YY & KC 寫到:
其實為左呢件事 我已經同發展商 / 銀行糾纏左成幾個月勒 今日銀行同發展商分別都俾左答案我 ------- 就係呢個係HSBC對火險之要求較其他銀行高 所以一定要買 而發展商亦無野可以協助.
我想問其他業主 仲有無其他銀行有呢個情況呢? 禁對一班用匯豐銀行做Mortgage既業主黎講 咪要多俾一筆囉?
I've checked with MO that our Master Policy is handled by The Ming An Insurance Co. The premium of Ming An is around $0.85 per $1000 insured sum and HSBC is around $1.1. BUT the most important part is the insured sum = replacement value not equal the mortgage sum. In my case my replacement value is less than half of the mortgage sum therefore the premium will be much much lower. (Less than $700 originally from HSBC is around $1800.
I may suggest that ask like Debenham Tie Leung to revaluate first then find another insurance co to buy Fire Insurance.
If anyone need the contact please PM me.
Today I called HSBC again. The lady repiled that the Management at present is discussing RC may not need to pay an extra fire insurance they may accept our Master one. BUT if you buy from them they may refund it. While if you buy from other insurance co is better to wait until Sept 27 for their finally decision
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