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有無人想買plasma? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 2004-6-24 04:18:50 |只看該作者
According to my preference LCD is also a choice for TV watching.... .. but.................................

For those who watch TV  more than 4 hr per day and for those who are not very demanding in TV quality and not deciding investing a whole money in it.. pls go plasma.....

For those who watch TV less than 4 hrs. and quite concern about pic quality and movie quality and willing to pay more.. go for LCD

Dont listen to the sale man said about the immaturity of LCD. Trust your eyes. if u like it just buy it!!..

But just a bit of advice. I dont know if anyone notice.......

For LCD... the color is very sharp and bright.. it might cause some people discomfort for watching more than 4 hrs... and also.. majority of LCD have a big drawback. the color of the LCD is inconsistant with the place that u sit...... When u look at the LCD at the centre it gives u a very good images... and but when u are seating other than the centre.. the color will be differ............. so....... try it yourself.. and pick the one that u like the most......

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-6-24 17:04:34 |只看該作者
autually what do you think about the philip LCD' TV??
How about the quality???

Because we decide to buy the philip lcd tv the reason is cheaper &
suitable for our house (only 638 not big enough for the 42' plasma)
em~~   i like most watching tv
however we want to collect more advices for this model
it's a good choice or there has another choice for us?????????

do you have any more advice that we hav another good choice ...

one more i take your advice maybe buy from the 中原 is better &
have guaranteen......

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2004-6-24 22:08:14 |只看該作者
[quote:b0076e9396="liuh"][quote:b0076e9396="tsoi"]Hitachi 42PD5000TA ---$30000----華X會(會員現金價)
Philips 4242PF9945 ----$26990(1400回贈)---- 泰X(某分店)--可分期 :em12:  Philips 4242PF9945 ----$26300---- 百老X--可分期[/quote]

Philips 42PF9966 --> new model is saling in Europe only. May be available for HK in July/August. If you can wait better to wait. That's why the current models are so cheap.


請問 liuh兄  知唔知 42PF9966有無 Pixel Plus?  另外,我聽人講話 Philxxx 及 Fujixxx  Plasma 比較易壞,是真的嗎?  而 華X會有D 42吋 Plasma 賣 $19XXX 又買得過嗎?

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-6-25 00:42:45 |只看該作者
[quote:9f8be7e1bf="FanStar"][quote:9f8be7e1bf="liuh"][quote:9f8be7e1bf="tsoi"]Hitachi 42PD5000TA ---$30000----華X會(會員現金價)
Philips 4242PF9945 ----$26990(1400回贈)---- 泰X(某分店)--可分期 :em12:  Philips 4242PF9945 ----$26300---- 百老X--可分期[/quote]

Philips 42PF9966 --> new model is saling in Europe only. May be available for HK in July/August. If you can wait better to wait. That's why the current models are so cheap.


請問 liuh兄  知唔知 42PF9966有無 Pixel Plus?  另外,我聽人講話 Philxxx 及 Fujixxx � Plasma 比較易壞,是真的嗎?  而 華X會有D 42吋� Plasma 賣 $19XXX 又買得過嗎?[/quote]

42PF9966 is 1024x768 comes with new Pixel Plus 2 and NTSC tunner!! Philips doesn't manufacture its own plasma pannel. They OEM Fujishu's Plasma. So I think the quality should be similar.

Cheaper price means
1. lower resolution
2. less digital image processing function
3. maybe shorter service time

I won't purchase Main-Land made Plasma (not mature yet) due to the quality issue.

just my few cents.


使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-6-25 22:51:51 |只看該作者
我今日去過華人會睇 佢地比我的feeling 麻麻
因為我問sales 個tv 是否有 lcd monitor 送
but 個sales 竟然唔知 而且態度輕佻
可能佢地覺得我混吉 但咁實在唔夠專業
而且價錢亦唔係平好多 咁不如幫 chain shop 買好過

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 1

發表於 2004-6-26 22:19:10 |只看該作者
Alvin & Janis

Hi.. Dont be upset about your recently experience with 華人會. They are so professional. They treat all the customer with the same matter. That is why they are so famous apart from the price a bit cheaper than others shop. Cheers up.....     

For LCD monitor with 37' size. I dont think u have much more choice. Besides Philips I would recommend Sharps. There are 2 types of LCD 37". One with size speakers and the other one with the speakers on the bottom. The former costs less as it is an old model and it costs  around 39K.

For Philips Pixel Plus u have to put into the consideration of its maintenance costs. As you might notice that it is using LG panal and the most expensive thing is not the panal but the tuner box "pixel plus". And I have heard about so some complaint cases about Philips panal problem but I dont know anything about LCD monitor....

For one thing I am sure of is.. the after sale service is Sharp is better than Philips. Pls go and make a comprision for yourself.....

P.S Try to place the LCD mon in the centre of where u seat.  NEVER seat more than 45 degee more against the LCD!!!!
Happy Watching.....

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-6-27 00:14:45 |只看該作者
[quote:251d9c0c7e="Alvin & Janis"]我今日去過華人會睇 佢地比我的feeling 麻麻
因為我問sales 個tv 是否有 lcd monitor 送
but 個sales 竟然唔知 而且態度輕佻
可能佢地覺得我混吉 但咁實在唔夠專業
而且價錢亦唔係平好多 咁不如幫 chain shop 買好過[/quote]

完全同意 我一年前曾到華人會睇投影機 果條粉x態度非常輕佻 我話想做分期 於是佢拎部計數機同我計 扣埋discount 計左一輪 跟著話 "嗱 最平ga la" 我睇完個分期價錢後 猶疑了一陣 佢就好寸咁話 "咁冇錢 我都幫唔到你"...... 嬲到我吖......:twisted:  

完全唔係做生意 我以後都唔會幫襯佢..........
:em13:  :em13:  :em13:

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