
標題: Olympus DC [打印本頁]

作者: diedsee    時間: 2005-5-17 23:58:43     標題: Olympus DC

ok ma?
or Nikon ?
作者: hales    時間: 2005-5-18 00:10:41

Canon好得.... :

Fujifilm Finepix F10
Canon A95 A520 S2 IS(未出) G系
Ricoh GX8
Contax TVS

如果唔怕用2手機既話 以下既都係抵用之選!
Nikon Coolpix 3700
Canon A80

作者: diedsee    時間: 2005-5-18 11:21:58

[quote:79d5ce9a4b="hales"]Canon好得.... :

Fujifilm Finepix F10
Canon A95 A520 S2 IS(未出) G系
Ricoh GX8
Contax TVS

如果唔怕用2手機既話 以下既都係抵用之選!
Nikon Coolpix 3700
Canon A80

咁olympus 唔係好啲咩??
作者: hales    時間: 2005-5-18 12:08:31

Just i dont like them...hoho~
因為外形唔夠討好~ ~~hoho~
功能唔知阿 其實而家o的DC功能都唔會差好遠 都係果o的料
品質就好individual 大牌子都有cheap機的.....
olympus都唔算係冷門機 不過唔會大熱又係事實...
我無用過olympus既機 不過早期o的既model Olympus的確係
比同期既其它Model好o的不過近年已經今非昔比了 事關其它大廠
既R&D太強了.....技術發展得勁快 而olympus比較多既資源都拎左去
發展佢地果套 "4/3 system" 相對地佢地既DC出黎出去都無一部好突出既機囉
但我就有拎過o下olympus既 E-300同 E-1 兩部機 手感都非常好不過相片

你睇中邊部呢? 有時間幫你睇睇個spec...

用DC我覺得當然都係品質第一 但機size外形等等都好重要咖
作者: Billy    時間: 2005-5-18 13:52:32

亦有朋友鍾意佢有MODEL LENS夠大.
作者: hales    時間: 2005-5-18 14:55:35

高ISO 大noise又係DC既死症.....
所以富士部F10真係好正~ ISO去到1600 noise control效果可以直迫DSLR..
作者: Roscoe    時間: 2005-5-18 14:59:48

I have a Olympus DC (C770).  The quality impress me a lot!  I am very satify with it performance.  

It is very small but have 10X optical zoom!  I have print the "hardcopy" from Photomax it is good in general.

I can give my photo for your reference if u like.
作者: hales    時間: 2005-5-18 15:34:50

[quote:b40d46750c="Roscoe"]I have a Olympus DC (C770).  The quality impress me a lot!  I am very satify with it performance.  

It is very small but have 10X optical zoom!  I have print the "hardcopy" from Photomax it is good in general.

I can give my photo for your reference if u like.[/quote]

:mrgreen:  :mrgreen:
所以話其實現今既DC 除非真係好Low-ended既 Product
否則以同期既產品來講 個品質亦唔會相差很遠~~
所以我先覺得部機型o的係好重要 :

C-770 都幾好咖~ 有10x optical zoom 去到380mm
又有齊 PASM mode 光圈算係比較大的了 而且可以插外閃呢樣野幾好!

1.用1/2.5吋CCD 相對地noise會比較勁
3.無 IS/VR/OS 呢一類既功能 所以ZOOM得太勁會震過貓王...
作者: candidfoto    時間: 2005-5-18 15:37:25

Even though I have owned cameras from many manufacturers last 20+ years I have to say Olympus is one of my favorite manufacturers.  I have owned their C2100 Uzi (10X IS 2MPs) two E10s one E20 and C5060 all excellent reliable camera the Uzi and the Exx are true excellent classic digital cameras and belong in the “hall of fame” category.  In comparison Canon and Nikon do not truly have any equivalent classic hall of fame camera like the Olympus.   I have kept the E20 for occasional use and also is my preferred travel DSLR.

I have also used couple of Canon digicams: G2 IXUS V2 IXUS 400 and 300D+couple of Canon lens.  The G series are excellent cameras if you can find an excellent 2nd hand G3 for a cheap price it’s a good buy if you don’t mind the bulky size.  For smaller size you can also consider the S45 which is very cheap in 2nd hand market.  The smaller IXUS are also nice but beware that the E18 error will sooner or later pop up.  The Axx series also have good reputation though I have never owned one.  I got rid of the 300D DSLR after about 7 months it’s generally OK but the Canon flash system is decades behind Nikon’s and I personally prefer Nikon lens over Canon’s.  I will never invest in another Canon DSLR in the near future no matter how good they claim on paper!

I have been using Nikon film and digital for over 20 years now.  For DSLR I have used Fuji S1 Pro S2 Pro currently I am using D70 with couple of lens and the SB800.  For prosumer digicams I still own and use the CP5000+E58 wide angle adaptor and also the CP5700 they are not perfect 5MPs cameras but once you get to know how to use them within their limitations they surely can generate excellent quality pictures!  

I have owned and sold many many digicams last couple of years what I currently have in additional to the above is the Panasonic FZ10 (excellent 12X F2.8 Leica lens though noise above ISO100) Sony P100 (excellent) & U20 (very tiny) Fuji E550 (excellent) Pentax 33WR (weather resistant) and Minolta X20 (so so).  

As Hales suggested the FujiFilm F10 I will also recommend that you look at the E550 as well both are excellent cameras with very attractive price.  I chose the E550 over the F10 since the E550 can shoot RAW a 12 MP (Interpolated) mode and full manual exposure control (A/S/M).  Fuji CCD photosites are in a diagonal pattern so its interpolated mode to 12MP will get you better resolution with the E550 though I have to say the F10 sample pictures look impressive.  The F10 is also a nice compact all-in-one unit that allows you shoot only 6 MP Fine JPG mode no exposure adjustments mode though...meaning no Aperture Priority or Shutter Priority and it does not have an optical viewfinder which the 550 does LCD of the F10 is also of lower resolution than E550.  F10 is 3x versus E550 4x and E550 can add conversion lens while F10 cannot also F10 uses propriety battery while E550 uses two rechargeable AAs.  The one thing that stood out with the F10 is the impressive high ISO capability (even ISO 1600 is usable) no other prosumer digicam has that claim!

So here’s a long answer to your question the decision is based on what your priorities are and what you want from a digicam.  Note that most of my digicams I currently own allow me to have total control of the exposures which is important to me may not be important to you though.  

All digicams has their own pros and cons and most of the newer ones are all pretty decent some are however more reliable than others.  Once you learn how to use the cam within its limits the quality of the pictures will be more dependent on the photographer and not the camera itself.
作者: Roscoe    時間: 2005-5-18 18:57:51

[quote:77268b0993="hales"][quote:77268b0993="Roscoe"]I have a Olympus DC (C770).  The quality impress me a lot!  I am very satify with it performance.  

It is very small but have 10X optical zoom!  I have print the "hardcopy" from Photomax it is good in general.

I can give my photo for your reference if u like.[/quote]

:mrgreen:  :mrgreen:
所以話其實現今既DC 除非真係好Low-ended既 Product
否則以同期既產品來講 個品質亦唔會相差很遠~~
所以我先覺得部機型o的係好重要 :

C-770 都幾好咖~ 有10x optical zoom 去到380mm
又有齊 PASM mode 光圈算係比較大的了 而且可以插外閃呢樣野幾好!

1.用1/2.5吋CCD 相對地noise會比較勁
3.無 IS/VR/OS 呢一類既功能 所以ZOOM得太勁會震過貓王...[/quote]

Yes.  You're right if zoom to 10X it will easy to 震... especially in low light environment.  But it is okay in daytime.  

I like it small size (the smallest 10X zoomed DC) and outlook (All matellic) and good image quality.  

But the battery is short life and the XD card is very expensive!!
作者: diedsee    時間: 2005-5-23 00:00:51

我用個部Olympus (not dc) 都有五六年歷史 影ge 相真係好靚

我ge target 只係影相 冇其他需要 所以一路都唔識買 太貴又唔值 因為我只用影相呢個 function
作者: hales    時間: 2005-5-23 09:08:16

不如你講o下 買埋記憶卡 多一舊後備電或者唔用果o的鋰電改用
AA叉電 total 用幾多錢買?

另外介唔介意用:1. 水貨 2 二手 3 舊款少少既機?
作者: diedsee    時間: 2005-5-23 12:41:27

[quote:6770b16ed1="hales"]不如你講o下 買埋記憶卡 多一舊後備電或者唔用果o的鋰電改用
AA叉電 total 用幾多錢買?

另外介唔介意用:1. 水貨 2 二手 3 舊款少少既機?[/quote]
$3000留下 二手都ok 輕身 :em14:
作者: hales    時間: 2005-5-23 13:21:21

作者: diedsee    時間: 2005-5-23 13:30:25

就係咁先一路買唔到....咁愈平愈好會唔會好啲 :face13:
作者: hales    時間: 2005-5-23 14:05:43

就係咁先一路買唔到....咁愈平愈好會唔會好啲 :face13:[/quote]

係咁咖喇 當然功能價格比重要o的 而且DC仔係好花多眼亂
其實同價既機質素唔會相差得好遠 所以睇個靚仔o的外型

e.g. 1500蚊既DC 同一牌子 另一部2xxx 但睇落好似功能都差唔多
通常 平左 一定係差左既 例如 用 1/2.5吋CCD會平過用1/1.8吋CCD
既機好多 但影出黎係會有睇得出既分別囉.....
又例如 一部用 2.5吋LCD 另一部用2.0吋LCD 好似大o的一定好o的咁
(大o的其實真係用得開心o的.....哈哈) 但係要睇埋個LCD既解像度
有可能係2.5吋LCD得11萬Pixel 但2吋LCD用18萬pixel既話 2吋出黎既效

因為要因應市場的問題 好多時都有o的咁既情況 市場鐘意有得扭mon
LCD要大 CCD Pixel要高 就會因為咁而出o的咁既機 因為好多人都唔識
睇到就會嘩嘩嘩 但其實好多時生產商係會將格就貨 捉市場心理 加入好多
主打賣點 然後抽起部份其它功能....

Canon A520 $22XX 應該有得送1張或2張128 SD card 用兩粒AA電

Fujifilm F10 $2800左右 應該有得送一張128

Canon A95 $2500左右 用CF card card會平o的 相對地係會重身少少
因為用4粒AA電 但勝在有扭扭LCD可以用 :mrgreen:

Nikon Coolpix 7600 $2千到尾 有$256 SDcard送 有710萬pixel用AA電兩粒

Canon Digital IXUS 700 都幾好...$3xxx

另外有o的未出 唔知幾錢 但係都非常值得期待既有
1. Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX8
2. OLYMPUS CAMEDIA μ[mju:] 800 (有2.5吋LCD... :shock: )

唔怕重少少 我覺得CanonA95真係好好!!又有扭扭Mon用
A520勝在算細部又唔係重 又用AA電...
如果個人偏好Olympus既話 等佢出 mju:800啦...不過可能會要成
作者: diedsee    時間: 2005-5-23 15:00:10

個 price 係大電舖 or 樓上舖ga?
作者: hales    時間: 2005-5-23 15:06:02

[quote:5fe164206a="diedsee"]個 price 係大電舖 or 樓上舖ga?[/quote]
算係熱門既相機舖囉大約個價錢唔會差好多 如果去
但...瘋雜就唔係咁recommend啦....呵! 伯老會就會通常跟返行價囉
激光連鎖店都ok既....旺角"三成"就服乃態度講彩數 但勝在乜都有貨
買DC都係去大舖會好o的 因為好多時有問題既機都係要返到屋企用
o下先知有無事 大舖好處係有換機保証!

如果你決定到個model可以幫你問o下個friend 佢係始創中心
某一間比較大既電子/電器用品店做既 睇o下可以幾錢"手羅"到機
作者: diedsee    時間: 2005-5-24 13:43:37

How about Canon Digital IXUS 50 and 500?
作者: hales    時間: 2005-5-24 15:35:08

IXUS 500已經停產...
IXUS 50就出左無耐

但係 IXUS 50 要成3XXX喎好似..............
1. 食電 而且無電量顯示 一舊電唔夠一日用
2. 閃燈好弱 唔夠力 不過呢個都係細機既通病...
3. 部機好快就好熱...

如果要成3000幾不如要IXUS 700啦.. 但係我會prefer fujifilm F10或Nikon coolpix 7600
作者: diedsee    時間: 2005-5-24 16:05:28

can u check w/ ur friend about the Nikon coolpix 7600 and IXUS 700?
作者: hales    時間: 2005-5-24 16:07:10

有消息話你知 你可以自己出去格O下價先
最好係去伯老會直情另上手玩o下 :
作者: diedsee    時間: 2005-5-24 16:08:23

覆得咁快?!?! 你好得閑ga :?:

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