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有無人想買plasma? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2004-6-16 22:15:51 |只看該作者
another promotion:

Sxny - PFM42V1 $33990
NEX - 42VP4 $28620
LX - RT42PZ70 $31320
SAMSXXX - PS42P3ST $29520
SAMSXXX - PS50P3H $49800
TOSHIBX - 35WP36P $28790
TOSHIBX - 42WP36P $32130

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-6-16 22:41:47 |只看該作者
Fujixx 42" $28800 with interest free 24 installments at Boardwxx if using Citibaxx card --> picture quality is very good ... bright ... sharp ... good colour saturation ... smooth pictures especially when playing DVD.

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 1

發表於 2004-6-17 19:50:11 |只看該作者

Re: 有無人想買plasma?

[quote:fad74885f6="Alvin & Janis"]請問有無人想買plasma 但未買呀?
我們諗住6月尾去買 budget around $20k -25k
有無人有興趣一齊買 因為應該可以平 d  

如有  請pm 我[/quote]

Alvin & Janis

你有冇打算去邊間買呀?有冇周圍去格下價呢?我都諗住6月尾或7月初去買如果你(大家)唔介意可以PM你心目中既牌子同型號給我我可以去格下價睇下一齊買有冇得平 d 或其它優惠(例如送電器 5.1.......)再同大家會報 :em12:  :em19:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-6-17 20:32:07 |只看該作者

Re: 有無人想買plasma?

[quote:4ebd29e43b="Strawberry"][quote:4ebd29e43b="Alvin & Janis"]請問有無人想買plasma 但未買呀?
我們諗住6月尾去買 budget around $20k -25k
有無人有興趣一齊買 因為應該可以平 d  

如有  請pm 我[/quote]

我都會六月尾或七月頭買 因為我地7月11號會搬.....   


好呀好呀 :em04:  :em04:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-6-17 21:13:56 |只看該作者
[quote:fe500f346d="CJ"]Hi read from ad that a company "AV Hospital" on sale a Sxxsung Plasma
PS42P3ST (old model) at $19xxx.
Hire-purchase allowed.


Is this one acceptable?[/quote]

咁平 :?:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-6-17 21:23:14 |只看該作者

Re: 有無人想買plasma?

[quote:897126e807="Strawberry"][quote:897126e807="Alvin & Janis"]請問有無人想買plasma 但未買呀?
我們諗住6月尾去買 budget around $20k -25k
有無人有興趣一齊買 因為應該可以平 d  

如有  請pm 我[/quote]

七月頭買 因為我地7月11號會搬.....   


我收唔到你 PM 喎

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-6-19 07:20:54 |只看該作者

Re: 有無人想買plasma?

[quote:c2b4c52405="Alvin & Janis"][quote:c2b4c52405="Strawberry"][quote:c2b4c52405="Alvin & Janis"]請問有無人想買plasma 但未買呀?
我們諗住6月尾去買 budget around $20k -25k
有無人有興趣一齊買 因為應該可以平 d  

如有  請pm 我[/quote]

七月頭買 因為我地7月11號會搬.....   


我收唔到你 PM 喎[/quote]


使用道具 舉報

Rank: 1

發表於 2004-6-20 01:58:19 |只看該作者


em....... Actually the conventional TV has a far better quality than Plasma but due to hong kong's typical small watching area plasma is getting popular

If you decide to go for a Plasma you need to see which one is the best for your taste... remember high contract doesnt mean best pic quality.
From my humble experience if u like soft pic quality Philip pixel plus should be ok for u. If you gonna use Plasma for TV and movie and a real images try panasonic. Hitachi also ok too.. but I feel it emphasis a bit on Red color... ..

Again if space allow use the conventional TV or projector as your TVset.

Try to buy it a bit later... u might noticed that most of the plasma running some promotion. that is because some model are coming up in the month of aug. and the price of current model will drop around 20%

so.... :em16:  :em20:  :em19:  :em19:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-6-20 09:41:07 |只看該作者

Re: Plasma

[quote:7c7f53100a="williamstan"]em....... Actually the conventional TV has a far better quality than Plasma but due to hong kong's typical small watching area plasma is getting popular

If you decide to go for a Plasma you need to see which one is the best for your taste... remember high contract doesnt mean best pic quality.
From my humble experience if u like soft pic quality Philip pixel plus should be ok for u. If you gonna use Plasma for TV and movie and a real images try panasonic. Hitachi also ok too.. but I feel it emphasis a bit on Red color... ..

Again if space allow use the conventional TV or projector as your TVset.

Try to buy it a bit later... u might noticed that most of the plasma running some promotion. that is because some model are coming up in the month of aug. and the price of current model will drop around 20%

so.... :em16:  :em20:  :em19:  :em19:[/quote]


Commets are Pro. Totally agree.

I planned to purchase Philip. Besides the pixel plus nature motion is the one I like the most. But Philip turner is only PAL and can't work with start TV channel which is provided in RC. But I heard some rumor that Philip will come with NTSC turner as well. Is that true? Or other solutionf for that if I want to stick with Philip?


使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-6-21 00:26:09 |只看該作者

Re: 有無人想買plasma?

[quote:ecf0d456b3="Strawberry"][quote:ecf0d456b3="Alvin & Janis"][quote:ecf0d456b3="Strawberry"][quote:ecf0d456b3="Alvin & Janis"]請問有無人想買plasma 但未買呀?
我們諗住6月尾去買 budget around $20k -25k
有無人有興趣一齊買 因為應該可以平 d  

如有  請pm 我[/quote]

七月頭買 因為我地7月11號會搬.....   


我收唔到你 PM 喎[/quote]


thanks 我收到啦 :em11:

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