Well I've got the same experience. On that day my husband and I were line up one in 88F & another one in 88G. When 88F came I called my husband to jump-in a lady told him to line up then I got-in first and held a seat for him. Then this lady scold me to release the seat for her. BUT I won't because my husband was getting up. At that time there were still few seats available.
I think if only one person (I mean relative) jump-in is acceptable. But can't be too many. Are you agree ?作者: P女 時間: 2004-9-1 18:06:17
係屋企人又點呀....屋企人就可以打尖...識既就唔得呀? LI D 係咩理論呀?...即係屋企人可以犯法..識既就唔得呀?..人人都一早去排隊..做咩你屋企人唔得呀..係屋企人就一齊出門口啦...攪咩一前一後姐...係屋企人就唔排呀?咁洗咩擺個STAND向到姐..個個話係屋企人就走上去啦..仲成世界既.....
算啦..當"LI D 人"咁唔講道理..唔係認自己做錯既人...佢總會去搵藉口去解釋自己..去維護自己係岩既...有D咁既人..你話LI個係咩世界呀....
我地都係去原諒D無文化既人吧!作者: Billy 時間: 2004-9-3 23:08:20
Are you the long hair lady take 88G around 8:05 a.m.
If it is husband & wife I think it is OK.
It is not reasonable to seperate a pair.
(I am not yet married and live alone)
I think I am the people out of 100000000000000個人 education level lower than 一年級既小朋友 一D文化都無 自私 people.
The question is
"Do you think kill people is correct"
My brother's daugther who is level 1 primary school student reply immediately "Of course it is sure is is absolutely not correct".
But I tell my brother's daugther "there is no absolute answer in the world. The answer is always depend on different situration. For example if kill people because of protecting the lover. Do you think it is correct".
My brother's daugther then said "I understand now".