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不如一起托市 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-10-15 10:38:27 |只看該作者


原來係咁~~~ (當時年紀少. 唔知咁多野....)  :mrgreen:

雖然我自已有樓在手 我都唔想香港樓價升到天咁高. 這樣的香港經濟很不健康.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2005-10-15 11:37:54 |只看該作者

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-10-15 13:44:17 |只看該作者
miffy :oh:

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2005-10-15 22:50:55 |只看該作者
其實可以好似草人果次講 我買你果個 不過你要買番我果個.

咁D價咪會升囉 (泥乳軟呀果D咪咁炒囉)... :

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Rank: 1

發表於 2005-10-16 02:28:21 |只看該作者
其實不一定要鈔樓 樓價升也不一定要再按或換樓 但樓價升始終是好事 唔通想負資產咩 樓價升安全線就增加些 只要是健康而不是貪心就行 同意嗎?

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發表於 2005-10-16 03:13:29 |只看該作者
其實如果買樓是上會的 你都夠錢供 樓價跌都對你都無影響 如果是鈔樓 當然不會上會 成交期要長 樓價跌當然蝕入肉. 回想以前八萬五樓價平 市民一生積蓄無哂 政府沒有賣地收益 庫房空虛 政府帶頭減人工 交貴稅填庫房 民不療生. 結果一樣要行番高地價政策才能收拾殘局 證明地產和經濟實在分不開 當然大升必然大跌 要防止大跌而能穩步上升才健康 咪格老都唔駛加息啦! 邊個唔知加息會經濟差樓價跌 但如果不用息口控制著經濟 大起之後必然大跌 那時會更傷 如果你不是鈔樓(夠錢上會供) 或者索性不換樓 托市又可況! 現在上會不是那麼容易 按揭上限不能超過入息一半(將來租出去的收入不能計數) 而且要買保險金. 所以銀行其實無風險. 如果你唸著做鈔家 買樓不預上會 亦即你沒有足夠錢供樓就買樓 睇成交期可否摸出 那就是投機 不是投資 投機是賭博 當然輸啦. 投資是雙嬴 投資是雙輸. 正如買汇豊股票和買汇豊窩輪一樣 就算股災後 汇豊股票依然會創番新高 而汇豊窩輪到期只會變廢紙 如果是抱著搵快錢的心態托市 交易多只會益地產經記 如果是為自己健康理財而托市 就幫到有需要換樓的人 起碼都可以合理放出.

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-10-16 17:28:05 |只看該作者
[quote:b4896fe7c1="andrewp23"]其實如果買樓是上會的 你都夠錢供 樓價跌都對你都無影響 如果是鈔樓 當然不會上會 成交期要長 樓價跌當然蝕入肉. 回想以前八萬五樓價平 市民一生積蓄無哂 政府沒有賣地收益 庫房空虛 政府帶頭減人工 交貴稅填庫房 民不療生. 結果一樣要行番高地價政策才能收拾殘局 證明地產和經濟實在分不開 當然大升必然大跌 要防止大跌而能穩步上升才健康 咪格老都唔駛加息啦! 邊個唔知加息會經濟差樓價跌 但如果不用息口控制著經濟 大起之後必然大跌 那時會更傷 如果你不是鈔樓(夠錢上會供) 或者索性不換樓 托市又可況! 現在上會不是那麼容易 按揭上限不能超過入息一半(將來租出去的收入不能計數) 而且要買保險金. 所以銀行其實無風險. 如果你唸著做鈔家 買樓不預上會 亦即你沒有足夠錢供樓就買樓 睇成交期可否摸出 那就是投機 不是投資 投機是賭博 當然輸啦. 投資是雙嬴 投資是雙輸. 正如買汇豊股票和買汇豊窩輪一樣 就算股災後 汇豊股票依然會創番新高 而汇豊窩輪到期只會變廢紙 如果是抱著搵快錢的心態托市 交易多只會益地產經記 如果是為自己健康理財而托市 就幫到有需要換樓的人 起碼都可以合理放出.[/quote]

投資都有很多方法 為什麼係要炒樓做市?

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Rank: 1

發表於 2005-10-16 22:49:08 |只看該作者
其實我都明白有很多人都是靠份人工 到老有畢退休金 不一定要什麼投資. 有幸住rc已經很滿足 不過只是人到中年 有些感觸吧了. 真是見笑.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2005-10-18 10:15:15 |只看該作者
for socialogical speaking
there are only 2 sectors of human being in the world
1. rc holder
2. non - rc holder
rc holder should support rc to be expensive unless he wanna be poor

for different stages of life
it is very reasonable to expect RC to rise
1. those wanna "FRY FLAT" can really "FRY FLAT"
2. those dont wanna FRY FLAT can use the raised credit limit to do real business
e.g. i got a friend who got mortgage money to run his small restaurant
3. raised RC will give more buffer to US before we really become negative asset
as far as i know the valuation by valuer is done with respect to market successful transactions
if those transaction are keep high by us artificially
our flat can be less likely to be negative asset if we have 'adjusted' the price to high now

there are certainly some customer who really need to purchase our house and adjust the price won't stop all buyers
[e.g. they wanna live close to mum]
instead they will adapt to our price when time pass by

please be reminded that
you adjust RC don't mean other flat will rise
so it won't affect you if you change flat to somewhere else
you sell Rc cheaply don't mean the macro market all over hk will fall

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-10-18 12:34:54 |只看該作者
[quote:14dde90860="unicorn"]for socialogical speaking
there are only 2 sectors of human being in the world
1. rc holder
2. non - rc holder
rc holder should support rc to be expensive unless he wanna be poor

for different stages of life
it is very reasonable to expect RC to rise
1. those wanna "FRY FLAT" can really "FRY FLAT"
2. those dont wanna FRY FLAT can use the raised credit limit to do real business
e.g. i got a friend who got mortgage money to run his small restaurant
3. raised RC will give more buffer to US before we really become negative asset
as far as i know the valuation by valuer is done with respect to market successful transactions
if those transaction are keep high by us artificially
our flat can be less likely to be negative asset if we have 'adjusted' the price to high now

there are certainly some customer who really need to purchase our house and adjust the price won't stop all buyers
[e.g. they wanna live close to mum]
instead they will adapt to our price when time pass by

please be reminded that
you adjust RC don't mean other flat will rise
so it won't affect you if you change flat to somewhere else
you sell Rc cheaply don't mean the macro market all over hk will fall[/quote]

觀點與角度的分別啦... 到我想賣時 都會好想個樓價高啦 ( <-- 費話!  )
而家我自住 梗係唔想交咁多地租.差餉. 所以唔想樓價咁高. ( <-- 又講費話! )

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