
標題: HK迪迪尼終於開了,您想去嗎? [打印本頁]

作者: milk    時間: 2005-9-13 07:54:06     標題: HK迪迪尼終於開了,您想去嗎?


咁您地呢? :detective
作者: dracula    時間: 2005-9-13 07:56:17     標題: Re: HK迪迪尼終於開了,您想去嗎?


咁您地呢? :detective[/quote]

到時....咁o既年紀? 都冇乜童真喇....
(milk...我係話...我 :mrgreen: )
作者: grassman    時間: 2005-9-13 08:10:37

我同GK就去左喇! :mrgreen:

但GW就成日噪住要去! :nowords:
作者: dracula    時間: 2005-9-13 08:13:00

[quote:56673de654="grassman"]我同GK就去左喇! :mrgreen:

但GW就成日噪住要去! :nowords:[/quote]

weiwei~ 幾點放煙花o架???
仲有呢... 好唔好玩呀?
作者: grassman    時間: 2005-9-13 08:16:13

九點呀!但最好入場時double confirm。
作者: milk    時間: 2005-9-13 08:17:37     標題: Re: HK迪迪尼終於開了,您想去嗎?

[quote:7c211d48a0="dracula"]到時....咁o既年紀? 都冇乜童真喇....
(milk...我係話...我 :mrgreen: )[/quote]有幾多童真呢家o野就唔駛你粗心喇!

你擔心你自己好過啦,你趁呢幾年好快o的飲多o的"高鈣奶",廢事你遲o的幾廿歲~骨頭脆,唔夠班細路跑就唔好啦! :
作者: dracula    時間: 2005-9-13 08:21:42     標題: Re: HK迪迪尼終於開了,您想去嗎?

查實我而家都冇哂童真...你都好 d 識得 "反老還童" :
去到要同班後生o既話 咁我就唔去喇.... "你" 我都跑唔嬴 何況係 d 後生o既...... :em18:
作者: bikbark    時間: 2005-9-13 09:37:12

我鍾意玩d刺激機動遊戲 所以米老鼠樂園唔係好o岩我玩.
第二次去東京o個個時 玩o左兩個鐘就出原宿行街  :!:
作者: Tomato    時間: 2005-9-13 10:03:48

作者: vivian    時間: 2005-9-13 12:45:23

但要排兩個鐘頭玩一個遊戲,我頂唔順  :dead: (老矣)
p.s. 全世界邊個迪士尼無咁多人? 我寧靜去那個......
作者: unicorn    時間: 2005-9-13 14:16:34

we must not blame mr tung this time
when he draft XXXXXX park to 'help' hk from 1997 crisis

we dont know that hk will be fully blocked with FREEMAN
so the current(and even full expended) size of XXXXXX park
fits the falling hongkong tourism predicted in 1999
(you guys know that most foreigner don't come to hongkong now and we are no longer perl of orient)

the sars bought FREEMAN to hongkong
and thus we have created the world's only
fully blocked with people
facility cannot meet demand
full day standing and queuing
full of putoghua
(remember this park even need to adjust the TASTE to fit the FREEMAN's expectation and they said they will increase the putoghua programs)

there was an intengible value of prestigiousness for spending LARGE amount of money to europe or usa or japan to play in XXXXXX park for me 10 years ago and
i even feel SHAME of 'enjoying' such a place of such taste
(that is the same as i am willing to spend 5xx to buy a plastic les sportsac 1x years ago but i wont even take a les sportsac gift from friends because i am sure others in MTR will feel that i am using law wo les sportsac and they will feel that i am such a cheap guy)

so i wont spend the price of ticket
i got a FREE ticket from my company soon
i worry whether i will go
i am very afraid of what i saw in the TV

"lots of people sitting on the floor with smell with putoghua and i need to queue with them to take photo with a mickey mouse which stood in large sun for 4 hour without drinking a drop of water. the park is so small and the machines are so small and i feel it FAKE!"

thank them
they really completely destroyed a brand in my heart and i can save much money from now on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not only brand
it is also a sign of happiness and childhood
作者: Sure Win    時間: 2005-9-14 09:47:14

我好鍾意米奇同米妮仲有唐老鴨 亦打算去Disney玩0既 但好多人都踩到一文不值 再加上玩機動遊戲要排好耐隊 地方又細 所以我暫時打消去Disney的念頭 等佢興建埋第二期先至去. :face13:
作者: vivian    時間: 2005-9-14 09:51:45

作者: CJ    時間: 2005-9-14 10:57:40

會唔會tune快左啲遊戲時間 架車行得快d 套戲cut短d 咪可以快d趕走d人 趕下場囉:
作者: Ice    時間: 2005-9-17 00:05:23

呢個樂園 d services 好差架!
但係個賣飛果個 sales 竟然用好似對殺佢全家既態度去對我個同事
佢宜家俾我地個 dept blanklist 左架啦.
作者: milk    時間: 2005-9-19 16:38:48

嘩~大部份人都係無意慾去,睇o黎佢想贊我地$$都會有一定困難 8)
作者: Eddy Lam    時間: 2005-9-19 17:50:06

作者: grassman    時間: 2005-9-19 18:09:36

[quote:f344a199da="Eddy Lam"]等天氣涼番少少先去...[/quote]

作者: bikbark    時間: 2005-9-20 10:04:46

[quote:dbdcd9de93="milk"]嘩~大部份人都係無意慾去,睇o黎佢想贊我地$$都會有一定困難 8)[/quote]
作者: milk    時間: 2005-9-20 23:30:08

[quote:c15f55bc5d="bikbark"]志不在此[/quote] :roll:

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