not bad....quite good wor.....if you're DC idiot Casio have preset the scene for your selection. eg. if you would like to take a picture at night time you can select the night scene no need to adjust the flash.....etc.
:wink:作者: H and H 時間: 2004-12-28 21:11:03
我d friend都有用 都幾好 d 相影出黎都唔錯作者: MandyG室 時間: 2004-12-29 00:07:59
我的相係由Casio相機影的 我覺得相片質素只係OK Casio相機個LCD畫面好大 但閃光燈弱 夜晚好難對焦. 都係買以前做開相機的牌子好.作者: Eric and Mandy 時間: 2004-12-29 12:33:38
Casio DC is not bad ga especially famos for it's Macro shot. Casio was one of the manufaturer developing DCs (Correct me if I was wrong..) and with its small body size and big LCD it is quite user friendly. It also has many presents that you can choose from for different shots so you do not need to adjust the white balance shutter speed and other settings but enable for your needs. It is true that because of the small lense you don't expect to shoot pictures at a far distance and don't expect to enlarge the photos by too much either when developing; but should be good enough to see the photos on LCD or in the 3R 4R size.作者: diedsee 時間: 2004-12-30 22:27:34