 |只看該作者
I am very unhappy about this rebate.
My agent promised to give me 1% on flat price before buying the flat but finally <0.5%.  
A few thousand dollars can buy many things for a new house!

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2003-9-3 21:56:15 |只看該作者
[quote:e3520ac5f1="saga"][quote:e3520ac5f1="Ice"]係唔係講緊回佣? d 地產代理每賣出一毎單位 發展商就會俾 (2%??) 回佣佢地. 之前因為 competition 太大 有 d 代理就以俾返呢 d 回佣 d 買家作為吸引力去吸引 d 買家經佢地買樓.

我都係道聽途說架咋 唔知有無錯  :em12:[/quote]

correct  and I also tell you this before
If not Mrs Chan hahaha ... I will be an evil on 6-9[/quote]

我 d 資料其實就係由你果度黎架    (除左個 2% 之外~)
you are not an evil lei    

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2003-9-3 23:12:01 |只看該作者
:) 願每一天都能順心順意! :) :o 願霉運不要降臨在每一個人身上! :o Don\'t worry :cry: be happy :P

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2003-9-4 00:59:39 |只看該作者
[quote:6d3baa21ed="Suzuki"]I see la!  Then Ha&Kui when will you get the cash fm your agent la??  Is it after they get the commission from 和黃??[/quote]

Yes our agent told us that we shall get the cash after they receive commission from Hutch should be 3-6 months after purchase (depends on developer some developers such as SHK release commission in 3-4 months after sale some may take 9 months.  CK usually release commission in 6 months.  For Hutch don't know but maybe similar to CK)

使用道具 舉報

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