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IP 問題 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-5-1 13:23:17 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
我想問,我地藍澄灣個對外ip address ,是否會變,咁樣幾時變一次。
另外,開邊的isp是否fix ip 定還是定期改。
如果改左,佢地有冇record list.........,即係某用戶之前用過咩ip。
因為用router ,check ipconfig 時,只會出現192.168.0.1.........等。
除左上web check 之外,可用咩command查 自己呢刻的ip
請 :em14:  :em14:
永遠愛著您 :em21: [/code]

Rank: 2

發表於 2005-5-1 13:50:28 |只看該作者

Re: IP 問題

[quote:51f5b1b75d="dick&queenie"]我想問,我地藍澄灣個對外ip address ,是否會變,咁樣幾時變一次。
另外,開邊的isp是否fix ip 定還是定期改。
如果改左,佢地有冇record list.........,即係某用戶之前用過咩ip。
因為用router ,check ipconfig 時,只會出現192.168.0.1.........等。
除左上web check 之外,可用咩command查 自己呢刻的ip
請 :em14:  :em14:[/quote]

The ISP assign IP address to us through DHCP. Each time when you connect to Internet the DHCP server will try to find a spare IP address and assign to you. Of course the server try to assign you the last address you used before first (if available at that moment.) To anwer you question our IP address will change and depends on how you use Internet. If you keep your PC or broandband router on all the time your IP address won't change maybe for a few months. But if you are just an infrequent user you will find you may have different IP address each time.

Also in you case I believe you are using broandband router to connect to HGC service directly. You can logon to your brandband router to find out the IP address. The 192.168.0.x address is assigned by your broandband router to your PC which is private to you local LAN not Internet. Your broadband router will translate that address to ISP assign address when you get into Internet.

I think HGC's DHCP server will keep track of which IP assign to which MAC address at given time. So they are able to traceback who has been using the IP even through we don't need to logon ISP for connectivity each time.

Hope it help.


使用道具 舉報

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-5-1 19:05:16 |只看該作者

Re: IP 問題

[quote:f3b8fe3ce4="dick&queenie"]我想問,我地藍澄灣個對外ip address ,是否會變,咁樣幾時變一次。
另外,開邊的isp是否fix ip 定還是定期改。
如果改左,佢地有冇record list.........,即係某用戶之前用過咩ip。
因為用router ,check ipconfig 時,只會出現192.168.0.1.........等。
除左上web check 之外,可用咩command查 自己呢刻的ip
請 :em14:  :em14:[/quote]

係會變 但幾耐變一次係無定的 要視乎ISP點SET
所有ISP都係會定期 或不定期改 Icable黎講就好多時半年先改一次

其實佢地唔係trace你改左ip 而係會keep log file 幾是用個邊個ip
係有log的. 你用ipconfig只check到你部pc個ip 你要check你上internet
隻ip 就要check你隻router 但點check隻router get左乜野ip就要睇返你
隻router既說明書先知 有o的router係可以用telnet connect過去的
有o的就係web based既admin page就check到....

ps: isp既log file 通常唔單止會keep 你用過邊隻ip 當然會keep你個
username 而且亦會keep埋你個network card 或router既physical
address adaptor ID 個adaptor ID 係unique的 所以呢.....
只要check log file 就可以check到你某時某刻所用既ip connect過去邊個地方
而且因為可以trace到個adaptor ID 所以如果有些人做左一o的網上既犯法野
isp係有方法透過ip addresscheck你user account登記地址 再透過
你呢個adaptor id證明某人在某地做過某些事情........

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2005-5-1 22:46:14 |只看該作者
You can try this:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-5-2 00:29:58 |只看該作者
永遠愛著您 :em21: [/code]

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