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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-1-6 14:23:55 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
剛收到這個email 唔知係咪危言聳聽 不過睇0下又無妨..

The Tsunami happened in SW countries of China was predicted by the Chinese traditional farmer prediction system accurately. It also tell there is another one in NE countries of China (Japan and Korea) in 2005. Which is being confirmed by the geographical scientist already. So don't plan your trip to Korea or Japan in 2005.

One more thing I guess you may heard about the "White Dragon King" in Thailand right? Michael's friend went to Thailand and visit him before 26 Dec. The White Dragon King asked her to leave Thai immediately as there is a disaster coming. So she left and escape from the disaster. However he also asked her not to go outside and stay at home in HK on 8 Feb (Year 30th) after 9:00 pm.  He said something bad will happen in HK at that period. Inform your families or friends if possible.

Rank: 4

發表於 2005-1-6 14:37:13 |只看該作者
I already received this message from my colleague la.. So will you stay in home??
:detective :detective :detective

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2005-1-6 14:44:55 |只看該作者
Ha ha~~~
I dont believe that~~~
But quite interesting~~~

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-1-6 15:00:51 |只看該作者
I also got this as well as the below email

昨晚聽了一個電台節目,內請了一名嘉賓叫Steven 他是一名超心理學家,他不是甚麼派系,沒有宗教信仰,不是占卜家,他主張求科學,他是糾甚麼數觀星及天然現象去計出將來可發生的事。而Steven亦於較早前出席一個Talk Show亦叫各朋友於26/12/04唔好出埠,因當日是有重大天災的,他簡略解釋是因每逢火星甚麼環繞世球一周而造成某種角度後,地球都有異象出現,而今次已經應驗(印尼海嘯),所以節目主持人希望再叫Steven上來盡量可在電台講的都講。詳情可收聽番新城電台29/12 - 0200 hrs a.m. (即30/12零晨)的恐怖熱線節目 。

Steven 總括告知2005年會比2004年差。而Steven很認真地說出以下幾宗計算預知:(但他沒詳細說是HK或外國)

31/12/04 - 1/1/05        有重大意外死好多人
1/1/05 - 9/1/05            仍有好多不愉快的事接種而來 (詳情無講)
24/1/05 - 24/1/28    有大風暴 大雪 (史無前例)
19/2/05 - 8/3/05      大地震 (Over 7.5級)
20/3/05 - 8/4/05      海上出大意外 河水濫 有大地震(Over 7.5級/史無前例)
29/4/05 - 5/05         大地震 (Over 7.5級)

由現在打後幾個月天氣會變得十分之寒冷。2005年有好多疫症,是新的疫症,並告知一年內有大災難,這種災難是人為的,是人類建造的,是從天上跌落地球的,由於造成災難而人心惶惶,所以2005年有好多人走難,因唔知D什麼東西會從天而降而唔知跌落地球邊一度。另外,現在市面復甦,但只是短暫,到2005年中後會下落得很利害。尤其1962/1963本身屬木之人仕於2005年要加倍小心。p.s. 地震 集中於日本,台灣及美國南部e.g.墨西哥

Anyway 無人知道以上的事是真是假,這當然我希望全部都係假,但以上幾處地方盡量都唔好去啦,要珍惜你周圍的人! Take Care!!
~~tOMorROw iS aNotHeR daY~~

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2005-1-6 15:13:18 |只看該作者
哈哈. 全街人都係預言家now

話時話. 9/2 使唔使反工?  如果係放假都好wor  :em12:

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2005-1-6 15:25:46 |只看該作者
嘩 ! 好大獲 ! 都係留返係HK 安全D !
JANICE :em11:

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Rank: 4

發表於 2005-1-6 15:31:17 |只看該作者
[quote:68385219b6="Stephen@RC"]哈哈. 全街人都係預言家now

話時話. 9/2 使唔使反工?  如果係放假都好wor  :em12:[/quote]

9/2 年初一喎.

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2005-1-6 15:35:22 |只看該作者
好似攪到人心惶惶 !
JANICE :em11:

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2005-1-6 15:47:17 |只看該作者
聽落也有點驚 點算?

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-1-6 15:57:26 |只看該作者
我唔希望佢準 睇過就算了! 呢排都收好多呢D email
~~tOMorROw iS aNotHeR daY~~

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