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Urgent! 有關電聯網落 大家係咪已經唔記得左呢篇新聞 ???? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 2004-4-18 02:28:54 |只看該作者


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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2004-4-18 09:36:19 |只看該作者
麗港城幾千戶 (當佢 5000) ... 三年 八百萬 佢地平均每戶俾少過 50

RC 千幾戶 ... 兩年 等我地計下 :

8百萬 x2/3 x1.5/5 應該=170萬

但電聯收我地個價應該比 170 萬多好多 ....

麗港城用 power socket 我地會用 RJ45 head
但其實 大家都係 1.5 M ....

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-4-18 12:06:37 |只看該作者

(一)《 電 訊 條 例 》 第 7K 條 禁 止 持 牌 人 作 出 電 訊 管 理 局 局 長 ( 以 下 簡 稱 「 電 訊 局 長 」 ) 認 為 旨 在 防 止 或 大 幅 限 制 電 訊 市 場 的 競 爭 或 具 如 此 效 果 的 行 為 。 以 低 於 成 本 的 價 格 向 電 訊 用 戶 提 供 電 訊 服 務 的 傾 銷 行 為 可 構 成 「 反 競 爭 行 為 」 , 特 別 是 當 該 營 辦 商 是 在 相 關 市 場 上 處 於 主 導 地 位 。 不 過 , 在 競 爭 市 場 中 , 在 短 時 期 內 以 低 於 成 本 的 價 格 向 客 戶 提 供 服 務 的 情 況 並 非 罕 見 。 這 市 場 策 略 可 用 於 增 加 市 場 佔 有 率 、 建 立 品 牌 或 提 高 新 產 品 的 知 名 度 等 , 並 非 一 定 屬 於 「 反 競 爭 行 為 」 。 因 此 , 電 訊 局 長 必 須 小 心 分 析 每 個 案 件 的 情 況 , 才 可 斷 定 在 該 個 案 中 以 低 於 成 本 的 定 價 提 供 服 務 是 否 構 成 「 反 競 爭 行 為 」 。

就 問 題 所 述 的 個 案 , 電 訊 管 理 局 現 正 進 行 調 查 。 電 訊 管 理 局 會 將 調 查 結 果 在 其 網 頁 公 佈 。

(二)現 行 的 《 電 訊 條 例 》 第 7K 條 , 已 就 禁 止 反 競 爭 行 為 提 供 足 夠 保 障 。 如 第 (一) 段 所 述 , 以 低 於 成 本 的 價 格 向 電 訊 用 戶 提 供 電 訊 服 務 已 可 構 成 該 條 款 下 的 「 反 競 爭 行 為 」 。 因 此 , 我 們 認 為 並 無 需 要 在 《 電 訊 條 例 》 特 別 加 入 「 反 傾 銷 行 為 」 的 條 文 。

(三) 固 網 商 必 須 遵 守 《 電 訊 條 例 》 內 關 於 公 平 競 爭 的 條 款 。 例 如 , 《 電 訊 條 例 》 第 7K 條 禁 止 持 牌 人 給 予 相 關 人 士 不 當 的 優 惠 以 防 止 或 大 幅 限 制 競 爭 。 因 此 , 固 網 商 若 因 與 外 地 電 訊 營 辦 商 互 相 抵 銷 接 入 費 而 節 省 經 營 成 本 並 提 供 較 優 惠 的 價 錢 及 條 款 予 它 的 相 聯 公 司 , 它 必 須 一 視 同 仁 地 將 優 惠 亦 提 供 與 其 他 非 聯 營 對 外 電 訊 服 務 營 辦 商 , 以 確 保 公 平 競 爭 。

二 ○ ○ 三 年 五 月 十 四 日 ( 星 期 三 )

咁變相既 0 月費係咪已經  violate 左呢條 law ???[/quote]

Haha... Actually this is my daily job.... dealing with 7K...  

The developer is very 奸 this is an industry practice site build by Mr.Lee "in-bound block-wiring will be build by HGC" (I refer to new buildings not buildings exist before HGC born). For buildings build by New World blockwiring = New World telecom.

For RC HGC is only one of the FTNS operator providing telecom services to residents of RC other FTNS operators if they are interested they can still submit proposal to BMO to build their network (for sure the BMO will delay them until HGC get most of the custoemrs la..)

If other operators (telephone or boradband) would like to provide service they can build their own network (but impossible now because you can see in the typical floor lift lobby ALL the conduits are covered by flase ceiling you and me will not allow other FTNS operators to open it as it will damage the lobby ceiling and ugly.) The second method is to rent the last-mile circuit built by the block-wiring operator =HGC (remember the leasing rate is a commercial deal between the FTNS operators HGC can charge a high high high rate then the other operators may difficult to rent from HGC).

Although it seems have so much barriers other FTNS operators are still able to provide service to the residents of RC HGC have not breach 7K. The problem already exist during the development stage.

Regarding the "0" monthly fee boradband services in most cases the developer already paid a large sum of money to the providing operator during the development stage thus we need to use it at least 2-3 years (according to the contract sign between HGC and RC developing co.).

To way forward we should form OC in short (Because IO is impossible right now as the formation of IO need a large portion of RC residents say "yes"). And keep track with BMO's service contract sign with relevant parties related to us after 2-3 years the end of contract we can decide our "life". But really not at this moment.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-4-18 12:17:30 |只看該作者


For the problem of RC is different we need to define the relationship first.

Is it really "送"? Cannot be sure at this moment most likely is not free this amount should be paid by the developer already. Even "送" it is not "送" to RC residents the contract is sign between the developer (Hotel and Residents Blocks) and HGC not BMO of RC and HGC.

We are also "serviced apartment" in relation with the Hotel the developer may only "送" to the Hotel like Satellite TV we are just sharing the singnal from the Hotel's facilities.

* As OFTA only can take care TELECOM operators but not BMO/other organization outside the regime of Telecom Ordinance (Cap. 106)

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-4-18 12:19:27 |只看該作者
[quote:7e2e4df3e2="saga"]麗港城幾千戶 (當佢 5000) ... 三年 八百萬 佢地平均每戶俾少過 50

RC 千幾戶 ... 兩年 等我地計下 :

8百萬 x2/3 x1.5/5 應該=170萬

但電聯收我地個價應該比 170 萬多好多 ....

麗港城用 power socket 我地會用 RJ45 head
但其實 大家都係 1.5 M ....

Management Fee is a big big revenue ar....  

We are new buildings using Rj-45 from the socket of HGC then it should be HGC broadband rather than PowerCom la... If only 1.5MB kill them la... :twisted:

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-4-19 00:22:39 |只看該作者
1.rc條backbone係用 optical fiber(每tower計)
2.由backbone 入屋果條係用 cat 5 線
3.isp 用PowerCom意思係指...powercom會駁落rc個 last mile 度...而power com條線因為係用輸電用電線關係只得1.5mb...咁即係話無論向入面幾快...出街都係得1.5mb?....(呢招咁似hkbn...10mb獨亨係指屋企去到最近個node果段...咁村長答我都答得好古感.....)


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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2004-4-19 00:49:40 |只看該作者

Is it really "送"? Cannot be sure at this moment most likely is not free this amount should be paid by the developer already. Even "送" it is not "送" to RC residents the contract is sign between the developer (Hotel and Residents Blocks) and HGC not BMO of RC and HGC.

但以我所知 ... 將會係管理公司同電聯簽約 唔係發展商
錢係我地d 管理費度扣 唔係痴酒店用 ...

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2004-4-19 00:56:56 |只看該作者

Haha... Actually this is my daily job.... dealing with 7K...  

The developer is very 奸 this is an industry practice site build by Mr.Lee "in-bound block-wiring will be build by HGC" (I refer to new buildings not buildings exist before HGC born). For buildings build by New World blockwiring = New World telecom.

For RC HGC is only one of the FTNS operator providing telecom services to residents of RC other FTNS operators if they are interested they can still submit proposal to BMO to build their network (for sure the BMO will delay them until HGC get most of the custoemrs la..)

If other operators (telephone or boradband) would like to provide service they can build their own network (but impossible now because you can see in the typical floor lift lobby ALL the conduits are covered by flase ceiling you and me will not allow other FTNS operators to open it as it will damage the lobby ceiling and ugly.) The second method is to rent the last-mile circuit built by the block-wiring operator =HGC (remember the leasing rate is a commercial deal between the FTNS operators HGC can charge a high high high rate then the other operators may difficult to rent from HGC).

Although it seems have so much barriers other FTNS operators are still able to provide service to the residents of RC HGC have not breach 7K. The problem already exist during the development stage.

Regarding the "0" monthly fee boradband services in most cases the developer already paid a large sum of money to the providing operator during the development stage thus we need to use it at least 2-3 years (according to the contract sign between HGC and RC developing co.).

To way forward we should form OC in short (Because IO is impossible right now as the formation of IO need a large portion of RC residents say "yes"). And keep track with BMO's service contract sign with relevant parties related to us after 2-3 years the end of contract we can decide our "life". But really not at this moment.[/quote]

問題係 ... 佢將個 cost 包入管理費 ...
佢鋪定線 已經係有優勢 但都仲唔心足 仲要硬食入管理費

[quote:fcda6fe2bc="kenykl"] But really not at this moment.[/quote]
其實他都想藉呢次機會睇下管理公司透明度高唔高 同埋係咪會理我地小業主既意見 定係會一意孤行

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2004-4-19 00:58:50 |只看該作者

Management Fee is a big big revenue ar....  

We are new buildings using Rj-45 from the socket of HGC then it should be HGC broadband rather than PowerCom la... If only 1.5MB kill them la... :twisted:[/quote]

1. operator is powercom not HGC
2. it is 1.5MB
3. I can lend you some tools to kill them  8)

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