to bikbark
你有冇同佢支礦泉水一齊用呀仲正呀用mask'full'15minsthen用佢支礦泉水噴濕個face按1-2mins不洗只用tissue抹去mask 就ok la。好過只用mask架。作者: bikbark 時間: 2004-1-29 22:47:25
[quote:ac29856948="45B"]to bikbark
你有冇同佢支礦泉水一齊用呀仲正呀用mask'full'15minsthen用佢支礦泉水噴濕個face按1-2mins不洗只用tissue抹去mask 就ok la。好過只用mask架。[/quote]
hi 45B,nice to meet u
有呀,之前係跟住個方法用,但係我o黎期試過掉轉先後次序,先用佢支礦泉水噴濕塊面,然後就敷mask,輕輕按摩,跟住敷過夜,第二朝塊面好滑o架作者: 45B 時間: 2004-1-29 22:53:18
會唔會整dirty張bed?作者: bikbark 時間: 2004-1-29 23:00:50
我訓覺比較少動作,so far 都好似無乜問題
不過我都試過係唔敷過夜,20 mins左右已經好掂作者: 45B 時間: 2004-1-29 23:05:00
does it make the bed dirty?作者: 45B 時間: 2004-1-29 23:06:33
sorry type the wrong question.
個mask會唔會硬左?乾哂?作者: bikbark 時間: 2004-1-29 23:28:13
我今晚噴左礦泉水先搽mask wait左20mins 我都係afraid it will make te bed dirty so i use the tissue to clean it but the feeling is also good.作者: bikbark 時間: 2004-2-1 17:12:59