
標題: 剛剛收樓 [打印本頁]

作者: wing    時間: 2004-10-20 14:59:48     標題: 剛剛收樓

本人剛剛在星期一收樓 發現D窗有花 同地產聯絡舊業主又話不關事 同執漏組講杜生又唔覆 請問我可以找誰 ?  
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-10-20 15:03:52

1 手 / 2手 ?
作者: wing    時間: 2004-10-20 15:06:24

2 手
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-10-20 15:13:49

我日日反工都見到杜生 wor .
唔好期望佢地會call you back .
i suggest you go to their office directly
作者: BLUE    時間: 2004-10-20 15:22:09     標題: Re: 剛剛收樓

[quote:c13f227192="wing"]本人剛剛在星期一收樓 發現D窗有花 同地產聯絡舊業主又話不關事 同執漏組講杜生又唔覆 請問我可以找誰 ?  [/quote]

佢地晤會彩你; 我都曾經有以上問題 如果上一手業主無提出過 事後先發現係無得同你整    
作者: Billy    時間: 2004-10-20 15:34:38

Actually many thing change already.

When I submit the defect list to HC I said "three days is not enough to found all the defect I ask can I added defect when I found defect later."

The lady reply to me "we have half year maintainance period from HC you can added any defect if you found during this period."

Actually at the beginning period of defect repair there is also defect added form for us."

But some times later I found in this web some case is "They will not take care the defect if it is not on the defect list"

May be there is too many defect in RC hence they change the policy.

I think 2nd hand owner is very difficult in asking for defect repair la.

Billy :em02:  :em02:
作者: Ho and Serene    時間: 2004-10-20 16:59:29     標題: Re: 剛剛收樓

[quote:ad4303b570="wing"]本人剛剛在星期一收樓 發現D窗有花 同地產聯絡舊業主又話不關事 同執漏組講杜生又唔覆 請問我可以找誰 ?  [/quote]

呢d咁既舊業主淨係識得讚錢一d責任心都冇正pk離架 :em13:  :em10: "Wing"我登你唔好彩. :em08:
作者: SEVEN    時間: 2004-10-20 17:04:52     標題: Re: 剛剛收樓

[quote:e41f2ab705="Ho & Serene"][quote:e41f2ab705="wing"]本人剛剛在星期一收樓 發現D窗有花 同地產聯絡舊業主又話不關事 同執漏組講杜生又唔覆 請問我可以找誰 ?  [/quote]

呢d咁既舊業主淨係識得讚錢一d責任心都冇正pk離架 :em13:  :em10: "Wing"我登你唔好彩. :em08:[/quote]

我上手業主都好乞衣 我好明白你心情 ; 因為我都係受害者 !
作者: wing    時間: 2004-10-20 17:32:52

好多謝大家 頭先杜先生覆我 又話不會給我這類二手業主執漏 我想知一手和二手又有什麼分別? 是否只會為一手樓服務 為何又收二手樓管理費?
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-10-20 17:54:46

Wing Don't be so upset !  :cry:  :cry: I think Seven Blue .... also got your bad experience. I deeply understood.
2nd hand mostly is see what you get then you accept the real codition you paid the price.
1st hand buyer they don't know the condition they only visit the model flat then they paid $$. Therefore the developer will gurantee the aftersale service for half year to one year.
So the problem is the 1st hand owner did the defect for you or not.
Management Fee is paid for the daily expenses for managing the Estate(RC) they served all the owners.
I suggest you go down to the defect office check what your 1st hand owner did. And ask how much the defect can help.
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-10-20 17:56:28

[quote:dc84e7611f="wing"]好多謝大家 頭先杜先生覆我 又話不會給我這類二手業主執漏 我想知一手和二手又有什麼分別? 是否只會為一手樓服務 為何又收二手樓管理費?[/quote]

唔好話你二手啦 到左後期. 佢地連我地一手owners都唔幫啦.
o個個所謂half yr garantee. 佢地話只係保你間屋唔漏水.. 吹脹.
作者: Ray008    時間: 2004-10-20 19:23:36

作者: BLUE    時間: 2004-10-20 20:40:17


我都用個這方法 晤得 ! 因為佢要你羅返張"執樓紙" 如果上手業主無提及過要執部份即係無用 .... :cry:  :cry:
作者: POON    時間: 2004-10-21 13:34:58

係喇 ! 我都一樣 扮係一手業..但係都哀左 !
作者: POON    時間: 2004-10-21 13:43:43     標題: Re: 剛剛收樓

[quote:873b9bddc0="wing"]本人剛剛在星期一收樓 發現D窗有花 同地產聯絡舊業主又話不關事 同執漏組講杜生又唔覆 請問我可以找誰 ?  [/quote]


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