
標題: 想認識中意攝影的RC友 [打印本頁]

作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2004-12-27 14:28:01     標題: 想認識中意攝影的RC友

一齊去玩丫 多人好玩D :em11:
作者: MandyG室    時間: 2004-12-27 20:54:42     標題: Re: 想認識中意攝影的RC友

[quote:35587ec9eb="Sharon&Brian"]一齊去玩丫 多人好玩D :em11:[/quote]


作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2004-12-27 21:23:11


影人影景 both ok
作者: MandyG室    時間: 2004-12-27 22:15:33

你又知係黃山 唔係應該有至少幾個地方睇到ga ma?

我又鍾意影人 又鍾意影景..
作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2004-12-28 07:58:38

u use DC or film camera ka?

if I have schedule to take photo (or other event) w/ the other RC fans call u la ok?
作者: Jeffrey Shirley    時間: 2004-12-28 09:55:41

I'm not professional can I join your party?
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-12-28 10:21:47

係咪有些人很pro 架 ?
我極力要求Brun Brun 加入呀~

我25Dec 那天跟他出去睇燈飾 影相. 他帶定腳架....( 好似好pro咁~  :!: )
B = Burns  J = Jessica

B: 好企係呢度 我幫你影張.
J : ( 企過去 ) ---> 過了2分鐘.....
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: ( 走過去睇下)
B: 等我轉下個mood  再影一張..你企返過去先..
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: 得唔得呀?
B: 等我唔好用閃光燈 影多張... 你唔好"沃"住
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: OK 未呀!
B: 等我轉下個閃光燈 無咁光 再影一張....
J:  :em18:

結果 同一個post  同一個景點 同一個人 同一個角度 影左4-6 張 ( 但唔同樣 由開始時笑 到最後一張無表情 )
作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2004-12-28 12:13:39

[quote:d462231bc0="Jess&Burns"]係咪有些人很pro 架 ?
我極力要求Brun Brun 加入呀~

我25Dec 那天跟他出去睇燈飾 影相. 他帶定腳架....( 好似好pro咁~  :!: )
B = Burns  J = Jessica

B: 好企係呢度 我幫你影張.
J : ( 企過去 ) ---> 過了2分鐘.....
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: ( 走過去睇下)
B: 等我轉下個mood  再影一張..你企返過去先..
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: 得唔得呀?
B: 等我唔好用閃光燈 影多張... 你唔好"沃"住
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: OK 未呀!
B: 等我轉下個閃光燈 無咁光 再影一張....
J:  :em18:

結果 同一個post  同一個景點 同一個人 同一個角度 影左4-6 張 ( 但唔同樣 由開始時笑 到最後一張無表情 )[/quote]good ar good ar....

Burn Burn pls teach me also.... my photo age is still very green.
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-12-28 12:16:43

[quote:f7cd2cd2ab="Sharon&Brian"]good ar good ar....

Burn Burn pls teach me also.... my photo age is still very green.[/quote]

:shock: 睇黎你要teach 佢多d. :shock:

:shock: <-----------影到我傻左.
作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2004-12-28 12:30:15

I'm not professional can I join your party?


肥仔吾好玩野wo 有party點會冇你份 :em12:
作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2004-12-28 12:33:14

Sharon&Brian 寫到:
good ar good ar....

Burn Burn pls teach me also.... my photo age is still very green.

睇黎你要teach 佢多d.  


Jessica + Burn Burn  

anyway go together la....

if u or Mr. Burn have schedule pls also call me
作者: Jeffrey Shirley    時間: 2004-12-28 12:35:21

I'm not professional can I join your party?


肥仔吾好玩野wo 有party點會冇你份 :em12:[/quote]

咁就記得搵埋我啦! :wink:
作者: hales    時間: 2004-12-28 12:36:37

[quote:6acde5ed2b="Jess&Burns"]係咪有些人很pro 架 ?
我極力要求Brun Brun 加入呀~

我25Dec 那天跟他出去睇燈飾 影相. 他帶定腳架....( 好似好pro咁~  :!: )
B = Burns  J = Jessica

B: 好企係呢度 我幫你影張.
J : ( 企過去 ) ---> 過了2分鐘.....
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: ( 走過去睇下)
B: 等我轉下個mood  再影一張..你企返過去先..
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: 得唔得呀?
B: 等我唔好用閃光燈 影多張... 你唔好"沃"住
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: OK 未呀!
B: 等我轉下個閃光燈 無咁光 再影一張....
J:  :em18:

結果 同一個post  同一個景點 同一個人 同一個角度 影左4-6 張 ( 但唔同樣 由開始時笑 到最後一張無表情 )[/quote]

如要在夜景影人像 又要背景o的燈飾夠光
又要個人又夠光 請用慢速快門+後簾閃燈同步 :mrgreen:
影相我又岩阿~比養魚和種花小弟更早就開始影相 不過因為個人好懶 :em09:
所以越來越少去影 :em09: 就算去都用mini的DC機...極少

不過影相真係好講天份 :em09:  技術可以磨練..但係觸感方面唔
係呢o的料子就點都係差o的..所以我影練影去都影得唔好... :em01:
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-12-28 12:43:33


如要在夜景影人像 又要背景o的燈飾夠光
又要個人又夠光 請用慢速快門+後簾閃燈同步 :mrgreen: <--------------好pro!!!
影相我又岩阿~比養魚和種花小弟更早就開始影相 不過因為個人好懶 :em09:
所以越來越少去影 :em09: 就算去都用mini的DC機...極少

不過影相真係好講天份 :em09:  技術可以磨練..但係觸感方面唔
係呢o的料子就點都係差o的..所以我影練影去都影得唔好... :em01:[/quote][/quote]

其實我都好佩服burn burn 的耐性 我相信佢得到高人指點之後 技術一定突飛猛進. 所以我現在會忍住做一個木納的model 比佢練住先.
作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2004-12-28 12:43:44

[quote:f9f0fd6035="hales"][quote:f9f0fd6035="Jess&Burns"]係咪有些人很pro 架 ?
我極力要求Brun Brun 加入呀~

我25Dec 那天跟他出去睇燈飾 影相. 他帶定腳架....( 好似好pro咁~  :!: )
B = Burns  J = Jessica

B: 好企係呢度 我幫你影張.
J : ( 企過去 ) ---> 過了2分鐘.....
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: ( 走過去睇下)
B: 等我轉下個mood  再影一張..你企返過去先..
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: 得唔得呀?
B: 等我唔好用閃光燈 影多張... 你唔好"沃"住
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: OK 未呀!
B: 等我轉下個閃光燈 無咁光 再影一張....
J:  :em18:

結果 同一個post  同一個景點 同一個人 同一個角度 影左4-6 張 ( 但唔同樣 由開始時笑 到最後一張無表情 )[/quote]

如要在夜景影人像 又要背景o的燈飾夠光
又要個人又夠光 請用慢速快門+後簾閃燈同步 :mrgreen:
影相我又岩阿~比養魚和種花小弟更早就開始影相 不過因為個人好懶 :em09:
所以越來越少去影 :em09: 就算去都用mini的DC機...極少

不過影相真係好講天份 :em09:  技術可以磨練..但係觸感方面唔
係呢o的料子就點都係差o的..所以我影練影去都影得唔好... :em01:[/quote]站長大人 你好.....  :em14:

一早已知你系大Ccup :em04:
作者: Jeffrey Shirley    時間: 2004-12-28 12:53:49

[quote:3e5fe3bedd="Sharon&Brian"][quote:3e5fe3bedd="hales"][quote:3e5fe3bedd="Jess&Burns"]係咪有些人很pro 架 ?
我極力要求Brun Brun 加入呀~

我25Dec 那天跟他出去睇燈飾 影相. 他帶定腳架....( 好似好pro咁~  :!: )
B = Burns  J = Jessica

B: 好企係呢度 我幫你影張.
J : ( 企過去 ) ---> 過了2分鐘.....
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: ( 走過去睇下)
B: 等我轉下個mood  再影一張..你企返過去先..
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: 得唔得呀?
B: 等我唔好用閃光燈 影多張... 你唔好"沃"住
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: OK 未呀!
B: 等我轉下個閃光燈 無咁光 再影一張....
J:  :em18:

結果 同一個post  同一個景點 同一個人 同一個角度 影左4-6 張 ( 但唔同樣 由開始時笑 到最後一張無表情 )[/quote]

如要在夜景影人像 又要背景o的燈飾夠光
又要個人又夠光 請用慢速快門+後簾閃燈同步 :mrgreen:
影相我又岩阿~比養魚和種花小弟更早就開始影相 不過因為個人好懶 :em09:
所以越來越少去影 :em09: 就算去都用mini的DC機...極少

不過影相真係好講天份 :em09:  技術可以磨練..但係觸感方面唔
係呢o的料子就點都係差o的..所以我影練影去都影得唔好... :em01:[/quote]站長大人 你好.....  :em14:

一早已知你系大Ccup :em04:[/quote]

可能係 D /E Cup 喎! :em17:  :em17:
作者: hales    時間: 2004-12-28 12:54:46

[quote:32553757d0="Sharon&Brian"][quote:32553757d0="hales"][quote:32553757d0="Jess&Burns"]係咪有些人很pro 架 ?
我極力要求Brun Brun 加入呀~

我25Dec 那天跟他出去睇燈飾 影相. 他帶定腳架....( 好似好pro咁~  :!: )
B = Burns  J = Jessica

B: 好企係呢度 我幫你影張.
J : ( 企過去 ) ---> 過了2分鐘.....
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: ( 走過去睇下)
B: 等我轉下個mood  再影一張..你企返過去先..
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: 得唔得呀?
B: 等我唔好用閃光燈 影多張... 你唔好"沃"住
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: OK 未呀!
B: 等我轉下個閃光燈 無咁光 再影一張....
J:  :em18:

結果 同一個post  同一個景點 同一個人 同一個角度 影左4-6 張 ( 但唔同樣 由開始時笑 到最後一張無表情 )[/quote]

如要在夜景影人像 又要背景o的燈飾夠光
又要個人又夠光 請用慢速快門+後簾閃燈同步 :mrgreen:
影相我又岩阿~比養魚和種花小弟更早就開始影相 不過因為個人好懶 :em09:
所以越來越少去影 :em09: 就算去都用mini的DC機...極少

不過影相真係好講天份 :em09:  技術可以磨練..但係觸感方面唔
係呢o的料子就點都係差o的..所以我影練影去都影得唔好... :em01:[/quote]站長大人 你好.....  :em14:

一早已知你系大Ccup :em04:[/quote]
o靚仔....咪玩野喎........ :em16:  :em09:

呢個世界有一樣野叫做...紙上談兵..... :em09:  :em09:  :em09:
作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2004-12-28 13:01:28

[quote:b36c13e536="hales"][quote:b36c13e536="Sharon&Brian"][quote:b36c13e536="hales"][quote:b36c13e536="Jess&Burns"]係咪有些人很pro 架 ?
我極力要求Brun Brun 加入呀~

我25Dec 那天跟他出去睇燈飾 影相. 他帶定腳架....( 好似好pro咁~  :!: )
B = Burns  J = Jessica

B: 好企係呢度 我幫你影張.
J : ( 企過去 ) ---> 過了2分鐘.....
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: ( 走過去睇下)
B: 等我轉下個mood  再影一張..你企返過去先..
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: 得唔得呀?
B: 等我唔好用閃光燈 影多張... 你唔好"沃"住
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: OK 未呀!
B: 等我轉下個閃光燈 無咁光 再影一張....
J:  :em18:

結果 同一個post  同一個景點 同一個人 同一個角度 影左4-6 張 ( 但唔同樣 由開始時笑 到最後一張無表情 )[/quote]

如要在夜景影人像 又要背景o的燈飾夠光
又要個人又夠光 請用慢速快門+後簾閃燈同步 :mrgreen:
影相我又岩阿~比養魚和種花小弟更早就開始影相 不過因為個人好懶 :em09:
所以越來越少去影 :em09: 就算去都用mini的DC機...極少

不過影相真係好講天份 :em09:  技術可以磨練..但係觸感方面唔
係呢o的料子就點都係差o的..所以我影練影去都影得唔好... :em01:[/quote]站長大人 你好.....  :em14:

一早已知你系大Ccup :em04:[/quote]
o靚仔....咪玩野喎........ :em16:  :em09:

呢個世界有一樣野叫做...紙上談兵..... :em09:  :em09:  :em09:[/quote]大人 下次吾敢 :em06:  :em06:  :em14:
作者: saga    時間: 2004-12-28 17:19:44

[quote:0838de259d="Jess&Burns"]係咪有些人很pro 架 ?
我極力要求Brun Brun 加入呀~

我25Dec 那天跟他出去睇燈飾 影相. 他帶定腳架....( 好似好pro咁~  :!: )
B = Burns  J = Jessica

B: 好企係呢度 我幫你影張.
J : ( 企過去 ) ---> 過了2分鐘.....
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: ( 走過去睇下)
B: 等我轉下個mood  再影一張..你企返過去先..
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: 得唔得呀?
B: 等我唔好用閃光燈 影多張... 你唔好"沃"住
B: ok 1 2  3. o察!
J: OK 未呀!
B: 等我轉下個閃光燈 無咁光 再影一張....
J:  :em18:

結果 同一個post  同一個景點 同一個人 同一個角度 影左4-6 張 ( 但唔同樣 由開始時笑 到最後一張無表情 )[/quote]

:em17: 你講到好傳神
作者: saga    時間: 2004-12-28 17:26:38


呢個世界有一樣野叫做...紙上談兵..... :em09:  :em09:  :em09:[/quote]

原來你係照相趙括   :em20:
但都係大C Cup o個隻 :em04:
作者: MandyG室    時間: 2004-12-29 00:11:08

好呀 不過 我部機係AUTO GA 男友就係半MANUAL...

但我唔PRO GA!...學野多GA ~

作者: hales    時間: 2004-12-29 00:15:32

作者: Billy    時間: 2004-12-29 00:18:24


作者: hales    時間: 2004-12-29 00:23:00



嗯...絕對係... :mrgreen:
區區一部Nikon..F90X...三支鏡頭(其中一支仲要係80~200 f 2.8 )

不過輕裝一點 一部半自動機+17~20mm +20~50或50mm stanard
作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2004-12-29 12:32:06



嗯...絕對係... :mrgreen:
區區一部Nikon..F90X...三支鏡頭(其中一支仲要係80~200 f 2.8 )

不過輕裝一點 一部半自動機+17~20mm +20~50或50mm stanard

if 1/1 行山 I only will bring one body + 1-2 lens + flash only

But what time will the 行山 start i wanna go but depends on time

p.s. are u still using Nikon system? All F-mount lens?
作者: hales    時間: 2004-12-29 12:43:20



嗯...絕對係... :mrgreen:
區區一部Nikon..F90X...三支鏡頭(其中一支仲要係80~200 f 2.8 )

不過輕裝一點 一部半自動機+17~20mm +20~50或50mm stanard

if 1/1 行山 I only will bring one body + 1-2 lens + flash only

But what time will the 行山 start i wanna go but depends on time

p.s. are u still using Nikon system? All F-mount lens?[/quote]

係阿...F-mount的 不過已經全數售出了.. :em09:
目前還可以用的SLR是bikbark的Minota 600si
作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2004-12-29 12:48:43



嗯...絕對係... :mrgreen:
區區一部Nikon..F90X...三支鏡頭(其中一支仲要係80~200 f 2.8 )

不過輕裝一點 一部半自動機+17~20mm +20~50或50mm stanard

if 1/1 行山 I only will bring one body + 1-2 lens + flash only

But what time will the 行山 start i wanna go but depends on time

p.s. are u still using Nikon system? All F-mount lens?[/quote]

係阿...F-mount的 不過已經全數售出了.. :em09:
目前還可以用的SLR是bikbark的Minota 600si[/quote]I'm still using F801 but less used more use digital
作者: hales    時間: 2004-12-29 12:55:03



嗯...絕對係... :mrgreen:
區區一部Nikon..F90X...三支鏡頭(其中一支仲要係80~200 f 2.8 )

不過輕裝一點 一部半自動機+17~20mm +20~50或50mm stanard

if 1/1 行山 I only will bring one body + 1-2 lens + flash only

But what time will the 行山 start i wanna go but depends on time

p.s. are u still using Nikon system? All F-mount lens?[/quote]

係阿...F-mount的 不過已經全數售出了.. :em09:
目前還可以用的SLR是bikbark的Minota 600si[/quote]I'm still using F801 but less used more use digital[/quote]
801好野黎喎 :em09:
用過最常用的幾個牌子 都係最鐘意Nikon
都有得全手動...但係Nikon既鏡頭...此終覺得佢sharp過canon... :mrgreen:
假以時日小弟一定會買回部最愛....Nikon的FM2 加支50mm鏡乜都夠.. :mrgreen:
作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2004-12-29 13:06:08

Yes ar

I also wanna have a FM2 but also Rangefinder

About the system selection between Canon and nikon. DC I prefer canon slime smart user friendly

But SLR I perfer Nikon anyway however Nikon think of the customers most of lens are F mount but limited the lens development......

Canon like Sony..... Business mind...... but also very good system (not incl Sony :roll: )
作者: RangerX    時間: 2005-1-6 11:42:58

嘩~ 好開心見到rc都有d影友bor 報個到先!
幾時約埋去影下相呀?  :wink:
作者: candidfoto    時間: 2005-1-6 15:00:56

不過影相真係好講天份  技術可以磨練..但係觸感方面唔

This is quite a true statement!  I have spend almost three years doing distant learning with New York Institute of Photography from 1989 to 1991 when I was living in East Coast USA and managed to get a certificate from the Institution.  Though I think I have all the technical skills down-packed but I still don't have the "eye" of a true outstanding photographer.   BTW: my profession in IT related and not in photography.

I am a bit older than you all (my son already graduated from college) but I will be more than happy to join any RC organized photo opportunity if you allow me to.   Having spend years shooting 35mm film and medium format films I have totally switched to digital about 3 years ago.  Here's my current list of equipment and I do change my gears occasionally:

Nikon D70 with 2 zooms and 5 prime lens
Two Olympus E10s with TCON MCON and WCON converters (yes I have two E10 remains my favorite travel camera)
Nikon CP5000 with the W68 adaptor it yields fantastic 19mm (35mm equivalent) coverage in a very light package
Nikon CP5700 (great all around cam with good quality zoom)
Sanyo MZ3 (fantastic video and use microdrive)
Casio Z3 (good tiny one for my wife to carry around)
Fuji 40i (all in one with camera video and mp3)
Pentax Optio S (my son's favorite tiny camera)

Digicams that I have used (and remembered) last three years and sold:
Fuji S1 Pro DSLR
Fuji S2 Pro DSLR
Canon 300D DSLR and 5 lens
Olympus c5060 and the classic C2100-uz
Panasonic FZ10 and FZ1
Canon G2 Ixux 400 and Ixux V2
Sanyo J1 and MZ2
Sony F55DX and S85

(YES I'm a digicam junkie!)
作者: Suzuki    時間: 2005-1-6 15:18:14

不過影相真係好講天份  技術可以磨練..但係觸感方面唔

This is quite a true statement!  I have spend almost three years doing distant learning with New York Institute of Photography from 1989 to 1991 when I was living in East Coast USA and managed to get a certificate from the Institution.  Though I think I have all the technical skills down-packed but I still don't have the "eye" of a true outstanding photographer.   BTW: my profession in IT related and not in photography.

I am a bit older than you all (my son already graduated from college) but I will be more than happy to join any RC organized photo opportunity if you allow me to.   Having spend years shooting 35mm film and medium format films I have totally switched to digital about 3 years ago.  Here's my current list of equipment and I do change my gears occasionally:

Nikon D70 with 2 zooms and 5 prime lens
Two Olympus E10s with TCON MCON and WCON converters (yes I have two E10 remains my favorite travel camera)
Nikon CP5000 with the W68 adaptor it yields fantastic 19mm (35mm equivalent) coverage in a very light package
Nikon CP5700 (great all around cam with good quality zoom)
Sanyo MZ3 (fantastic video and use microdrive)
Casio Z3 (good tiny one for my wife to carry around)
Fuji 40i (all in one with camera video and mp3)
Pentax Optio S (my son's favorite tiny camera)

Digicams that I have used (and remembered) last three years and sold:
Fuji S1 Pro DSLR
Fuji S2 Pro DSLR
Canon 300D DSLR and 5 lens
Olympus c5060 and the classic C2100-uz
Panasonic FZ10 and FZ1
Canon G2 Ixux 400 and Ixux V2
Sanyo J1 and MZ2
Sony F55DX and S85

(YES I'm a digicam junkie!)[/quote]

I want to know your comments on the Canon 300D and Nikon 70D. Would you mind share your experience to us?
作者: candidfoto    時間: 2005-1-6 15:41:51

Here's my personal opinion on the differences between the two DSLRs and you can get all the other opinions on the two cameras from browsing through different forums under www.dpreview.com.

I have always been a Nikon user and when the Canon 300D first came out in 2003 I decided to try it just for the fun of it.  My major disappointment with the Canon 300D (or 10D or other Canon system) is the lousy and inaccurate flash system compare to the fool-proof Nikon matrix flash system which is simply the best in the industry and I have used quite a bit.   The SB800 (or SB600) when mated with the D70 is simply fantastic and I doubt the new Canon 20D flash system is anything close.  I also found that the Nikon matrix metering is more accurate.   300D uses CMOS vers D70's CCD the ISO 100 pictures from the 300D does seems to be a bit smoother than D70's 200 ISO (but not by much and you really have to magnify 200% and look hard).  

The Canon does have more USM lens offering than Nikon especially in the telephoto lens that's explains why most photogs in major sports events usually shoots Canon's.  I personally prefers the image of the Nikon glass and don't intend to try out any more Canon system in the near future.  Don't get me wrong the 300D is a very capable camera and the 2nd hand price is dirt cheap (<=$5000) which makes it very attractive alternative to the more expensive 8MPs prosumer cams.
作者: Suzuki    時間: 2005-1-6 16:51:12

Actually my colleague just bought a new 300D around one month ago. The price is below $6000.

So how about your comment on D70?? Would you mind to let me know it more detail?
作者: RangerX    時間: 2005-1-6 17:02:33

If compare 300D with D70 then D70 is definately my choice!;)
作者: candidfoto    時間: 2005-1-6 17:15:02

There are many online reviews on just about any digital cameras the ones that I find useful and accurate is from Phil Askey (www.dpreview.com) and also from Jeff Keller (www.dcresource.com) I'm sure there are many others.  Phil Askey is usually pro-Canon and he doesn't normally say something good about Nikon unless it's real good (my own assessment of his reviews so far).  

My own quick assessment of the D70 it's fast well build with controls in the right place fantastic metering and flash system shoot relatively fast and excellent battery life.  Again I like the Nikon lens which is a bit cooler than the warmer Canon lens (my personal taste).

Really at the end of the day it's really not the camera that matters much it's the photographer behind the camera that makes most of the difference.   Most of the digital camers today are quite capable of delivering very good results just make sure you buy a camera system that allows you to expand as you develop the skills.
作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2005-1-6 17:24:06


I can also give some comments on D70 (I have used from new published; i forgot the month of it launches)..... and I also have a bit idea on 300D...

However I can't talk too much in office but tonight......

Are u planning to have a DSLR?

Since I use Nikon SLR b4 and now use DSLR I have no choice on system since lens ^_^"
作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2005-1-6 17:28:36

Mr. candidfoto

Do u live in our RC (or USA)?

I think we can learn a lot of photography from u...happy to meet u here ^^
作者: Suzuki    時間: 2005-1-6 17:40:28

Thanks Brain you will have time tonight?

Actaully I have a Minota 700si SLR and 1 len only. Lucky I don't have too many accessory of Minota. If not it will be difficult to change to other system.

Now just want to know more about the comment of Nikon and Canon DSLR. it is use for my reference if I want to buy the DSLR. But not soon ^.^
作者: candidfoto    時間: 2005-1-6 17:44:06

We moved in since June this year bought a D unit since it was real cheap back in June 2003.   We have been living in HK since 95 since we were expat company picked up all our expenses most of those years and even though we have lived in very expensive and large Happy Valley and McDonald Road apartments RC is very attractive to us for "retirement" & investment since it's quiet convenient has cleaner air and my wife loves to swim in that pool and uses the club house every day.  

Photography has always been one of my hobbies and it actually helps me calm down from the busy and hectic IT world.  It also forces me to learn to frame a picture out of something that looks ordinary - this is a skill that will take a life time to master!
作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2005-1-6 17:44:15

[quote:2e25fbd755="Suzuki"]Thanks Brain you will have time tonight?

Actaully I have a Minota 700si SLR and 1 len only. Lucky I don't have too many accessory of Minota. If not it will be difficult to change to other system.

Now just want to know more about the comment of Nikon and Canon DSLR. it is use for my reference if I want to buy the DSLR. But not soon ^.^[/quote]give me a call tonight
作者: Suzuki    時間: 2005-1-6 17:53:26

Brain I will call you tonight. Thanks!
作者: hales    時間: 2005-1-10 14:11:12

因為大家都各有所長 而且買既時候亦係要好睇o的功能你會唔會常用呢
如果多花一千幾百去買一部功能好的既牌子機 但o的功能你又唔用的話
不如慳翻一千幾百買多支鏡頭 :mrgreen:
始終機身只係一個快門盒 鏡頭所做成對質素的影響比較大 even連
菲林既質素都比body既質素重要 :mrgreen:

Top model 除左佢因為速度快之外 貴就係貴在俾好多野功能你可以
自由做customization 再加上有一堆一堆的accessory俾佢powerup..
換句話說貴就係貴在flexibility非常高 可以讓你影相既時候多o的
parameter俾你去fine tune個曝光. 但重點是...你要自己衡量一下
這些value-added既功能...你有冇用呢? 每秒連拍14格的速度....

1. 可以選擇用全手動和全自動 那些8910~幾十個的preset功能拍攝模式
2. 閃燈能選擇全/半輸出 前/後簾同步 有閃燈+/-級數set
3. 能換對焦片
4. 可多重曝光
5. 有AE-Lock 有AF-Lock 有DOF pre-view

綜合來說 其實大多數相機都可以合乎要求了(除了第3項..嘿嘿)
有更多功能的話當然更好 不過小弟實在已經過左果個年代了...
7個對焦點 這個body可以set 偏重中心平均測光法而那個只有
5區平均測光這些事而耿耿於懷 不過越影得耐 就越覺得跟本唔

以一個過來人說這些話 除非真係滿腔熱誠 心中藏著一把火很想
去把攝影變成為一生致力研究的一個興趣 否則亦沒有必要花太多
心神去研究邊個牌子既機比較好 更加不用花金錢去轉System
因為任何一部相機只要能做到你想佢點做 佢都可以配合到你的話
就夠了 不同牌子的不同鏡頭質素 以現在的科技來說 好多都要去到
用儀器來做test先可以分高下了 更莫論現在其實很多的業餘玩家

如果你想轉牌子 我覺得不如你每個心水牌子都pick一兩個心水model
用單一個body來做比較會更好 :mrgreen:
作者: Sharon Brian    時間: 2005-1-11 12:27:10

始終機身只係一個快門盒 鏡頭所做成對質素的影響比較大 even連

Totally Agree !!! :em11:

7個對焦點 這個body可以set 偏重中心平均測光法而那個只有
5區平均測光這些事而耿耿於懷 不過越影得耐 就越覺得跟本唔


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