
標題: 古巨基演唱會 [打印本頁]

作者: Ice    時間: 2005-3-13 16:11:40     標題: 古巨基演唱會


(題外話)古巨基演唱會好睇嘛......我今日會睇尾場 [/quote]

我細妹尋晚都有去睇古基基喎 未有機會問下佢好唔好睇添  
作者: MandyG室    時間: 2005-3-13 21:21:28

我鍾意佢唱歡樂金宵呀 因為我本身唔太熟佢O的歌 而佢O衣首係好多舊歌串埋一起...好有共嗚咁.

昨晚 佢ENCORE再ENCORE 係之前冇的..出黎再唱愛與誠..好正.

佢今次冇喊 整晚流程都好好...佢唱王菲O的假音歌唔錯...

作者: gp    時間: 2005-3-13 21:44:20

剛睇完尾場,正呀 :em11: 嘉賓係楊千嬅,仲合唱小城故事,正呀 :em11: 我o地坐o係高達後面,最衰無帶相機,否則會影到好多相, 用部gx22又影得唔清 :em01: 結果o係散場時又俾人鬧:”我都話返轉頭帶相機啦,你又話唔好,又話一定影唔到 :x ......(下刪二百字)”

今日都有兩次ENCORE 又係唱愛與誠.
作者: bikbark    時間: 2005-3-14 10:10:57

we saw the concert on 8/3 (Tue).

overall it's not bad but i think he spoke too much and kept saying sth similar i prefer him singing......

when he sang the last song "enjoy yourself tonight" he just cried.....
i really love this song and i was expecting he sang this song in live.
作者: saga    時間: 2005-3-14 11:07:02

佢扮 Devil May Cry 3 入面個旦丁就夠型啦  
作者: POON    時間: 2005-3-18 22:45:45

其實我都好想睇 可惜買晤到 !

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