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三星 plasma [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-6-6 23:00:47 |只看該作者
多謝指教!!! :em11:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-6-6 23:02:35 |只看該作者
其實可以到教協或護協買都可以 好似部三星咁 出面標價39800(可以再講價卦 我唔清楚) 佢地標價35201 平了一截 但冇價講同冇野送 大家可以計下數.
:D :D :D

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-6-6 23:51:01 |只看該作者
We've bought Hitachi 37" at Fortress la. Sure all of you have to bargain the price. They can offer 15%off for you if they get the quotaes. Let's try!!
JANICE :em13: KENNETH :em14:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-6-7 02:01:48 |只看該作者
[quote:282af204a9="atrick & Cherry"]我就選咗嗰部"philips" hk-37PixerPlus" 37" Plasma 解像有成1024x1024 而佢又系業界公認睇電視最好o即 而家買重有部DVD HIFI送 model系"mx3660d 市價大約3仟幾蚊 而尼部機而家百老匯標價33000蚊 但系一定要同佢地講價 大約30000就系佢地架底價啦 大家不仿考慮吓啦. :em11:[/quote]

I have found some shop with the price of HK$28600 only.......
Brian & Lisa................... :em20:............... :em21:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-6-7 08:27:42 |只看該作者
[quote:6b10c7bdd2="FD"][quote:6b10c7bdd2="kcwong"]今晚到豐澤看過那部三星電視機"S424S4S" ,效果不錯。
豐澤賣$39800,可分十二個月或二十四個月免息分期,而且仲送一個月免供,大約可省回三千多元,又可用一百元換15吋LCD TV,真的有點心動。[/quote]

呢部機我都有考慮過,當初睇佢駁DVD真係好鍾意架,不過一叫佢駁個tv 黎睇,就得佢變形十分嚴重,比起其他機,佢係差左d,我好鍾意睇電視劇架,無理由咁貴買部機返黎係仲衰過以前部全統TV。

我想揀日立"42PD5000TA",唔知有無人用過,可以比d意見我呢 [/quote]
My choice also 42PD500TA  i ask from outside only around $33000-$34000 (manybe lower coz i ask about 2 months before). The Hitachi have the highest resolution especially for DVD playback through computer DVI link.  

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-6-7 10:39:25 |只看該作者

Hitachi 32" LCD TV  ?  HK$28900

JVC 32" LCD TV  LT-Z32S2  HK$32800

Philips 30" LCD TV  300WN5  HK$21990
Philips 30" LCD TV  30PIXELPLUS  HK$ 29990

Samsung 32" LCD TV  LS32A23W  HK$ 32800

Sharp 30"  LCD TV  LC-30HV4H  HK$32800

Sony 30" LCD TV  KLV-30MR1  HK$36800
Sony 32" Plasma TV  KE-32TS2E  HK$29990

Toshiba 32" LCD TV  ?  HK$31800

所有 Hitachi 28" JVC 26" Toshiba 26" LCD TV 係HK$23800.

我看中32" 不知可不可以再平.


使用道具 舉報

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-6-7 12:54:19 |只看該作者
[quote:39a7571eeb="leebrian"] I have found some shop with the price of HK$28600 only.......[/quote]

請問你係邊處買 :?: 我想買呀:em04: 我看過broadway最平都要$30000幾呀。
返來o羅~~ 返來o羅~~ :mrgreen:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-6-7 23:40:24 |只看該作者
[quote:63288dfda9="Strawberry"][quote:63288dfda9="FD"][quote:63288dfda9="kcwong"]今晚到豐澤看過那部三星電視機"S424S4S" ,效果不錯。
豐澤賣$39800,可分十二個月或二十四個月免息分期,而且仲送一個月免供,大約可省回三千多元,又可用一百元換15吋LCD TV,真的有點心動。[/quote]

呢部機我都有考慮過,當初睇佢駁DVD真係好鍾意架,不過一叫佢駁個tv 黎睇,就得佢變形十分嚴重,比起其他機,佢係差左d,我好鍾意睇電視劇架,無理由咁貴買部機返黎係仲衰過以前部全統TV。

我想揀日立"42PD5000TA",唔知有無人用過,可以比d意見我呢 [/quote]
My choice also 42PD500TA  i ask from outside only around $33000-$34000 (manybe lower coz i ask about 2 months before). The Hitachi have the highest resolution especially for DVD playback through computer DVI link.  [/quote]

strawberry thanks ar.!! :

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-6-8 00:02:51 |只看該作者
[quote:3d364ad686="leebrian"][quote:3d364ad686="atrick & Cherry"]我就選咗嗰部"philips" hk-37PixerPlus" 37" Plasma 解像有成1024x1024 而佢又系業界公認睇電視最好o即 而家買重有部DVD HIFI送 model系"mx3660d 市價大約3仟幾蚊 而尼部機而家百老匯標價33000蚊 但系一定要同佢地講價 大約30000就系佢地架底價啦 大家不仿考慮吓啦. :em11:[/quote]

I have found some shop with the price of HK$28600 only.......[/quote]

响邊度買呀? 有冇hifi送先? 請多多指教 因為我重未買架!! :em14:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-6-8 00:19:09 |只看該作者
[quote:900cd1c197="atrick & Cherry"][quote:900cd1c197="leebrian"][quote:900cd1c197="atrick & Cherry"]我就選咗嗰部"philips" hk-37PixerPlus" 37" Plasma 解像有成1024x1024 而佢又系業界公認睇電視最好o即 而家買重有部DVD HIFI送 model系"mx3660d 市價大約3仟幾蚊 而尼部機而家百老匯標價33000蚊 但系一定要同佢地講價 大約30000就系佢地架底價啦 大家不仿考慮吓啦. :em11:[/quote]

I have found some shop with the price of HK$28600 only.......[/quote]

响邊度買呀? 有冇hifi送先? 請多多指教 因為我重未買架!! :em14:[/quote]

If you want to buy Philip 37" Pixal Plus you can go to "華員會".  The price is approx. HK$28600 only with the DVD player.   In addition in 旺角"教協" is approx. HK$28.500 only but they only sold to member only.  I have just borrow a membership card for 旺角"教協".  I am going to buy the Plasma this Thurday.   When will you buy?  Do you want to buy together if the price is cheaper for buyer 2 or more?  

You can call me any time if you actually want to buy together.  Please call me at 91772511 before Wednesday..... :em11:

I trust Philip Plasma is the best for TV watching.... :em19:
Brian & Lisa................... :em20:............... :em21:

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