but d transport 應會好好多作者: Hello Kitty 時間: 2004-11-11 13:42:45
As I know taxi van will use the same road (蛇仔路) but大巴士 will use another road (L-1) to enter RC just like using RC car park.作者: 豆腐人 時間: 2004-11-11 14:09:32
[quote:955a83c35b="Hello Kitty"]As I know taxi van will use the same road (蛇仔路) but大巴士 will use another road (L-1) to enter RC just like using RC car park.[/quote]
我認為0向六座後面同一座後面 應該加返個閘 (好似翠怡花園咁 0向商場隔離加個大閘....等d閒雜人唔可以入去翠怡或海欣)....閘住d遊客 唔比佢地行過我地住客區....雖然我知其實有好多秘密通道 d遊客可以行過來 但係感覺上好似安全d.....作者: Little Alice 時間: 2004-11-17 23:44:18
although it is told by agent (seems to be not believeable) :em12: I think this traffic arrangement is reasonable woo as all new project development need to deal with their traffic so as to get appraval........... 8) .
therefore no need to worry woo............. :mrgreen:作者: Heung Jenny 時間: 2004-11-20 23:10:26