Right now we've a choice is better than inclusive in the Mgt Fee. In addition if the Club House get a loss we no need to increse our Mgt Fee to cover it.作者: kenny 時間: 2004-12-2 16:54:11
其實1.3尺管理費包上網以經好平會所做gym貪新鮮以前我住地方泳池會所免費但要1.5尺結果1年玩吾夠三次我認為藍澄ok la.........作者: Jess and Burns 時間: 2004-12-2 16:56:30
No need to worry ! Most of us said they will stay in RC for at least 2-5 yrs. Supply will getting smaller & smaller. Other people attacted by RC 的間隔及大窗設計,外形絶對吸引.then demand will getting larger & larger. Very simple the answer is price will higher & higher ..... :em04: I hope one day it becomes true.....作者: alankle 時間: 2004-12-2 18:11:22
算我無禮講多一次就唔講啦 請問如果百佳要俾月費先可以入去買0野
p.s會所唔係我地 我真係極之高興 因為我根本唔會去玩
只係我不值隣居被騙 還幫壞人講好話..作者: Ha and Kui 時間: 2004-12-2 18:35:14
:em16: 大家唔好抝啦,報紙既野同樓書一樣,都係吹大DD架啦,你諗下,佢吹大你地又唔鐘意,但如果星島踩RC,我諗大家既DEBATE會更激烈!人地讚我地住緊既地方,我地總會開心麻!多D人知道多D人黎買,樓價都會升啦!而事實上,RC有D服務係其他屋苑冇的,例如大廚房、租車、儲物室,都係少見D,用唔用得著就因人而異!但有總好過冇!
總之入得黎就唔好自己踩自己,人地踩都唔開心,自己人踩自己地方咪仲心UP 作者: Little Alice 時間: 2004-12-2 20:54:55
公公婆婆 I totally agree with you...........
I believe that a lot of RC residents / neighbours are seeing this web site. All of us love our houses love RC very much ...........negative thinkings or talks may only makes them/us feel unhappy...........
why don't we talk more positive or meaningful things to improve or upgrade or keep our houses / living better ?
what's the news wrote is the best and positive things of RC ( our ATTRACTIONS) and RC reported by news would not happen oftenly maybe it is the only one and last one if our complaints are so great!!! :cry:作者: Billy 時間: 2004-12-2 22:46:34