
標題: 有關RC不宜居住的問題 [打印本頁]

作者: Alan Tung    時間: 2003-9-28 20:37:51     標題: 有關RC不宜居住的問題

究竟現在這個問題 怎樣處理.
若有人知請告訴我 THANKS
作者: 小yen    時間: 2003-9-28 23:29:46     標題: RC QUESTION


HELLO I REPLY YOU QUESTION LA 呢個問題其實係我初初入黎rc呢個homepage既first que.黎架 but之後有多人reply me呢個只係傳聞黎其實想知真定假不如等到正式收keys&驗樓果陣咪1清2楚law 而家重有禁長time唔好think噤多好易老架 不如think下點去整好間屋既design重好la而且重可以join埋呢喥攪既 "rc希臘小屋design比賽"添呀 anyway take it easy don't worry about RC.

作者: FireFire    時間: 2003-9-28 23:32:27     標題: Re: RC QUESTION

[quote:c99ad7c54b="小yen"]ALAN TUNG

HELLO I REPLY YOU QUESTION LA 呢個問題其實係我初初入黎rc呢個homepage既first que.黎架 but之後有多人reply me呢個只係傳聞黎其實想知真定假不如等到正式收keys&驗樓果陣咪1清2楚law 而家重有禁長time唔好think噤多好易老架 不如think下點去整好間屋既design重好la而且重可以join埋呢喥攪既 "rc希臘小屋design比賽"添呀 anyway take it easy don't worry about RC.

Agree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
作者: Agnes Henry    時間: 2003-9-28 23:38:25


作者: Alan Tung    時間: 2003-9-28 23:39:31

但我知道出面真係會有碼頭運作 因我本身是做物流
作者: dick queenie    時間: 2003-9-28 23:58:53

但......alan....我派你做一件事,係.........炸左九號仔,然後自首。 * \(>_<)/
作者: Simpsons    時間: 2003-9-29 00:05:58

八號仔都有好多人憎 順手炸埋Y唔該 ! :em14:
作者: 小yen    時間: 2003-9-29 00:07:54     標題: RC QUESTION


yes anyone know that but u can think some que.:-

i.) our living building is behind the hotel to make it so i think can less the noise

ii.) if you is bought the high flat but if not the noise problem u may can don't worry la because can give hotel to help me to less same屏風 u know?

iii) at daily working hours u want to working in your office so if "a container terminal" to transport must not direct to effect to u until u back to RC i think all a container car must back to their transport office / stay in "a container pool" / 皇岡port la

so collect all above answer i think can talk to them this moment no need to be afraid about "青衣transportation centre" noise problem ok.

don't give any none senses/none actual news to effect yourself but sometime to see about RC news is quite good because i think any RC friends want to know any news about RC.

same before talking "take it easy be happy"

作者: diedsee    時間: 2003-9-29 00:10:44

但......alan....我派你做一件事,係.........炸左九號仔,然後自首。 * \(>_<)/[/quote]

炸埋酒店得唔得呀?!?! :em12:
作者: Agnes Henry    時間: 2003-9-29 00:15:23

wah....真正開揚呀....180度全維港景呀.... ^o^
作者: FireFire    時間: 2003-9-29 00:34:16

但......alan....我派你做一件事,係.........炸左九號仔,然後自首。 * \(>_<)/[/quote]

炸埋酒店得唔得呀?!?! :em12:[/quote]
計下計下都有好多野炸... :em03:
作者: wychan    時間: 2003-9-29 00:43:35



如果你有讀過MARKETING 都知什麼叫 consumer  behavior 即所有買家買了貨品之後都想証明他的選擇是對的,相反你會覺得好唔抵。唔好俾人動搖你的決定呀。
作者: kingi    時間: 2003-9-29 01:07:37

作者: saga    時間: 2003-9-29 08:05:24

但......alan....我派你做一件事,係.........炸左九號仔,然後自首。 * \(>_<)/[/quote]

借架 gundam wing zero 炸完賴卡多魯 ~
作者: saga    時間: 2003-9-29 08:07:30

[quote:55f76e36f9="Agnes&Henry"]wah....真正開揚呀....180度全維港景呀.... ^o^[/quote]

係就好呀 with view even 有嘈音個樓價都即升!
作者: saga    時間: 2003-9-29 09:30:40

[quote:5da7d90e84="Alan Tung"]但我知道出面真係會有碼頭運作 因我本身是做物流[/quote]

My sister's boyfriend is working at terminal No. 9
Inside the terminal is noisy and at night you might hear the horn occasionally.

The true noise level can be estimated again when you moved in.

BTW you consider buying RC because of it location close to the place you are working right?

So balance between the pos and cons
作者: 貓貓仔 貓貓女    時間: 2003-9-29 10:58:26

放心喎 舊時青衣又話有油庫又話有乜咁 家陣D人咪又咁住 好似盈翠咁仲好貴添。所以話唔駛驚o個個九號仔喎 起碼佢唔會爆炸先oYo麻.....
作者: Alan Tung    時間: 2003-9-29 11:50:57

作者: Alan Tung    時間: 2003-9-29 12:04:02

[quote:799c9d9b81="saga"][quote:799c9d9b81="Alan Tung"]但我知道出面真係會有碼頭運作 因我本身是做物流[/quote]

My sister's boyfriend is working at terminal No. 9
Inside the terminal is noisy and at night you might hear the horn occasionally.

The true noise level can be estimated again when you moved in.

BTW you consider buying RC because of it location close to the place you are working right?

So balance between the pos and cons[/quote]

其實我以為<藍澄>市區中又比較靜 因為我本身在T.S.T.工作.
作者: saga    時間: 2003-9-29 12:20:14

[quote:e7e2348ab9="Alan Tung"]

其實我以為<藍澄>市區中又比較靜 因為我本身在T.S.T.工作.[/quote]

People live near to highway also suffer from noise.
作者: 咩咩豬    時間: 2003-9-29 12:41:27

其實每個地方都有好有唔好架啦係咪??? :em12:

:em13: 我愛MP5更愛咩咩~~~
作者: Ice    時間: 2003-9-29 12:46:01

[quote:77eb28017f="saga"][quote:77eb28017f="Alan Tung"]

其實我以為<藍澄>市區中又比較靜 因為我本身在T.S.T.工作.[/quote]

People live near to highway also suffer from noise.[/quote]

My flat is facing roadside it is noisy too. But already get used to it it doesn't affect my life much
作者: Alan Tung    時間: 2003-9-29 12:59:34

作者: Suzuki    時間: 2003-9-29 13:03:07

Actually I have same question of you(Alan) So one night I have checked the nosie at the Tsing Yi Road and around the HK institute of Vocational Education I can hear the noise from Terminal no.9 clear. However when I back to the patrol station then I just can hear the 墠聲. So that I believe that the hotel is blocked a lot of noise from the terminal no. 9. So that if you have time you should go to the site to check it out. Then you should not be so worry. And will be happy..
作者: Alan Tung    時間: 2003-9-29 13:29:22

[quote:f012db9753="Suzuki"]Actually I have same question of you(Alan) So one night I have checked the nosie at the Tsing Yi Road and around the HK institute of Vocational Education I can hear the noise from Terminal no.9 clear. However when I back to the patrol station then I just can hear the 墠聲. So that I believe that the hotel is blocked a lot of noise from the terminal no. 9. So that if you have time you should go to the site to check it out. Then you should not be so worry. And will be happy..[/quote]

但9號仔還未正式啟用 不過希望酒店真係可以隔到D NOISE.
作者: Ice    時間: 2003-9-29 13:35:59


If you dont mind I would like to ask why did you buy RC? If you are really concern about the noise and its effect on your living environment condition and quality then why did you decide to buy the flat?

I would guess if there are more advantages than disadvantages on RC that causing you to buy the flat you may perhaps leave the question when you move into it and when T9 fully operations as there are still uncertainties on this issue :wink:
作者: Alan Tung    時間: 2003-9-29 13:58:44


If you dont mind I would like to ask why did you buy RC? If you are really concern about the noise and its effect on your living environment condition and quality then why did you decide to buy the flat?

I would guess if there are more advantages than disadvantages on RC that causing you to buy the flat you may perhaps leave the question when you move into it and when T9 fully operations as there are still uncertainties on this issue :wink:[/quote]

作者: saga    時間: 2003-9-29 14:10:17

[quote:36cecc87a8="Alan Tung"]

:em16:   not too good

I know there is T9 but I still decide to buy it  8)
作者: Alan Tung    時間: 2003-9-29 14:13:05

作者: dick queenie    時間: 2003-9-29 14:15:03

但.......都係一句everything by heart 當你待在這裡日子久了,會發現有好多人的
support 及backup。即使並非實際的解決方法,然而心靈的安撫是.....好touching。
作者: Suzuki    時間: 2003-9-29 14:33:01

但.......都係一句everything by heart 當你待在這裡日子久了,會發現有好多人的
support 及backup。即使並非實際的解決方法,然而心靈的安撫是.....好touching。[/quote]

You also know that after buy?? Alan I think all of residents also has your question. But doesn't matter becasue we have a cohesive residents group in this RC (web site). If you still worry then check more detail with our pervious discussion in thie web. May by can make you more comfort.
作者: Alan Tung    時間: 2003-9-29 14:33:12

作者: Ice    時間: 2003-9-29 14:46:51

[quote:76cc24bb43="Alan Tung"][quote:76cc24bb43="Ice"]Alan

If you dont mind I would like to ask why did you buy RC? If you are really concern about the noise and its effect on your living environment condition and quality then why did you decide to buy the flat?

I would guess if there are more advantages than disadvantages on RC that causing you to buy the flat you may perhaps leave the question when you move into it and when T9 fully operations as there are still uncertainties on this issue :wink:[/quote]


Oic then I can't help you. (just kidding  :mrgreen: )
I will suggest you to get to know why other owners here knew that there is T9 yet still decided to buy RC  
作者: 小yen    時間: 2003-9-29 23:41:06     標題: yeah!

[quote:651720f825="Suzuki"]Actually I have same question of you(Alan) So one night I have checked the nosie at the Tsing Yi Road and around the HK institute of Vocational Education I can hear the noise from Terminal no.9 clear. However when I back to the patrol station then I just can hear the 墠聲. So that I believe that the hotel is blocked a lot of noise from the terminal no. 9. So that if you have time you should go to the site to check it out. Then you should not be so worry. And will be happy..[/quote]


真係好開心呀 原來妳已做過noise at night testing from my house to RC distance is very long so until this moment i can't to do this testing i really happy to knew about u result :

Thanks a lot.

作者: 小yen    時間: 2003-9-29 23:49:22     標題: AGREE!

但.......都係一句everything by heart 當你待在這裡日子久了,會發現有好多人的
support 及backup。即使並非實際的解決方法,然而心靈的安撫是.....好touching。[/quote]


I agree you're talking about that because i think no one can make sure at future / until them move to RC about noice / house / transport...etc. is good / bad / accept...etc. So that i think this moment anyone can accept anyone command / advice / none real fact news...etc. Just see that same everyday news to look out must natural la.

Try it

作者: Alan Tung    時間: 2003-9-30 12:01:52

作者: Gaza    時間: 2003-9-30 21:53:57

To be honest i don't quite concern about the noise and the terminal lighting.  I worked in Terminal before and the noise level isn't as bad as people have said; and the lighting is not a problem at all.  If you have been there during night you will notice it is not that bright. My only concern would be the air pollution for the area.  I know the air in Terminal is rather polluted from my experience...even they give us some sort of Fresh air filter system it is no good if we can't even open our windows and enjoy our home.  Any ideas?
作者: Ray    時間: 2003-9-30 22:10:41

[quote:72173c5c3b="Gaza"]To be honest i don't quite concern about the noise and the terminal lighting.  I worked in Terminal before and the noise level isn't as bad as people have said; and the lighting is not a problem at all.  If you have been there during night you will notice it is not that bright. My only concern would be the air pollution for the area.  I know the air in Terminal is rather polluted from my experience...even they give us some sort of Fresh air filter system it is no good if we can't even open our windows and enjoy our home.  Any ideas?[/quote]

Air pollution may not as the said serious as fresh air intake is from the roof. RC is next to the sea air flow is much better than some buildings next to highway as well as air quality.

Your considering the BLACK air discharge from chimney as ship use heavy oil car use diesel oil? However the qty is an important factor ship is limited car is more and more....
作者: yo and lok    時間: 2003-10-1 05:29:51


大家有無睇過呢段新聞知唔知發展成點?可不可寫信向區議會求助要求最少晚上12:00至翌晨9:00後不運作. :em10:
作者: saga    時間: 2003-10-1 11:59:30

[quote:306350f491="yo & lok"]http://hk.news.yahoo.com/030709/12/sutz.html

大家有無睇過呢段新聞知唔知發展成點?可不可寫信向區議會求助要求最少晚上12:00至翌晨9:00後不運作. :em10:[/quote]

:em16: 應該就唔可以喇
作者: Alan Tung    時間: 2003-10-1 12:11:39


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