
標題: 酒店交易告吹? [打印本頁]

作者: G-NET    時間: 2004-10-5 19:26:51     標題: 酒店交易告吹?

原來茂盛控股無買酒店第二座 由資料得知 交易並無完成 現在對面三座酒店都係和黃物業 而且只係第二座有買賣記錄. 由始至終都是由Harbour Plaza酒店管理 做三星酒店. 我數過一層有39個單位 一座大約有800個單位 加建房間可能為了做迪士尼遊客.


作者: leemoksau    時間: 2004-10-5 19:41:51

:em07: 咁會唔會影響穿巴進度架﹖
作者: BLUE    時間: 2004-10-5 22:40:27

作者: SEVEN    時間: 2004-10-6 12:17:00


都晤知到時RC變成點**樣  :em08:  :em08: 影響到RC樓價    
大家都知大陸同志最鍾意隨地吐談 仲有係隨處蹲地  好失禮  :em03:  :em03:
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-10-6 13:15:36

No discrimination. 大陸同志最鍾意隨地吐談  how can you justify it ???
Moreover if you're 迪士尼遊客 will you spend most of the time in the Hotel or  迪士尼 ???
If HK didn't have 大陸同志 to visit will the economy better now???
Tourist is tourist no matter where they come from. If you guys don't welcome them they will go to other places to spend their money.
If you went to other countries the local people discriminate you then how you feel ??? You want to go there again ???
作者: Royhk    時間: 2004-10-6 13:58:16

[quote:195bd890ac="Hello Kitty"]No discrimination. 大陸同志最鍾意隨地吐談  how can you justify it ???
Moreover if you're 迪士尼遊客 will you spend most of the time in the Hotel or  迪士尼 ???
If HK didn't have 大陸同志 to visit will the economy better now???
Tourist is tourist no matter where they come from. If you guys don't welcome them they will go to other places to spend their money.
If you went to other countries the local people discriminate you then how you feel ??? You want to go there again ???
平常心對他們吧![/quote]Agree with Hello Kitty
作者: 小豬^m^    時間: 2004-10-10 17:24:00

作者: dick queenie    時間: 2004-10-10 19:11:19


最記得失驚無神,傳來嘈吵聲,出現一班國內團定香港團,大大聲聲,又唔排隊,人地圍左欄的地方,又爬入去。有講解員介紹某樣野時,又 "B lee 巴啦",
冇禮貌到死,又爭位座。見到當地人好奇特的眼光望住佢地時.......唉,我同我老婆,即刻感到好難為情,同羞恥~~~~ :em05:
有人話中國人係禮義之幫,講真去完旅行返來第一日,香港機場的地勤人員又響到吹水,冇離笑容同禮貌....就知幾咁禮義啦.... :em18:
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-10-10 21:05:08

好多禸地人都好nice .
作者: SEVEN    時間: 2004-10-10 21:27:19

好多禸地人都好nice .[/quote]

我暫時未遇到 !
作者: Robert    時間: 2004-10-13 16:18:38

最記得失驚無神,傳來嘈吵聲,出現一班國內團定香港團,大大聲聲,又唔排隊,人地圍左欄的地方,又爬入去。有講解員介紹某樣野時,又 "B lee 巴啦",
冇禮貌到死,又爭位座。見到當地人好奇特的眼光望住佢地時.......唉,我同我老婆,即刻感到好難為情,同羞恥~~~~ :em05:
有人話中國人係禮義之幫,講真去完旅行返來第一日,香港機場的地勤人員又響到吹水,冇離笑容同禮貌....就知幾咁禮義啦.... :em18:[/quote]


因上當年我倆同好幾個朋友一齊去瑞士旅行(都係自己去),去到一商鋪買野,剛巧遇到一班香港太太團入黎(好似幾有米"個樣"),因大家都係香港人,所以起初都有打招呼;但後來看見她們對 sales 的態度呼呼喝喝,而且班太太傾計時重係"大大聲,唔駛驚",實在令人反感。

之後我地連 bye bye 都費事同班太太講,買完野就拿拿聲走人,作為香港人既我地都覺得好肉酸同唔好意思!
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-10-13 17:03:20

大陸人太多啦. 樣樣野都要爭先得. 日日都要爭的生活 唔無賴. 分分鐘生存唔到.
我有一次在東莞買火車票返香港. 剛剛那時是接近新年.

在另一條隊 正在賣要返國內各區的車票. 我看著那條排. 我覺得中國人. 真是一種"特別"的民族. 那條隊約30- 40  人. 人人身貼身的排著 男男女女如是.
是好像擁抱那種身貼身.... 還可以有人插隊. 他們是慢慢的攝入隊中. 打尖過程無人話佢. 打到尖都無人話佢...神奇!

可惜當時沒有帶相機. 不然真的可以讓你們看看那個奇境.
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-10-13 17:43:53

The matter is EDUCATION.
在另一條隊 正在賣要返國內各區的車票. 我看著那條排. 我覺得中國人. 真是一種"特別"的民族. 那條隊約30- 40 人. 人人身貼身的排著 男男女女如是.
是好像擁抱那種身貼身.... 還可以有人插隊. 他們是慢慢的攝入隊中. 打尖過程無人話佢. 打到尖都無人話佢...

It also happened in HK in 70s 80s & even 90s. Because we are educated therefore you can't stand for that.
Almost 10 years ago when I immigrated to Canada the local Canadian also felt that we chinese (no matter from HK & mainland China) were doing the same thing I quoted.
I also felt shameful they also look down on us. BUT after few years they changed their attitude towards us they figure out that not all the yellow face are act like these. Right now I felt shameful because we HongKongese look down on the chinese. :em16:
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-10-13 17:57:53

[quote:91d35fbc3b="Hello Kitty"]The matter is EDUCATION.
在另一條隊 正在賣要返國內各區的車票. 我看著那條排. 我覺得中國人. 真是一種"特別"的民族. 那條隊約30- 40 人. 人人身貼身的排著 男男女女如是.
是好像擁抱那種身貼身.... 還可以有人插隊. 他們是慢慢的攝入隊中. 打尖過程無人話佢. 打到尖都無人話佢...

It also happened in HK in 70s 80s & even 90s. Because we are educated therefore you can't stand for that.
Almost 10 years ago when I immigrated to Canada the local Canadian also felt that we chinese (no matter from HK & mainland China) were doing the same thing I quoted.
I also felt shameful they also look down on us. BUT after few years they changed their attitude towards us they figure out that not all the yellow face are act like these. Right now I felt shameful because we HongKongese look down on the chinese. :em16:[/quote]

當時 看到後 0%看低他們. 100% 佩服他們做得到....
我跟本不能夠像他們那樣忍耐得到同一個唔識既人身貼身.  :em05:
又可以忍受到人明目張胆地打自已尖.  :em10:  
中國人 真的一個能夠在極差的環境都能生存的民族!!  :em11:
世界上那個國家的人可以比較? 真的不多.

致於無禮及大聲等問題.... 同教育程度可能有一定關係.. 但我覺得個人修養問題居多.

其實這些改進 都一定要比時間. 香港人從前就是被人話得多. 現在才懂得在別人的地方做好自已. 不要影衰香港人.


只是... 在他們未到那個階段時. 他們已進注rc....難怪我們擔心  :em09:
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-10-14 15:24:24

只是... 在他們未到那個階段時. 他們已進注rc....難怪我們擔心

Don't worry too much .... Just wait & see what happen ...
They are now living in HK no matter in RC or Repluse Bay The Peak ....... TST. If you are really very mind that there is a 3-star Hotel that may cater for people from Mainland nearby your home I think your better put RC to sell right now the price has already gone up you should gain profit. BUT it may be difficult to find an ideal place that guranteed your neighbour  have 個人修養.
So Good Luck !!!
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-10-14 15:48:16

咁又係.. 有些neighbour 的個人修養分分鐘比將會進注酒店的人差! 看見他們將垃圾放在公期垃圾桶旁便知道.

但我又無想過賣喎 ~ 因為有人貼左紙之後便好了很多. 很多東西 都好有改善空間既~
作者: Hello Kitty    時間: 2004-10-14 16:04:26

有些neighbour 的個人修養分分鐘比將會進注酒店的人差!

Exactly!!! The point is not the matter of the nationality.
I do believe 很多東西 都好有改善空間既~ that's why we are working very hard on that. So don't give up !!
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-10-14 16:06:18

[quote:e39183a223="Hello Kitty"]
有些neighbour 的個人修養分分鐘比將會進注酒店的人差!

Exactly!!! The point is not the matter of the nationality.
I do believe 很多東西 都好有改善空間既~ that's why we are working very hard on that. So don't give up !![/quote]


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