[quote:58d001447c="我是誰"][quote:58d001447c="Mr. & Mrs. FireFire"]松日30吋賣緊$23800...[/quote]yes. i am interested on it too.[/quote]
我諗遲多3-4個月仲平.......... :mrgreen:
But the contrast is just has 500:1.. It is too low. No good!
Naturo N3079W also is $23800. But has contrast 800:1.. Of cause we still need to considerate other spec of LCD TV. So I strongly recomment that don't just only focus on the lowest price one... :!:
[quote:abb3eebd87="我是誰"]for those 'technical' data it's just for funny. see the 'real' display is the most important things[/quote]
Yup if you don't deeply study the spec. then it will become a funny thing. May be it is really funny. But if you know how they setup those spec. then it is not really funny!!! Let me explain a little in here. Why the same spec of a product in different brand name but why the output quality is different. All of the spec of product is tested under the manufacturer's equirment. And also they need to pass the internal QA of this manufacturer. Therefore for the same spec of LCD TV the big brand name will setup tightly spec. for testing and QA then the normal brand name. And also you need to understand the spec is tested under what condition. Of course we are very difficult to got those informat. So that we just can trust the brand name is manufactured this product for longer time one. Since they gain much experience.