
標題: 我個冷氣壞!! [打印本頁]

作者: rstfung    時間: 2004-7-7 13:28:52     標題: 我個冷氣壞!!

今日豐澤D師傅上 發現我部冷氣壞  :twisted:   已經報開船 如果有5座GH單位要整冷氣就快D報啦 否則Miss要等下一班船又有排等啦!!!

希望可以快D開船就好lu....  又要等等等等等 :em06:  :em06: ...... 唔知等到幾時先可以撹好所有東西呢??? :?:  :?:
作者: Teresa and Fai    時間: 2004-7-8 13:25:25


係咪要先叫豐澤上黎check 左先??????? (如果冷氣唔夠凍都可以..........)
作者: rstfung    時間: 2004-7-8 13:42:38


係咪要先叫豐澤上黎check 左先??????? (如果冷氣唔夠凍都可以..........)[/quote]

對 唔使入Defect form 直接Call豐澤就可以 tel: 8108 4090 佢地做好鬼快 :em11:  頭打完電話 轉頭就覆我要開船整 叫我去管理處約時間 返而管理處仲未覆我船期! 如果管理處同執漏有咁快就好lu...
作者: Mon    時間: 2004-7-12 13:08:14

My flat in H also found the air-con in the dinning room is not cold enough as well. I have talked to the 管理處 but they said they need the 49H owner permission to use the roof space for the 船. No permission they are not able to do anything. Is that wire? Why they have to brother the owner? Do they have public space to prepare for that??? Do anyone knows what can I do for next?
作者: CJ    時間: 2004-7-12 14:17:44

The roof is privately owned. MO may not trepass with out permission. There may be some fittings and decoration that the owner may not want to be damaged by THE WORKERS. If they insist no permission can't use the 船

I heard the other way is to build bamboo platform...
作者: vivian    時間: 2004-7-12 16:06:25


我是6座G單位 房兩部冷氣自5月收樓後 寫defect報沒有冷氣出 廳部冷氣亦不冷 我已再三報了管理處 星期六有豐澤的人來check 請問有無人知 再要等幾時才有工人修理? 我趕8月入伙呀!

作者: rstfung    時間: 2004-7-16 00:46:51     標題: Re: 我個冷氣壞!!

[quote:56fbd08e75="rstfung"]今日豐澤D師傅上 發現我部冷氣壞  :twisted:   已經報開船 如果有5座GH單位要整冷氣就快D報啦 否則Miss要等下一班船又有排等啦!!!

希望可以快D開船就好lu....  又要等等等等等 :em06:  :em06: ...... 唔知等到幾時先可以撹好所有東西呢??? :?:  :?:[/quote]

據管理處之回覆,船期為7月26日,5座G室的鄰居如要搭順風船就快D搵豐澤約佢Check冷氣la!! 否則Miss要等下一班船又有排等啦!! 8)  8)

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