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Rank: 4

發表於 2004-5-12 09:28:29 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-5-12 11:15:04 |只看該作者

Re: Human Nature

[quote:fe77ec31ec="Rambler Villager"]Yesterday I think of a question about human nature. RC have 1585 flats but only a few of our neighbor will come out and take actions correcting our problems. What do the rest of our neighbor want to do sitting duck?

I suggest the reason is simple it is because they think "It is not my problem". So everyone just want to be lazy and shy.

1. Noise from water plant affects our neighbor in lower part of Tower 6. I live in Tower 1 it's not my problem.

2. Noise form new bridge entrance will affect Tower 1. I live in Tower 3 it's not my problem.

3. Construction delay will affect those urgently need to move in RC.  I own my house I can wait it's not my problem.

4. No ordinary transportation to Airport or Tung Chung. Tung Chung where is it? it's not my problem.

5. Window problem in lower floor. I live in upper floor my windows are clean and bright. You can look thorough window anyway. it's not my problem.

6. No furniture in my home. I make our own it's not my problem.

7. No shuttle bus to MTR. I work in Tsing Yi it's not my problem.

8. HGC charge me $150 broadband fee. I don't communicate with others it's not my problem.

9. My home is full of defects. I have big budget I can hire someone to fix it it's not my problem.

10. A thief broken my house. Of course it is you own problem.

RC will soon become our home and problems surronding RC keep popping up like wild fire. My family spend our life saving on buying RC. Where can we move if we don't make RC problems free? Can we find a better home in HK under this kind of real estate companies. RC is our best choice after a long search.

But wait wait  藍澄吹水泳池 just waste me 5 minutes. And I need to waste more minutes in the forum in the future. I am lazy and shy no action seems better for me too.

The day when I was a visitor to the forum was more fun. I just watch and laugh at those who spend $$$ to buy RC.

When you buy a $20 pirate disc you get 1 defect. When you buy a $2000000 house you only get 10+ defects. It is not bad after all.  :em02:[/quote]

吾係好同意 不要見怪 :?:


“it's not my problem“ 有時正好相反我在大埔工作,RC 沒有車去大埔 大埔又不是市區,如果不是工作一年都去不多於10次,It is my own problem not a problem of RC


至於人性:看你是相信甚麼學說以前讀社會學時學過有甚麼“共通性格“ 例如民初時典型的中國人就是阿Q現在相信很難有那種典型了
讀marketing 就完全不同,人喜好行為都不一樣就以就有segmentation


使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-5-12 12:13:31 |只看該作者
I spend little time on the topic. Maybe "It's not my problem" as a topic will be better. However if other resident in RC do not support Tower 6 then there maybe too little noise to make a point.

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-5-12 12:38:42 |只看該作者
我不是不關心也不打算做free rider

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