
標題: 大家覺得 讀mba有冇用 [打印本頁]

作者: unicorn    時間: 2005-7-10 13:27:02     標題: 大家覺得 讀mba有冇用

作者: CJ    時間: 2005-7-10 17:02:02

讀左幾次 好似唔覺有勿用.  :?:
mba. mba.. mba...mba...mba...mba...mba... :em18:  :em18:  :em18:

真係好似唔覺有勿用. 係咪magic spell嚟架 :face13: ? 係咪可以將我呢d冇鬼用既人都變造有鬼用架 : ? 定係落disco定bar果時用架 ops: ?

nba我就知好用 :zdevil:
作者: POON    時間: 2005-7-10 22:48:05

仲好貴學費添 !
作者: CJ    時間: 2005-7-10 23:23:26

[quote:1111f118bf="OON"]仲好貴學費添 ![/quote]
mba : 唔駛學費架 :zdevil:  :zdevil:
作者: Ice    時間: 2005-7-10 23:48:28

我諗呢個問題好視乎你想係"讀 mba" 呢個行為上得到 d 咩. 我想讀 mba 但係為左個人既心願.........
作者: J and P    時間: 2005-7-11 00:12:57

我覺得大多數MBA 的課程內容是吹水多,沒有什麼實際智識的學習。
但有個Master Degree(不一定是MBA)總好過無。

依家越來越多人有Master Degree。

如果Bachelor是technical/science 方面,修讀MBA對晉升管理階的職位有點益處。
作者: 肥度    時間: 2005-7-11 00:16:31

我報左master 讀啦...yeah
作者: Ricky and Carol    時間: 2005-7-11 00:33:26

[quote:fd2502d162="肥度"]我報左master 讀啦...yeah[/quote]

作者: bikbark    時間: 2005-7-11 09:44:01

ai 我都想讀master mba course比較貴 o黎兩年駛大o左 (拎o左去賭) 所以未夠錢讀 marketing or communications都想讀 因為覺得自己學識唔夠.
作者: unicorn    時間: 2005-7-11 10:04:11

this topic should actually be more appropriately answered by ice

i read many articles in the web
the general situation of hk is as follows
1. those large large organisation like
hsbc and hwl would not accept people 'fly' into their
management level because there are many 'experienced' guys inside their own company who wanna promote

2. those small size boss concern about blood-relationship and accept their relatives more than external company

3. so those mba in hongkong only hope to get certain investment related posts(you can see that 50% of the cuhk mba student come from finance)

4. my questions is
"according to current market situations are there cases that 'generalist' fly into the TOP managing posts of other organisation?"
e.g. a man who is midland property for 10 years went to cumba. this man became chun hung machinery factory director because he knows 'strategy''organisational behaviour''operational management''finance and account' 'information system' etc...

if 4. is not feasible can we conclude that
'seeking more clients is more useful that spending your time to take a mba if you are a midland property agent'?
作者: CJ    時間: 2005-7-11 11:27:06

見你擺響吹水版 仲想開下玩笑. 大家居然一板一眼咁答... 嗚
好 我又正經的
There are a few strawmen in the arguments worthy to clarify.

If the usefulness of MBA is judged by whether one can jump into top management frankly there is no such dream in the world.

First Taught MBA is just one of the systematic training of business behaviour study. MBA could give one's broader view on different doctrines and skills but not the real experiences. It is dangerous to assume a MBA GPA4.0 graduate must be a better manager than a 10 years exp Manager. Otherwise all professors should be CEOs of every big corps.
Second MBA is not a VIP fast pass but just one of the entry tickets. No company will hire a guy/gal as management just because he/she is MBA.

However if one got a good MBA from a prestige school he/she will still earn a certain level of advantages. But in the long run one's track record is his/her real wealth.

Don't be innocent to complain people rely on relationship. Soft skills and human networks are very important and need to be built through time. Or you can watch TV shows like "The Apprentice" and "Survivor".
作者: matthewlee    時間: 2005-7-11 17:46:50

作者: matthewlee    時間: 2005-7-11 17:57:05

有錢識多樣野無妨 對一些迷信MBA 廢人當道的公司有幫助...因為有共同語言 對於自己創業或是上司是務實派 大可不必了
第一 MBA 是美國野 東方社會好多時唔work 而且如果你唔夠高級 MBA等同廢物..做"靚"要MBA 來做幹什麼?
第二 presentation discussion 多 好似比錢買工作返來做 聽課少 這種模式 要多時間仔細思考才有得益 無時間只會學到其"形"無其"實"
第三 香港人有MBA 為數不少 獲得方法有: 本地讀 外國讀 遙距 函授 買回來都有! 我都遇到幾個MBA廢人 當然也有好的 但數量比較少
不過MBA 的人看報表倒是有一手 執靚個報告給老闆也比較在行

報讀容易 讀得好就難 用得到更難(用學識 不是"MBA"之名) 我覺得有些好"惦"的MBA 人 原本沒有MBA 已經好"惦" 唔洗MBA!

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