係咪代表每層都會有三部lift? 亦即係三部lift都層層停? :作者: Ray 時間: 2003-8-19 21:50:11
Yeseach tower will have 三部lifts. In normal design each floor will have two lifts.作者: Maggie Johny 時間: 2003-8-19 22:01:08
[quote:6faf506f1a="Engineer"]Yeseach tower will have 三部lifts. In normal design each floor will have two lifts.[/quote]
No. I mean each floor not tower since there is an opening for each lift on the floor plan. :em05: Or did I mis-interpret the floor plan?作者: Ray 時間: 2003-8-19 22:03:51
I am not sure as the post is showing TYPICAL FLOOR. Can I have another SINGAL floor plan?作者: dick queenie 時間: 2003-8-20 12:21:56
f & g 好似唔係向藍巴力...而係望青衣市架.....而
B C A H 係向酒店內園.....
而 D E 在售樓書話向山景的.......
真奇怪作者: Sharan 時間: 2003-8-20 12:24:44
睇睇這個作者: wychan 時間: 2003-8-20 12:28:56
f & g 好似唔係向藍巴力...而係望青衣市架.....而
B C A H 係向酒店內園.....
而 D E 在售樓書話向山景的.......
f & g 的確你向藍巴力,不過是荃灣那邊
而 D E 話向山景的確在美景花園後面.......作者: dick queenie 時間: 2003-8-20 13:10:51