真的嗎,oh...my sega....you so 英 :em14: :em14:作者: dick queenie 時間: 2003-8-25 00:12:04
[quote:c1e40d22d0="Agnes&Henry"]我冇scanner ar.....>.<[/quote]
post 到上來......
come on~~~~ :em09:作者: Agnes Henry 時間: 2003-8-25 00:20:13
Of course more route of green minibus is better.
Expensive or not will be tuned by market but at least there is more choice! Good traffic network brings both convenient and stable flat price.
It is better than having many private estate bus because private bus will introduce expediture in maintaining estate and finally we pay more to the estate manager .... if both green mini bus and private bus's cost is same we are with a loss already.作者: hales 時間: 2003-8-25 20:27:57
So I think one private estate bus route is enough and then with more mini bus and bus routes .... that will be great!作者: Ha and Kui 時間: 2003-8-26 18:18:54
Not necessary realization after meditation ....
Maybe just knowing that having too many private bus routes will not do good to us.作者: 小yen 時間: 2003-8-29 13:09:54 標題: ROUTE BUS