The previous 92 is more reliable ...
but some new comers can be spy pretending to be owner or relatives of owner after knowing we've got a letter like this ...
To make it simple just scan fax the temporary purchase contract (with unnecessary field shaded) to Fanstar or wychan first before meeting and then we can have 2-3 days to discuss on letter before we come out and sign the letter. (come out and sign letter pls ... come out and read the letter only is a waste of human resource)
For those who cannot scan/fax but want to register and have a look on the letter they can come out at Fri or Sat but then the letter should be finalized and may not add their changes to the letter.
For the shy owners of RC we can still discuss with them on any issues.
The secret forum is just for somethings that are with top secret or controvercies. Generally we are not going to discuss everything in the secret forum
Let's scan and ICQ/yahoo messager/pm the tmp contract to Fanster or wychan as soon as possible in order to go straight forward to the discussion on the letter.
One more question the letter should be signed by the "owner" only or can be signed by relatives? If owners only 2 days are not effective enough to gain all 92 signature from owners .... because some owner are not in Hong Kong or some are not available at the time slots. How about the registered owners contact the person who keeps the signature if they can't come on the slots? This reduces the effort because there is chance that NO ONE appear during a particular time slot.
Moreovers property allows up to 3 shared owners. So the counting is owners or apartment base? I think apartment base is more logical.
So anyone hold the temporary purchase contract can try to sign the letter?
BTW we can try to act fast and fax/scan the temporary contract first.
Remember to shade out the unnecessary fields :wink:
Fanstar and wychan let's see how many people here will register the secret forum before holding such a letter signing event.
This gives us a better forecase for the number of people coming up.
All owners please try your best to register to come out and sign the letter as this letter may be crusal to our future flat (home) :wink:
Please comment作者: lux 時間: 2003-8-19 10:39:06
just curious... are we asking questions in the letter or are we fighting for something? I am still not convinced why we have to hide these general queries that has been posted here before.
I guess if this letter really got posted somewhere in other websites and other owners do have the same queries they will join us and sign the letter too it's a good chance to gather more signatures from elsewhere.
and in regards to who has the right to sign.. I would say... one signature per flat is more reasonable....
And I guess when we sign the letter the contract number + our flat information (block floor flat) + our signature is good for HW reference too at least they can verify if we are a group of real owners on their side.
finally... I would like to say... I really appreciate you guys' effort for doing these.... I am not trying to cause trouble but instead it's just some constructive feedback that I can think of
I better shut up now before I piss anyone off... :em14:作者: wicyh 時間: 2003-8-19 10:48:30
I don't think it's so serious to present their own contract before reading the letter because of privacy. Those 92 registers have disclosed their unit so I think that it's enough. Only new comers or those registers without disclose their units are need to verify.
I don't think people come out and read the letter only without sign on it unless they disagree a certain points in letter. Should the letter finalized before people come out? So that people don't need to waste time to go through the letter again and prevent amendment after some owners' signature.
I think that the letter should be signed by either the owners or their representatives and write their purchased units.
It is not necessary to gather all 92 owners' signatures so I think that 2-3 days are enough.
Please advise.作者: saga 時間: 2003-8-19 11:07:43
[quote:f0c1a936d8="lux"]I better shut up now before I piss anyone off... :em14:[/quote]
No you won't be pissed off and thanks for your opinion too. :wink:
Let's figure out a more feasible approach.作者: Ice 時間: 2003-8-19 11:08:16
How about for those who are interested to have a look at the draft can send Fanstar and/or wychan am email or pm to obtain it by either email/fax/icq or other methods.
All owners can then discuss the content on a secret forum or chatroom (yahoo! / ICQ chatroom??)starting say at 8 or 9pm on Fri. By doing so you don't have to meet in real but still can join the discuss in real time. Owners can join whenever they are avaliable.
When everything is finalised you guys can then hold a gathering for letter signing作者: saga 時間: 2003-8-19 11:12:46
um ... I don't know the content of the letter yet.
If it is not too controversy ... I agree with wicyh.
Keep everything simple :wink:作者: saga 時間: 2003-8-19 11:14:57
So let me scan my family's temporary purchase contract and have a look on the letter tonight作者: Ice 時間: 2003-8-19 11:28:11
[quote:1e33838fc7="saga"]um ... I don't know the content of the letter yet.
If it is not too controversy ... I agree with wicyh.
Keep everything simple :wink:[/quote]
Actually I dont quite follow wicyh's message. I am just wondering how are you guys going to finalise the letter :p
but perhaps I may not be in the position to commend :mrgreen:作者: wicyh 時間: 2003-8-19 11:38:23
Does the responsible person (wychan) agree people pm you to get a prelim copy? :mrgreen:作者: H and H 時間: 2003-8-19 11:51:31
[quote:bc5746853f="Ice"]How about for those who are interested to have a look at the draft can send Fanstar and/or wychan am email or pm to obtain it by either email/fax/icq or other methods.
All owners can then discuss the content on a secret forum or chatroom (yahoo! / ICQ chatroom??)starting say at 8 or 9pm on Fri. By doing so you don't have to meet in real but still can join the discuss in real time. Owners can join whenever they are avaliable.
When everything is finalised you guys can then hold a gathering for letter signing[/quote]
Good idea! Just using a simple method. Just pm or by any electronic methods (icq / yahoo or whatever) to Fanstar or wychan to get it if they want to have a look and comment before gathering.作者: dick queenie 時間: 2003-8-19 11:51:39
為大家 (謀福利) 而已。反而我覺得信件內容的保密情度反而其次,因為裡面的問題及查
詢都是人所共知的。CK都有Management,佢地又點會唔知有我地存在,佢地實知問題的存在,只不過CK要我們多些業主black & white 提出問題才是真正問題而肯去處理及改善。其實可以用列point 的形式,將有關內容post 在forum 上。咪ok......
所以要解決的,最重要是有沒有一個最簡單方法等大家都可以在這封信簽名上去。作者: wicyh 時間: 2003-8-19 12:07:17
為大家 (謀福利) 而已。反而我覺得信件內容的保密情度反而其次,因為裡面的問題及查
詢都是人所共知的。CK都有Management,佢地又點會唔知有我地存在,佢地實知問題的存在,只不過CK要我們多些業主black & white 提出問題才是真正問題而肯去處理及改善。其實可以用列point 的形式,將內容post 在forum 上。咪ok......
唔係CK呀 Dick & Queenie! :em16:
其實electronic signature得唔得 :?:作者: dick queenie 時間: 2003-8-19 12:10:52
為大家 (謀福利) 而已。反而我覺得信件內容的保密情度反而其次,因為裡面的問題及查
詢都是人所共知的。CK都有Management,佢地又點會唔知有我地存在,佢地實知問題的存在,只不過CK要我們多些業主black & white 提出問題才是真正問題而肯去處理及改善。其實可以用列point 的形式,將內容post 在forum 上。咪ok......
唔係CK呀 Dick & Queenie! :em16:
其實electronic signature得唔得 :?:[/quote]
而你講到....電子認証....e-cert.....???作者: H and H 時間: 2003-8-19 12:13:47
為大家 (謀福利) 而已。反而我覺得信件內容的保密情度反而其次,因為裡面的問題及查
詢都是人所共知的。CK都有Management,佢地又點會唔知有我地存在,佢地實知問題的存在,只不過CK要我們多些業主black & white 提出問題才是真正問題而肯去處理及改善。其實可以用列point 的形式,將內容post 在forum 上。咪ok......
其實都係 我地只不過係為自已謀福利又有乜唔比得人知 公開咪可以方便大家
我地要問既野都好正常唔係咩秘密 (雖然我冇睇過最後版本)
以point form post 上forum 可唔可以?
若果唔想咪向icq or pm lor 但就辛苦左fanstar and wychan
之後出黎sign 就得作者: H and H 時間: 2003-8-19 12:15:49
[quote:917f024466="wicyh"]其實electronic signature得唔得 :?:[/quote]
not everyone got this ga作者: wicyh 時間: 2003-8-19 12:17:36
為大家 (謀福利) 而已。反而我覺得信件內容的保密情度反而其次,因為裡面的問題及查
詢都是人所共知的。CK都有Management,佢地又點會唔知有我地存在,佢地實知問題的存在,只不過CK要我們多些業主black & white 提出問題才是真正問題而肯去處理及改善。其實可以用列point 的形式,將內容post 在forum 上。咪ok......
唔係CK呀 Dick & Queenie! :em16:
其實electronic signature得唔得 :?:[/quote]
Thanks to wychan and other's efforts for putting our queries together. But I have some doubts in regards to the approach we are handling this.
I would like you to clarify the purpose of the proposed gathering this coming weekend. Is that a chance for us to comment on the letter or is it the date we will have to sign the letter? Coz' I believe that all of us should only signed on the final version of the letter. If any modifications are made after the gatherings we will have to call for yet another meeting to sign the letter again. May be that will cause trouble to all of you but I am just trying to protect everyone.
And because of this concern I am wondering what are the reasons you guys have for not posting the letter on the forum. If the letter contains only of the queries we have I think this information is not sensitive at all becoz' most of the questions are posted here already. In that case I strongly recommend you to post the letter here and once we agree on everything then we can hold the gathering to sign the letter. Further comments or questions that may possibly be gathered during the meetings will leave to the next round.
In addition I personally don't agree to set up a 業主尊區 in this forum. I believe that there might be some RC owners who will still like to know what's going on but afraid to voice out. Some of them might be too shy to join our activities and won;t have a chance to show the temporary contract. If we form an exclusive group and discuss everything in there then the original purpose of this site to have a forum for ALL RC owners to share information will be altered. Although you might argue that we can still keep some open forums for everyone to access how should we decide what should be discuss in the 業主尊區 and what should be discuss in the open forum? It is indeed very difficult to judge.
I think the best way to deal with this kind of matters is to open everything at least everyone will know what's going on and people will not think that memebers in this site is working in a black box. We are not dealing with any personal information nor any confidential documents I believe the current trust system (plus the great work from all the site administrators to monitor the site) is good enough.
Sorry.... i have to type that in English..... otherwise it will take me at least a few hours to finish everything.
Feel free to add your comments.作者: wychan 時間: 2003-8-19 13:14:10