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Air Conditioner Problem [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-5-26 22:50:51 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

Today is the birthday of Buddha and supposes to be a peaceful day. But it's not a case for me.

I found two major problems for my Air Conditioner two weeks back:
1. The outdoor unit was leaking water
2. Most of my indoor units can't cold down the air as expected

I reported the defects and some one from Fortress inspected the situation on the same day. They promised to repair when 吊船 is available.

Over last two weeks I tried to follow up this issue almost every day. But no progress at all.

I lost my patien and decided to show up in person to follow up with handover office. Chris Fung and Wendy Chow helped me talk to management office and they have arranged 吊船 from Jun 3rd to Jun 10th to deal with my probelm. I was so happy. At least I saw some progress.

Just around an hour ago Mr. 白 form Fortress phoned me up. He was basically just yelling at me as if I am an idiot. He said
1. water leakage from outdoor unit is normal since the buiding didn't provide any water pipe for outdoor unit.
2. if the outdoor unit has water leakage means the cooling is fine.

I am not an expert but I am a reasonable customer. I felt really angry about Mr. 白's attitude.

Before I file in formal complain I just want to confirm if Mr. 白's statement is correct.
1. Should outdoor unit produce and leaking water in normal operation? Anyone elase here had same experince?
2. Does our buidling provide water leaking pipe for outdoor unit?
3. How can we prove to Fortess that the cooling is not enough?



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-5-26 23:32:56 |只看該作者
我諗點都唔係掛 :em03:

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-5-27 00:06:42 |只看該作者
1. Should outdoor unit produce and leaking water in normal operation? Anyone elase here had same experince?
2. Does our buidling provide water leaking pipe for outdoor unit?
3. How can we prove to Fortess that the cooling is not enough?

1. A/C 制冷時會產生水份 但水份會被機身自然蒸發. 一d舊機會蒸發唔晒d水. 咁就要自已用o候引d水走.
2. 唔會.
3. 找公正行出report.

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2004-5-27 01:41:24 |只看該作者
一般分體機o既outdoor unit 只係用黎散熱 只有indoor unit 會產生水份 因為indoor unit 個凍coil 冷凍空氣後會產生水份 再用水喉駁落去水位 如果你發現出面漏水 有可能係條雪種喉包得唔好(凍喉與空氣接觸產生水份) 重有 千祁咪聽條叉燒腸粉講出面漏水係正常 因為冷氣機漏水係.....犯法o架!!!!!!!

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Rank: 2

發表於 2004-5-27 18:46:47 |只看該作者
一般分體機o既outdoor unit 只係用黎散熱 只有indoor unit 會產生水份 因為indoor unit 個凍coil 冷凍空氣後會產生水份 再用水喉駁落去水位 如果你發現出面漏水 有可能係條雪種喉包得唔好(凍喉與空氣接觸產生水份) 重有 千祁咪聽條叉燒腸粉講出面漏水係正常 因為冷氣機漏水係.....犯法o架!!!!!!![/quote]


Thanks very much for your information. Perfect make sense to me. I definitely will get them fix it.

I checked the model for my indoor unit it's only 4.5KW. Do you think it is enough for my dinning room around 200ft2.

Also anyone hav experince with cooling probelm for Flat E/D's dinning room.



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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2004-5-28 12:04:12 |只看該作者
條數計落好似ok 但係貓貓都係覺得個廳部冷氣機唔夠凍o羅!!  :cry:


選 購 冷 氣 機 時 應 估 計 本 身 環 境 的 製 冷 需 求 , 下 列 提 示 可 作 參 考 :  
房 間 面 積 : 每 平 方 米 所 需 冷 度 約 0.15 千 瓦
室 內 人 數 : 每 人 需 要 的 冷 度 約 0.15 千 瓦
普 通 窗 戶 :  每 平 方 米 需 冷 度 約 0.25 千 瓦
西 斜 窗 :  約 需 0.45 千 瓦
發 熱 電 器 : (例 如 電 燈 、 雪 櫃 、 音 響 器 材 等) 電 器 的 電 功 率 每 一 千 瓦 需 要 冷 度 約 1 千 瓦
資 料 來 源 ﹕ 消 費 者 委 員 會

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Rank: 2

發表於 2004-5-29 02:05:54 |只看該作者
I think I found a way to prove if the air-conditioner is cool enough. I brought a electronic thermometer ( around $120) and try to measure the temperature of the indoor unit's cooling air. For my case the temperature is around 17 degree. I did the same messaure of current window type air-conditioner in my old flat which is around 8 degree. I hope this is a strong evidence that my air-conditioner is not cool enough. Not sure if this is a good indicator. Any thought?


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