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有關狗仔問題... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-4-10 21:13:44 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
Hello! 我今日同屋企人行街果陣經過 "pet shop"見倒班狗仔very cuite but其中1隻雖然冇同其牠狗仔噤 "亂嘈/1齊happy together噤叫or溝通"但係佢真係好懂事呀個樣好 "正經"直頭好似知到我1家人望住佢噤不停噤同我 "eye contact" haha :em17: 真係好 "懂事呀" 我個皇后mamei對佢讚口不絕... :wink: 重叫我 "不如第時整好間屋之後養佢好唔好" :shock: 講真我當時真係淨係識得 "傻笑"...(我小yen呢生人最怕就係 "小動物"最驚就係 "狗"o...my god! 因為child果陣俾隻 "堂狗"狂追大約成條街...自始之後就對所有動物怕lo... ops: )不過講真隻狗仔真係好得人鍾意... :roll: 其實我都想自己改變 唔知你有養過狗仔街坊有冇提議呢 :?: 同埋 "pet shop"買狗仔時有d咩要注意 :?: (好似話有d狗仔之前俾d冇良商人 "打d唔知咩針 :?: 會令佢特別醒目...跟住買番屋企之後冇耐佢就會die )同埋係唔係要自己帶隻狗仔去打d咩預防針&植入電子晶片之類呢 :?: 希望你可以詳細話我知la因為我真係想 "新環境刻服自己呢d心理障礙r..." (以我所知果隻令我噤想將佢帶入我屋企成為1份子狗仔係 "迷你史納莎 :em21: )

p.s.: 我絕對唔係1時鍾意/偷得意想買隻狗仔番玩果種 :em16: (我係好想自己可以刻服呢個 "狗仔心理障礙"&隻狗仔真係好cuite我真係好鍾意 ops: )當然我1定會考慮清楚因為我凡事都會預先plan定跟住先會做...就好似買rc噤...依家亦証明我當日決定係冇錯... ops: 如果我真係決定養呢隻狗仔話將來1定重有好多 "狗仔知識"要請教大家 ops: & thanks!
多1事...不如少1事...少1事...不如唔好生事... :em11:

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-4-11 01:37:51 |只看該作者
If you will live alone in RC or you can't spend to much time for the dog. I suggest you don't feed a dog cause dogs need so much time especially for the 迷你史納莎 they are very active. Think twice before te buy one.
As it takes a heavy responsibility it is a life not a toy right!

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Rank: 4

發表於 2004-4-11 02:23:02 |只看該作者
[quote:a1e8448e0a="enny & Matt"]If you will live alone in RC or you can't spend to much time for the dog. I suggest you don't feed a dog cause dogs need so much time especially for the 迷你史納莎 they are very active. Think twice before te buy one.
As it takes a heavy responsibility it is a life not a toy right![/quote]

thanks u first :em19: but i sure i not see a dog is "toy" because i knew dog like baby want to take care & put much time to look after that & i think i should be plan. first than buy a dog (because i understand i want to think more about time/responsibility/$ for a dog so this moment i just want to receive more comm. for help me to think) & the main point is "要刻服狗狗恐懼" i think this problem is my first want to think that ops: & thanks again for you reply & give me advice hehe! :mrgreen:  :em11:
多1事...不如少1事...少1事...不如唔好生事... :em11:

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-4-11 11:18:25 |只看該作者
I think if u have made the decision it is nice to have a dog if u sure u have much time to spend with them.
When u are going to get it check whether the puppy is active and if it has running nose....if it has running nose don't get it ar...it's a sick dog. If it's active it's good ar!!!!
After u get a puppy from a pet shop it needs three injestion in the first three months. One injection per month then it will be ok ga la! But it is very delicate during the puppy stage and it couldn't be easily get cold. If so it will be very dangerous ga!!! After the first 3 months u can ask doctor to insert 電子晶片 with it la...and dogs are rarely sick after the first 3 months.
But 迷你史納莎 is really active and u have to groom it every month ga....so I think u better choose another breed la! Choose some kind with short hair lor...that's what I like :

Mandy :em12:

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發表於 2004-4-11 15:42:37 |只看該作者
我就唔support去pet shop買寵物

不過冇人買呢啲寵物 佢就只好等死
:zdevil: :zdevil: :zdevil:

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Rank: 4

發表於 2004-4-11 19:04:53 |只看該作者
[quote:1307b31062="diedsee"]我就唔support去pet shop買寵物

不過冇人買呢寵物 佢就只好等死[/quote]

首先好多謝ERIC & MANDY你意見 :mrgreen: 其次就係真係要同diedsee你講聲 "超多謝"呀 因為好彩你提1提我咋我之前都有呢喥講過要買pet就去 "EPCA"喥haha! 放心la我唔係 "貪新鮮/貪可愛"人如果我要買pet我1定會首選EPCA 真係好多謝你提點呀 :mrgreen: 係呢diedsee如果我第時真係決定去EPCA喥簡狗狗時候其實我應該要注意d咩呢 :?: 定還是好似ERIC & MANDY佢之前講points噤呢 :?: & thanks everybody help & advice!
多1事...不如少1事...少1事...不如唔好生事... :em11:

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發表於 2004-4-11 19:58:42 |只看該作者
其實你去得SPCA領養既狗 所有必須既嘢都同你做晒 包括電子晶片
如果係有興趣ge 你可以打去問 or 去佢個web site http://www.spca.org.hk/chinese/
:zdevil: :zdevil: :zdevil:

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-4-12 06:21:14 |只看該作者
我養zD隻史立莎喺網喥買架! 乖到死! 我好鍚佢! 而家差不多一歲又唔會點樣甩毛好過其他狗 不過就要想清楚真喺要有愛心才決定養 因為養咗唔可以話唔鍾意又唔要佢架! 乖唔乖睇你識唔識教啫! NO BAD DOGS ONLY BAD OWNER 我有個籠同水樽可以俾你zw! 你有什麽ROBLEM可以PM 0R E-MAIL TO ME! YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOM !------corakwong2004@yahoo.com.hk  :em02:

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發表於 2004-4-12 19:38:35 |只看該作者

你有無朋友、親戚養小狗0架???不如你同佢地0既小狗玩0下 接觸0下先 睇0下可唔可以克服對狗狗的恐懼 然後先至買返屋企養呀!!!!

我都好驚狗0架!雖然我都覺得狗仔好得意(尤其係snoopy).........不過記住帶狗仔搭lift 一定要抱住佢 唔好放佢落地 出左lift先好任佢奔馳呀!!

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發表於 2004-4-13 12:45:25 |只看該作者
記得上次村長講過,唔比狗仔出沒....唔好比佢見到。 :evil:
貓仔就唔肯定.....比唔比... :?:
嘩~~咁貓貓仔同貓貓女咪唔入得來.......  :cry:

比都冇用...我老婆唔比 :em01:
永遠愛著您 :em21: [/code]

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