但係好多points 都是誇張 好多. 同埋有d 野係自己想出來. I think we should not re-post this guy email any more. Because post this guy's email is equal to help him to promote himself. We should stop.
[quote:06090af70c="Suzuki"]但係好多points 都是誇張 好多. 同埋有d 野係自己想出來. I think we should not re-post this guy email any more. Because post this guy's email is equal to help him to promote himself. We should stop.[/quote]
apple weekly 既報導 都鍾意用嘩眾取寵既手法
已經好幾次有新業主 post 同一篇文章上來話好擔心
講真 擔心一定有 但有時唔擔心得咁多
無謂為一d 非常 uncertain 既野搞到自己訓唔安食唔落 :mrgreen: