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Study overseas [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 2003-10-1 15:52:19 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
Hi there

I will study overseas next year .... Did anyone study overseas before?  Please share his/her experience with me ...  Sometimes I feel excited about it.  Sometimes I feel worry about it ...   :em01:  :em01:  :em01:

Gi Gi

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2003-10-1 19:13:56 |只看該作者
which country?
Flat B in Tower 3

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Rank: 1

發表於 2003-10-1 19:52:54 |只看該作者
[quote:478e9508ea="Ray"]which country?[/quote]

Australia.   Have you been Australia before?

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2003-10-1 21:42:12 |只看該作者
我無去過外國讀書 但我間學校係要求我地同外國同學一齊住 而我妹妹宜家都係英國讀緊書.
我會覺得 難得出國讀書 最重要既唔單止係學書本上既知識
而係要去學習同體驗當地既文化歷史 融入當地既生活
了解唔同既文化 佢地對事物既睇法 你會發覺同你係香港所學所感受到既好唔同
走一趟之後 你就會知道世界之大 自己整個既人生觀應該會變得廣闊一 d
你既包容性都會大 一 d  :wink:

出國之後 你會 homesick 會了解到屋企既好 有好多問題都要自己獨力解決 係一個好好既機會去磨練自己. 記住 無論點 都唔好放棄呀!  :evil:  加油!  

當然學 language 都好 但唔好學 d australian 口音 :p

Good Luck 呀!  :em11:  :em02:

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Rank: 1

發表於 2003-10-2 00:08:26 |只看該作者
[quote:44a44d0cba="Ice"]我無去過外國讀書 但我間學校係要求我地同外國同學一齊住 而我妹妹宜家都係英國讀緊書.
我會覺得 難得出國讀書 最重要既唔單止係學書本上既知識
而係要去學習同體驗當地既文化歷史 融入當地既生活
了解唔同既文化 佢地對事物既睇法 你會發覺同你係香港所學所感受到既好唔同
走一趟之後 你就會知道世界之大 自己整個既人生觀應該會變得廣闊一 d
你既包容性都會大 一 d  :wink:

出國之後 你會 homesick 會了解到屋企既好 有好多問題都要自己獨力解決 係一個好好既機會去磨練自己. 記住 無論點 都唔好放棄呀!  :evil:  加油!  

當然學 language 都好 但唔好學 d australian 口音 :p

Good Luck 呀!  :em11:  :em02:[/quote]

Thanks Ice

I am afraid of speaking English.  I am very weak in Listening speaking and writing.   I can't image how I can live in an English-speaking country.
What is "australian 口音"?   :?:

How's your sister?  She must be very smart.   How long has she studied in the UK?   My parents hope I can get the university degree before coming back to Hong Kong but I don't think I can.   It is just a wast of time and money   (My brother always says so) :em01:

"但我間學校係要求我地同外國同學一齊住" -  I don't understand.  You didn't live with your parents but with your classmates?  Your English must be very good.  :em11:  (My sister's English is good too but mine is bad) :em01:

Gi Gi

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2003-10-2 00:57:36 |只看該作者
[quote:79126ee106="Gi Gi"]

Thanks Ice

I am afraid of speaking English.  I am very weak in Listening speaking and writing.   I can't image how I can live in an English-speaking country.
What is "australian 口音"?   :?:

How's your sister?  She must be very smart.   How long has she studied in the UK?   My parents hope I can get the university degree before coming back to Hong Kong but I don't think I can.   It is just a wast of time and money   (My brother always says so) :em01:

"但我間學校係要求我地同外國同學一齊住" -  I don't understand.  You didn't live with your parents but with your classmates?  Your English must be very good.  :em11:  (My sister's English is good too but mine is bad) :em01:

Gi Gi[/quote]

Her English is good and much better than mine.
She lived with her classmates in Hall and back home on every weekend.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2003-10-2 09:15:17 |只看該作者
Many things can be gained not just English and Degree Certificate such as how to handle human relationship make you independently train up creative thinking hard-work and…..

Enjoy it…….
Flat B in Tower 3

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2003-10-2 12:43:12 |只看該作者
[quote:77fbecfe56="Gi Gi"]Thanks Ice

I am afraid of speaking English.  I am very weak in Listening speaking and writing.   I can't image how I can live in an English-speaking country.
What is "australian 口音"?   :?:

How's your sister?  She must be very smart.   How long has she studied in the UK?   My parents hope I can get the university degree before coming back to Hong Kong but I don't think I can.   It is just a wast of time and money   (My brother always says so) :em01:

"但我間學校係要求我地同外國同學一齊住" -  I don't understand.  You didn't live with your parents but with your classmates?  Your English must be very good.  :em11:  (My sister's English is good too but mine is bad) :em01:

Gi Gi[/quote]

accent is the 土音 that means their pronunciation is exactly the same as the IPA. Just like foreigners speaking Cantonese u can realise that they are not speaking very accurate Cantonese. (although same happens to HK ppl too now :p)

Regarding the lang you dont have to worry at all practice makes perfect. Tell you one thing both Saga and my mandarin is not good but we keep practising and now we speak quite fluently. I remembered that when we met RC friends for the first time Saga was so used to speak mandarin that he forgot to tune back to Cantonese  :

In addition I have a number of foreign friends they only knew the 26 alphabets when they first arrived HK they knew very limited English. But soon after their English became so good that they were able to join international forum on behave of our school lei!
So dont worry as long as you are not affraid of using English you will be fine.  :em11:

"但我間學校係要求我地同外國同學一齊住" -  I don't understand.  You didn't live with your parents but with your classmates?  <-- Yes my school is a boarding school students have to live on campus  

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