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保安 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2004-7-22 18:08:46 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
我都未講 :

昨晚8點幾 我一個冒著雨入去人影都冇的RC 睇下恆昌送了什麼來 點知又係一場空.....話說當我出lift之後 見有個陌生男人(唔似住客)係走廊徘徊 我好驚 但係又要入屋 之後好想立刻打電話去管理處或者保安 電話竟然係無人接聽.....

我覺得自己好可憐 好無安全感 叫天不應 叫地不聞! 屋企點可以無電鐘通落大堂???? 我估任何一個屋苑都有 幾解最新型的RC偏偏無!!!

如果比賊乜左 只要留番條命 我都可以噤鐘叫大堂捉人....

但連呢個救命方法都冇 呢個乜管理 乜保安? 呢家先知"淒涼"兩個字點寫!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2004-7-22 19:34:29 |只看該作者

好問題! 好有問題!

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Rank: 1

發表於 2004-7-22 23:13:22 |只看該作者
I asked Gary Lam whether we could contact the security guard from our unit one month ago. He said he would check it for me. Of course he didn't keep his promise. I also went to the management office today to ask them why we couldn't contact the security guard on 5/F from our unit. The staff said she couldn't answer me. I think the designer of RC is crazy and ridiculous. He has no common sense at all.
I think we should force the management office to add the alarm device otherwise I suggest all of us to use the alarm bell in the corridor whenever we meet any trivial problem. Besides I can't see that the management office is doing any kind of management so why should we pay the management fee?
To make the matter worse it seems that the security guards are not trianed at all. Their job is just to open the gate to everyone who wants to enter the block. Why can't we use our residential card to enter the block. Is it really impossible to issue residential cards to us?

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