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Urgent! 有關電聯網落 大家係咪已經唔記得左呢篇新聞 ???? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2004-4-14 21:37:15 |只看該作者
[quote:a6da687b2f="cliff"]大家都傾得咁開心 我也想分享一些資料 (Quote from my friend)

installed 6m broadband + broadband tv last thur
when the technician get the settop box from the box he said "mr.wong the user menu of the broadband tv and dvd player are inside the box u can check urself" i asked "huh?! dvd player?" he said yes now all newly installed 6m broadband + broadband tv will have dvd player bundled too! (that mean broadband tv and dvd player are in single box) i check the dvd player beside normal red-white output for audio and yellow for video it have s-video (single black like ps-2 socket) and component output (red-green-blue) video too! plus 5.1 audio output too!! crazy!!

my package is now 194 monthly for 14months. i duno what's standard street price but i asked few time on street mostly 21x or 20x 194 is the cheapest offer i heard (i not get this on street btw). but the sales lady said this offer only exclusive for those ppl who have old isp and change to netvigator (required valid monthly statement for prove).

broadband tv is rubblish all free channels are rubblish too. but if u dont have a standalone dvd player its good to have a free dvd player for 14months at least. last time got one korea dvd player for my mum in broadway need 7xx but got just basic yellow video and red-white audio output. i havent test the 5.1 audio since i dont have a 5.1 system at home but s-video and component video result really good haha. if interest can call call those hotline if they have offer expensive than this i give the sales number to u haha. (if cheaper dont tell me haha i will cry)

個plan都唔錯  [/quote]

自由市場既好處 ...

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2004-4-14 21:40:49 |只看該作者

好同意你的講法 但係我地用咩方法去同佢抗衡先得?[/quote]

而家 discuss  就係拎大家意見
所以請大家勇躍發言 係投票區投票
收集到理據同票數後 我地會向管理公司反映

當然佢可以唔理我地 ....
但到時 大家對呢間管理公司都心裡有數 ... 之後幾年點做 唔使我教?  8)

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2004-4-14 21:43:24 |只看該作者
佢話用socket成幢大廈得10mb share要login最終每戶個速度只係快過dial up 小小...佢叫我唔好用...

至於rc用邊隻呢...就未check到 要再幫我睇睇先之...[/quote]

快係快過 dialup 少少
但講穩定 ... 會差
因為你條 dialup 線係用電話線 power 係好細 (9v-12v)
socket ... 220v 你個 packet 訊號話緊 5v ....
好易當左係 noise ...

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-4-14 22:58:26 |只看該作者
Moreover even most owners will use internet service. There are some minorities don't know anything about internet. Those ppl will not and cannot join our discussion in this forum. We should take care their benefit.

If management office already sign the contract we cannot stop it (at least within the contract period). But we can sign with any other ISP anytime if we agree to include the internet charges in our management fee. ISPs will be very happy to provide this service. It is a BIG business wor.

The statement in the booklet is unclear. You can say it is a bundle service. But my understanding is a preinstalled infrastructure only. Free Satellite TV is very clear and there is a big paragraph about it.

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-4-14 23:24:09 |只看該作者
我問村長果陣唔記得問係唔係包埋滾你費....淨係掛住問係唔係電聯同埋係唔係冇其他isp用...有冇人呢2日收緊樓...走去1座 L1(大垃圾房)搵村長問返?

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2004-4-15 02:19:37 |只看該作者
[quote:7eb17ebfdf="saga"][quote:7eb17ebfdf="我是誰"]和記寬頻入先 is OK. but should be open to all after.. also management fee includes 和記寬頻 or not?[/quote]

open to all after
但如果可能既話 應該 open to all NOW  8)
學 wychan 話齋 open 完都要一兩年先鋪線

越早 open 越好
俾佢壟斷左 就唔可以叫 open  8)[/quote]

其實係呢個問題上是一個兩難的間題: 要多d公用服務或把公用服務個人化? 相信大家都不會反對作為一個有規模的私人屋苑,應設有相當的增值服務如優質會所,管理及保安人員,交通配套如村巴,康樂設施如球場.... 要維持及達到這些服務就必需由管理費及用者收費中維持。這樣,問題是,我們需要什麼服務及我們希望討出多少從而得到這些增直服務?而這個平衡點,其實是很難乎合所有業主住戶的其望及價值觀的。

記得沙加話過"冇免費午餐" 同樣,呢個世界沒有商家會賣一些"超值"的東西給你,你頂多買到的東西是"物有所直"。所以在衡量電聯,和記,電盈,hkbn等價值時,先要問問自己,我願意附出多少呢?

1. 市場競爭是方式之一,引入市場競爭的結果會令競爭者以更佳的價錢,更好的服務去吸引客戶,但到最終只有有財力,有規模的大財團才可在競爭激烈的環境下生存下來,如兩大超市等,競爭環境最終的結果只有形成或被冠以龍斷或獨財 (mono-poly)。所以說如果管理費中已經包括broadband是龍斷行為,我想只是本未倒置的想法而已...

2. 比較低的價值買到好些東西的第二個方法是集體訂購,這和我們現在在其他討論區中提及一同找裝修公司做裝修,一同找人起牆,一同買傢俬(或找恆昌),一起買plasma/lcd tv 有著異曲同功之妙。集體訂購是一個win-win的情況,賣家可以同時間接多些訂單,績小成多的earn money。而買家可以較大的折扣買到合理的東西。我個人覺得這和現在所談的broadband service 同出一切不過議價者是和黃,是管理公司而已。為什麼你同意集體買電視,做裝修,而反對集體有broadband service? 點解如果proposal 中包10m 和記寬頻會多些人支持(或少人反對)過只是提供1.5m電聯service 呢?


就我個人立場,我並不反對在管理費中包括寬頻服務,同時亦不是盲目支持者。我意為作為一個附增值服務的屋苑,寬頻服務可謂其一。但需以服務質素及集體訂購的價錢為考慮因素。以電聯為例,$50/月而用了該$50之後會對我們每月的管理費及日後的維修基金不會構成壓力的話,這是可以接受。當然,這並不是唯一的方案(solution),現盈會不會以$80/月為集體訂購的價錢呢? no one know!


強則戒驕逸,處安有備;弱則暗圖強,待機而動;用兵善乘虛蹈隙,出奇制勝。- 范蠡 (自號陶朱公)

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-4-15 12:45:56 |只看該作者


如果係買樓當天已經通知大家有broadband service.  咁大家就係無理...

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-4-15 16:13:44 |只看該作者
will the management fee drop to h.k.1 per sp.feet if we don:t use the boardband service?? just wondering.

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2004-4-16 00:35:00 |只看該作者

為什麼你同意集體買電視,做裝修,而反對集體有broadband service? [/quote]

如果逼大家集體用黑店做同一 set 家俬 ... 咁大家當然反對
逼大家集體用貴野 一樣有人反對
最好就大家自自由由 各選所好

做裝修 買電視都係一氣過
broadband 長屈長有 ...

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2004-4-16 00:38:32 |只看該作者
[quote:ca3277f49a="kk&hiromi"]will the management fee drop to h.k.1 per sp.feet if we don:t use the boardband service?? just wondering.[/quote]

減一毫都已經有 round 70 了


拎d 錢去整靚整好 RC 都好過俾人用來俾 powerline ...

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