
標題: 養狗的鄰居請合作 [打印本頁]

作者: sam_chan    時間: 2004-12-10 02:18:31     標題: 養狗的鄰居請合作

請T6 - 21 Floor 養狗的鄰居請不要拖住你們可愛的狗狗在鄰居door放屎.  我個人也很喜歡寵物但希望大家自律今次have not complain如果要去管理處投訴左鄰右里撞口撞面,也不好過.

請養狗的鄰居勿大無施樣地拖住你們可愛的狗狗在鄰居door放屎 "Next time will be take action".大家自律!! :em14:  :em14:
作者: 肥度    時間: 2004-12-15 18:58:37

最近成日聽到狗吠聲吾知係咪關佢事呢 ?
作者: Ricky and Carol    時間: 2004-12-15 21:48:57

[quote:d9cf84d949="肥度"]最近成日聽到狗吠聲吾知係咪關佢事呢 ?[/quote]

作者: BLUE    時間: 2004-12-16 10:25:18

我每次返家..經過養狗個單位我要閉氣走過...因為太臭狗味 ? <可以話難頂>
作者: POON    時間: 2004-12-17 11:50:23

[quote:ab96a0dc2d="BLUE"]我每次返家..經過養狗個單位我要閉氣走過...因為太臭狗味 ? <可以話難頂>[/quote]

我o個層都係喎 !  :em01:  :em01:但未此於難頂 ! 但都好慘架 !  :em08:  :em08:
作者: CHEUNG    時間: 2004-12-17 12:13:19

我發覺六座d業主好無好公德心 ! 攪到d衛生差晒 !
:twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:
仲有老鼠o添 !
:evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:
作者: POON    時間: 2004-12-17 14:44:00

cheung ; 晤使咁"嬲"喎 ! 有部份人先係咁o姐 ! 有d都好好架 !
作者: Eric and Mandy    時間: 2004-12-22 11:05:39

In this case I will say sorry at first as my dogs bark sometimes when people pass by (not that loud though)......I am living on the 1x/F and have never let my dogs to go toilet on the corridor or somewhere inside the entire building. My dogs are in small-size and they are not smelly at all.....hope you guys are not talking about my dogs or myself.

I know that some dog owners have never thought about the feeling of the others and I wish those who have read the above chats might improve the way they keep pets as not all of the dog owners are doing things in the same way. If there are too many complaints some day later pets will be eventually prohibited in the entire estate.....so please DO NOT be selfish and be responsible for keeping any pets! Any of you are representing the pets keeping group please kindly behave! :em11:
作者: Tako and Sukie    時間: 2005-1-9 00:26:05


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