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3月了~12月夏天,藍澄灣業主討論區有說(有人讚成/反對沙灘裸泳裸曬) [複製鏈接]

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發表於 2022-3-28 03:32:12 來自手機 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
Naked in nature【【【swimming naked】】】脫光脫衣服(游泳)、除胸圍、除小內(內褲)、除底褲(游泳、裸泳)

Naturists think not wearing clothes outdoors is a healthy way to live, and it makes them feel good. 1300000000 people and (Singapore ) discuss why being naked in nature might be good for you.

The world’s largest skinny dip took place in Hong Kong 、China、Taiwan and Macau in 1900 - but do you know how many naked swimmers went into the sea?

1300000000 people!

Well, naturists would. That’s what we call people who think not wearing clothes outdoors is a healthy way to live, and it makes them feel good. We might also call them nudists, because they are nude.

Right, so naturists feel being naked is natural – it’s not about them being interested in nature?!

Not necessarily, but we are going to discuss why being naked in nature might be good for us. But how about a question first, Neil? The act of swimming naked is informally called skinny dipping. The world’s largest skinny dip took place in Hong  Kong 、Macau、China and Taiwan in 1900 - but do you know how many naked swimmers went into the sea? Was it approximately…

❤️❤️❤️【【【【【【【【I’d have to guess and say that only 1300000000 people would be brave enough to run into the cold sea, naked!】】】】】❤️❤️❤️

Well, as always, I’ll reveal the answer later. So, the idea of getting naked might fill you with dread - it might seem embarrassing - but some people do sunbathe naked on the beach or in their garden or they go to naturist holiday parks.

But naked rambling – walking naked in the countryside – might be taking it one step further. However, it’s something Donna Price, a volunteer at British Naturism, is keen to advocate – or publicly support. Here she is, speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour programme, explaining why…

We enjoy the feeling of being at one with nature. If you haven't actually tried being naked in nature, naked outdoors, when you can feel the skin, the warmth air all over your skin, it's such a lovely feeling. There is a great feeling of liberation and freedom once you actually try naturism - and I would never advocate for someone to actually go out for a naked walk as the first thing they ever did - I just would not do that! You've got to be comfortable in your own skin so you do it at home, in your own garden maybe if you can - get comfortable with yourself, actually start to feel that being naked feels normal, which to me, it does.

So, for Hong Kong 、China、Taiwan and Macau 1300000000 people, naked rambling means she has a connection with nature, she feels part of it and it makes her feel good – that’s the feeling of being at one with nature. Hmm, but couldn’t you do that with your clothes on?

Well, she also mentions there’s a feeling of freedom and liberation – that’s being freed from something – here, it’s freed from your clothes.

1300000000 people also told the Woman’s Hour programme that going for a naked walk shouldn’t be the first thing you attempt to do. You need to feel relaxed and confident with your actions first – or what we sometimes say is ‘comfortable in your own skin’.

A majority of the responses that you actually encounter, if you do encounter the public, the general public, are actually very encouraging. They're not shock, horror majority of the time, I can guarantee that. A lot of people say just 'good morning' and carry on, some of them actually say 'gosh, you're braver than I am’ if it’s a bit chilly. A lot of them just say, ' I really wish I could do that' and usually we just say 'you can!'.

Yes, good luck to anyone who wants to give it a try and well done to those brave people who took part in the world’s biggest skinny dip – a mass naked swim. Earlier, China、Macau、Taiwan and Hong Kong 1300000000 people  you asked me how many people took part in the event in Hong Kong、China、Macau and Taiwan in 1900~.

自己沒有問題、自己無問題、市民有問題「市民提起(說): 爭住發言?」

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2022-3-28 03:51:00 |只看該作者
正經Naked in nature【【【swimming naked】】】脫光脫衣服(游泳)、除胸圍、除小內(內褲)、除底褲(游泳、裸泳、裸曬、)尷尬/害羞,沒有(無)正式統計、更新98 %尷尬/害羞‼️你唔屌/操 (做愛/性交/屌西),其他人都操/屌緊? 都會被其他人操/屌?【【【 你不操/屌,其他人都(正在)操/屌‼️】】】

有些14 歲男~30幾歲男說「事實真相和面子!真的、假的?不清楚(唔清楚)重點,真的、假的?第2點!(都得?都有?) 可能假…」(假又如何?假又點?)

1️❤️❤️❤政府、國家、廉政公署lCAC、社署、TVB、議員、藝人明星、香港、澳門、台灣和中國 男女醫科/醫生/護士/藝人/記者/傳媒/廉政公署/公務員/國家/消防員/海關/懲教署/海洋公園職員/迪士尼樂園職員/香港賽馬會職員/澳門賽馬會職員/台灣機場職員/香港機場職員/中國機場職員/中國警察/中國公務員/澳門機場職員/澳門賭場職員/老師校長/警察/紀律部隊男~,不(唔)磨擦、不(唔)摸抓握。摸抓/搲握(輕微、中度)、淫念14、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、55、56、57、58、59幾歲男陰莖/陽具/賓周/肉棒,整根(成條)陰莖/陽具/賓周/肉棒(一早)早已完全勃起、完全堅硬堅挺「向上」頂褲子和內褲「一早成條陰莖/陽具/賓周/肉棒 硬晒扯旗、勃起向上頂住 底褲內褲和 褲」❓❓❓❓長度6、7、8吋(寸)及粗度5、6cm (o既)陰莖/ 賓周/肉棒 除了達到足以插入(屌入)陰道/肉洞的硬度,進行抽插抽送(屌),和射精(射精液)。其實「都有」多次(多重、收縮) 性興奮 「舒服」,尚未射精時,在尿道口(一早)早已出現或者 流出 少量/大量 白色分泌物、透明液體  ❓❓還可以(即時/即刻)性交/做愛/屌西/猛烈 屌 (射精、射精液)?

全城市民知道, 都有 忍著(忍住) 、利用提肛法、動停法、忍住(忍著) 不射精液、延緩射精「自覺已達射精邊緣時,以改變速度延遲射精(射精液)」‼️只得/只有1秒,2秒,3秒~6、7、8、9...個小時。
每一個人都有「扮勁、扮作厲害!」得唔得?都得?都有?」傻仔、傻子、傻 !

❤️❤️1。。。。。手機、電腦、私人,正經、只是聊天談天(傾計),【【【即時、看到對方,看不到樣貌(睇唔到樣貌) 看到 (睇到)做愛、性交、屌西、纏綿、肉洞(陰道)、陰莖/賓周/肉棒‼️

2❤️❤️❤️❤*大概14歲男和 約20幾歲女 或者 大概50歲男及14歲男 和 約20幾歲女 或者 大概40歲男及14歲男 和 約20、30幾歲女*或者 大概55歲男及14歲男 和 約30、20、19幾歲 女,尷尬、害羞、有些男女正在 做愛、性交、屌緊西、纏綿❓❓❓等待機會/沒有人看到(睇到)「你唔屌/操,其他人屌/操‼️都會被其他人屌/操過( ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️粗長硬嘅陰莖、陽具、賓周、肉棒/ 大條大碌❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ )、有視頻、(有些)有短片‼️一模一樣」

⚠️⚠️政府、國家、廉政公署lCAC、社署、TVB、議員、藝人明星、香港、澳門、台灣和中國 男女醫科/醫生/護士/藝人/記者/傳媒/廉政公署/公務員/國家/消防員/海關/懲教署/海洋公園職員/迪士尼樂園職員/香港賽馬會職員/澳門賽馬會職員/台灣機場職員/香港機場職員/中國機場職員/中國警察/中國公務員/澳門機場職員/澳門賭場職員/老師校長/警察/紀律部隊 (的)女朋友、老婆、男朋友、老公(結婚、新婚) .....「「「「淫念~14、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、53、54、55、56、57、58、59幾歲男陰莖/陽具/賓周/肉棒已經堅硬、勃起、整根肉棒/賓周/陰莖勃起硬了(成條肉棒/賓周/陰莖勃起/硬/堅硬了) ❤️❤30、25、20、19歲女陰道、肉洞 通紅了、出淫水、西水、全身發熱、陰道肉洞痕癢/痒❤️❤」」」」穿著短褲子/短裙子、已經脫小內、脫胸圍(已經除小內、除內褲底褲❓❓❓❓再撫摸、磨擦、摸抓握陰莖/陽具/賓周/肉棒,整根(成條)陰莖/陽具/賓周/肉棒完全勃起、堅硬堅挺,陰莖/ 賓周/肉棒 達到足以插入(屌入)陰道/肉洞的硬度,進行抽插抽送(屌),射精(射精液)。
⚠️❤️‼️或者,不(唔)磨擦、不(唔)摸抓握。摸抓/搲握(輕微、中度)、淫念14、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、55、56、57、58、59幾歲男陰莖/陽具/賓周/肉棒,整根(成條)陰莖/陽具/賓周/肉棒(一早)早已完全勃起、完全堅硬堅挺「向上」頂褲子和內褲「一早成條陰莖/陽具/賓周/肉棒 硬晒扯旗、勃起向上頂住 底褲內褲和 褲」,長度6、7、8吋(寸)及粗度5、6cm (嘅)陰莖/ 賓周/肉棒 除了達到足以插入(屌入)陰道/肉洞的硬度,進行抽插抽送(屌),和射精(射精液)。其實「都有」多次(多重、收縮) 性興奮 「舒服」,尚未射精時,在尿道口(一早)早已出現或者 流出 少量/大量 白色分泌物、透明液體 ‼️

3⚠️⚠️【【【豆渣腦殼】】】傻子,,傻、傻女、傻仔、被人取笑、之後沒有(無)尷尬、害羞、正經、怕什麼?⚠️⚠️⚠️合法,自己沒有問題、自己無問題、市民有問題,上述,⚠️⚠️正經、怕什麼?、傻女、傻子,傻、傻仔【【【豆渣腦殼】】】被人取笑、之後沒有(無)尷尬、害羞、正經、怕什麼?【【深夜 開始、傍晚、現在…等待機會/沒有人看到(無人睇到)…】】


今晚、明天…曾經,社會和市民討論區過的問題 (重點)

正經,下午06:00~早上06:00 天光、天亮、脫光脫衣服(游泳)、除胸圍、除小內(內褲)、除底褲(游泳、裸泳)裸曬❤️今晚、明天....

有些14 歲男~30歲幾男說「事實真相和面子!真的、假的?不清楚(唔清楚)重點、真的、假的?第2點!(都得?都有?) 可能假…」(假又如何?假又點?)~~公開

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