
標題: 藍澄灣小巴站位置 [打印本頁]

作者: Ray008    時間: 2004-8-23 15:25:38     標題: 藍澄灣小巴站位置

作者: liuh    時間: 2004-8-23 23:43:58     標題: Re: 藍澄灣小巴站位置


Agree!! We should have a waiting area with cover!! I think it should be as simple as moving the stop post back a little bit under Tower 3's cover. It relies on everyone's self-discipline to follow the new rule since the get on/off area is little away from waiting area. I believe it shouldn't such bad idea.

作者: rstfung    時間: 2004-8-24 00:05:23

I think you should need to think about the driver if the stop move near Tower 3 the space is not enough for U turn!  May be some shelter should be add but it will affect the beautifulness of the entrance of RC!
作者: 肥度    時間: 2004-8-24 01:18:16

今個星期日 我同屋企人一齊去等小巴 三座樓上突然間有一舊抺野既把飛左落黎 其實如果係平日返工既時間 好多人等葵芳車既時候 呢舊野一定中到人 但係當時只係得數個人 好彩無事 大家要小心
作者: liuh    時間: 2004-8-24 08:05:46

[quote:25172ea865="rstfung"]I think you should need to think about the driver if the stop move near Tower 3 the space is not enough for U turn!  May be some shelter should be add but it will affect the beautifulness of the entrance of RC![/quote]

What I mean is Mini bus should stady as whatever it is now (between Tower 3 and Tower 5 ). Only the waiting area move back a little bit into Tower 3's cover. No shelter is needed. Practically speaking most of us are doing it now anyway.

作者: Ray008    時間: 2004-8-24 09:40:43

小巴到站時仍然O?-5座間上落客,以方便U turn。
作者: Alvin and Janis    時間: 2004-8-24 12:22:15

爭取有蓋車站 否則遲早晒死........

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