[quote:cb7a7c2c35="kenykl"][quote:cb7a7c2c35="saga"][quote:cb7a7c2c35="kenykl"]Anyone how much if I...
1) Remove the wall between the small room and the master room;
2) Remove the upper portion of the small room's wall which face the living room;
Because i want to decore somehow similiar to the show flat.[/quote]
拆牆 around 6000
但你改哂d 插座就每個 400 ...
tv 座貴D
問 hales 妎﹞膝q做機電[/quote]
hales need your help la!! I want to know the rough quote to do item (1) and (2) together with relevant electric adjustment.
Because I find the wall separate the small and the master room waste the sight and light from the small room if I remove that wall the small will be bigger (sure the master room will be a bit smaller) but the light from the small room can pass to the living room if I also remove the upper portion of the wall from the small room which similar to the show flat.[/quote]