
標題: 按揭幫忙 [打印本頁]

作者: 龍我雷    時間: 2005-9-26 19:49:02     標題: 按揭幫忙

作者: bikbark    時間: 2005-9-26 20:40:38

DBS 富邦,大新 etc
作者: dracula    時間: 2005-9-26 22:07:41

試下搵永隆 DBS 大新之類....不過其實恆生中銀都應該得
作者: CJ    時間: 2005-9-27 00:47:58

是估不到價 還是收入不穩定的問題(唔好介意 好多人都中招).
前者可以格多幾間 大不了比多少少首期 再不可以借超7成...
後者反而沒計 銀行計risk可能都差不多 可唔可以試下找親友擔保...
否則可能要找d財務公司 (GE /UA)...不過要比貴D息...
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-9-27 09:34:58

還有 如果你幫某公司 / 人做擔保人都會好難批.
作者: unicorn    時間: 2005-9-27 10:07:36

there is an old story

i heard those centaxxx and midxxxx
told me that there is a 'good flat' one day
but they said
1. the seller cannot apply the mortgage
2. the HOUSE IS JUST AT market price NO PREMIUM and DISCOUNT
3. I need to purchase within 40 days(or even shorter)
coz the seller cannot to throw it away asap
[they spend very long time and mouth water to urge me to take this extremely good
opportunity to seek such a big and good flat etc...]

I ask the agent
'how can i garantee that i can make the mortgage in such a rush?
if i cannot make the mortgage what will happen?
i take such a big risk what is the JETSO?
The flat is just at MARKET PRICE

the above story mean
1. if you have difficulties starting mortgage contact centaxxx and midxxxx
they will help you to seek 'dai b chai'/prey
they may really urge everyone who step in to buy the flat from you
2. i wonder the agent really want the buyers to DIE
if such a flat is really so good and hk people have so much creditability + cash
i dont feel that this flat will 'wait for me'
作者: 龍我雷    時間: 2005-10-3 14:04:01

作者: grassman    時間: 2005-10-3 18:10:51


作者: MandyG室    時間: 2005-10-3 20:33:24

我屋企都係咁 去左好多銀行都唔批
最后 在偶然機會下 找到銀行manager 佢話得事既 才ok jor..
作者: 龍我雷    時間: 2005-10-4 09:34:00


作者: kk-in-hk    時間: 2005-10-4 09:41:57

試冷氣機 有好多網友"煩死"於壞冷氣機.
再睇下有無滲漏之類 eg. windows and bath tub
作者: 龍我雷    時間: 2005-10-5 10:07:49

[quote:2790f73d20="kk-in-hk"]試冷氣機 有好多網友"煩死"於壞冷氣機.
再睇下有無滲漏之類 eg. windows and bath tub[/quote]

作者: kk-in-hk    時間: 2005-10-5 12:48:11

不是指個個窗台都會滲水 只不過係收樓要留意的其中一項 因為入左伙先發覺 你d裝修一定無 right?
至於冷氣機問題 有可能會有事 我見過有人post 出來 大致  :
1. 唔冷 - unknown reason
2. 唔冷 - 駁錯線
3. 死機
4. 屋內去水管漏水
1/2/3 如果要整出面主機 因為要搭棚 or 吊船 一整要成個月.
不過當然啦 無話你部機一定有事 只不過都係個句 入左伙先整 就肯定你"媽媽"聲.
有人指出當年起屋時候 曾欠工人薪金 所以有d冷氣工程......

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