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藍澄生活 今日: 0|主題: 1957

作者 回復/查看 最後發表
總電制箱在雪櫃後面 Ho and Serene 2004-4-5 42333 Ho and Serene 2004-4-5 01:00:46
dinner  ...2 Patrick Cherry 2004-4-4 153086 Patrick Cherry 2004-4-4 22:55:25
尋人 bikbark 2004-4-4 41465 bikbark 2004-4-4 22:10:15
今日我地都去左睇了 attachment  ...234 hales 2004-4-4 357241 hales 2004-4-4 18:52:02
收樓專車 Y and T 2004-4-4 61653 Y and T 2004-4-4 00:42:45
請問有冇更多相睇呀( ie. in demo room) ?? Stephen@RC 2004-4-4 92645 Stephen@RC 2004-4-4 00:06:52
廁所抽氣沒有開關 ptsom 2004-4-3 41441 ptsom 2004-4-3 23:57:27
消息一則... FireFire 2004-4-3 11245 FireFire 2004-4-3 23:43:32
Photos of flat B kam1100 2004-4-3 41678 kam1100 2004-4-3 20:07:32
Updated 藍澄灣消耗表 (30/3) attachment qualcomm 2004-4-3 21209 qualcomm 2004-4-3 18:10:32
驗樓清單 attachment Tomato 2004-4-2 82420 Tomato 2004-4-2 18:53:07
今晚去睇示範單位  ...2345 Jeffrey Shirley 2004-4-2 4910272 Jeffrey Shirley 2004-4-2 18:13:53
唔係經麥堅時做買方律帥請進 dick queenie 2004-4-2 31471 dick queenie 2004-4-2 16:04:31
收了樓的鄰居  ...2 diedsee 2004-4-2 154400 diedsee 2004-4-2 15:54:11
My father had tried to get there yesterday qualcomm 2004-4-2 61619 qualcomm 2004-4-2 11:43:45
剛剛由B&M返來呀~~~  ...23 chris 2004-4-2 215166 chris 2004-4-2 11:38:19
各位如 有興趣site visit 的朋友 本周六 2:30pm 到近油站入口等!  ...23 wychan 2004-4-1 245039 wychan 2004-4-1 18:19:56
點算呀?? 好緊張呀!! 我唔係用B & M呀!!!!!!! 藍孩子 2004-3-31 31531 藍孩子 2004-3-31 19:10:30
收到律師樓封信啦  ...23 chris 2004-3-31 275212 chris 2004-3-31 15:01:35
收到律師樓電話!  ...23456..7 saga 2004-3-30 6112239 saga 2004-3-30 19:32:17


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