
標題: 進場 / 開餐 / 玩遊戲 / 干杯 / bye bye .. 有無咩音樂建議? [打印本頁]

作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-6-15 10:51:29     標題: 進場 / 開餐 / 玩遊戲 / 干杯 / bye bye .. 有無咩音樂建議?

到而家都未諗掂   都唔知點算好.......

我本身都諗左d  但係又好似未係好好....

大家可否比d 議見?( 好驚令人失望... :dead: )

進場 : I Swear
開餐 :
1. starwar (sound truck ) or
2. 大腸金煮野食時用的音樂
http://music.xaonline.com/album.asp?id=611   第6首  or
3. 功夫"我不入地獄" 即苦頭幫出場音樂 or
4. 鬥牛音樂.
很苦惱. 因為只能播其中一首. 那一隻較好?

玩遊戲 :
1. 命運交響樂  or
2. 溫拿:玩下啦


干杯: 飲勝 / 喜氣洋洋 / 未諗到....

bye bye :
1. 必播 : unforgetable
2. 未諗到
3. 未諗到

作者: milk    時間: 2005-6-16 10:59:18

妳地真係好有心思喎 :face13:
反觀我就好懶,當時都冇話特登去揀歌仔添 :poor:(因為我好怕煩 ops: )
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-6-16 11:33:36

[quote:2613ec0ee1="milk"]妳地真係好有心思喎 :face13:
反觀我就好懶,當時都冇話特登去揀歌仔添 :poor:(因為我好怕煩 ops: )[/quote]

作者: dick queenie    時間: 2005-6-16 12:30:00

點解唔問下Kyu ,叫佢比D意見 :

\ (^_^) /O

..........佢咁多CD :!:
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-6-16 14:28:55


不過我都有叫佢幫我找隻歌. . :
作者: grassman    時間: 2005-6-16 15:34:45


但婚宴的主角是你倆,你們是獨一無異的,婚宴所有安排都以你倆為中心,並非為娛樂嘉賓。 所以建議你選擇一些對你們過去經歷片段有觸動的音樂或歌詞,讓親友進入你們的故事,也讓你們重溫video時,歷久常新!
作者: Tomato    時間: 2005-6-19 14:04:03

喂 我諗到.....其實pride 隻主題曲 "I was born to love you "都0岩做敬酒歌.....
敬到咁上下 仲要加埋d觀眾歡呼聲......哈哈 :

我覺得d歌詞都唔一定要0岩d環節ge 因為d人都唔會點留意d歌詞唱緊乜.....

作者: bikbark    時間: 2005-6-24 11:43:08

jessica 你confirm晒用咩歌未呀?
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-6-24 11:51:33

[quote:d01a3bdb38="bikbark"]jessica 你confirm晒用咩歌未呀?[/quote]

:em06:  :em06:  未.
作者: bikbark    時間: 2005-6-24 12:08:54

就到啦 仲唔快d

作者: dick queenie    時間: 2005-6-24 12:38:48

我就首推"say you love me"
或者jassica妳偶像Marial Carry 首 "Without you".....都掂
作者: Tomato    時間: 2005-6-24 23:44:50

我覺得 Notting Hill soundtrack首 "She"..真係好正0架 好浪漫......

She may be the face I can't forget
The trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
She may be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within a measure of a day

She may be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day in to a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
Her smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she would seem
Inside her shell

She would always seem so happy like a cloud
Whose eyes can be so bright and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry
She may be the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
But I'll remember 'til the day I die

She may be the reason I survive
The why and where for I'm alive
The one I'll care for through the rough and ready years
Me I'll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
The way she goes that got to be
The meaning of my life is she
She she

:em04:  :em04:
作者: unicorn    時間: 2005-6-25 03:06:21

進場 / 開餐 / 玩遊戲 / 干杯 / bye bye

進場  梁漢文明明聽說你愛我 - 好攞景同贈興
開餐  抬起我的頭來 - 呢個位播好有feel
玩遊戲  友誼之光 - 入冊
干杯  忘盡心中情 - 攞住杯野播好有feel
bye bye  - 梁漢文好朋友


全場一樣beh 一聱
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-6-25 10:03:02

[quote:cdc6cf3f5f="unicorn"]進場 / 開餐 / 玩遊戲 / 干杯 / bye bye

進場  梁漢文明明聽說你愛我 - 好攞景同贈興 <--- 呢隻未聽過喎. I don't like 梁炳 可否suggest 另一首?
開餐  抬起我的頭來 - 呢個位播好有feel < ----  呢首歌d  音好悶下喎. 係咁重覆. 而且我都唔鐘意千fa. 玩遊戲  友誼之光 - 入冊 <---友誼之光同玩遊戲好似無咩關係 d 人未必聯想到入冊...我就諗唔到啦. 返而覺得太無厘頭..
干杯  忘盡心中情 - 攞住杯野播好有feel <--- 呢首呀.........無咁喜慶喎.can you suggest another one?
bye bye  - 梁漢文好朋友 <--- I don't like 梁炳.

播劉華當你忙了我是什麼人 <---- 未聽過. 講咩架?
同張智林祝君好都得 <--- 呢d 分手歌黎架喎? 咁怪. 都係唔好啦.
全場一樣beh 一聱[/quote]

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