
標題: Cool air from air-con and 鮮風 relationship!?!? [打印本頁]

作者: AngusZire    時間: 2004-6-7 00:08:54     標題: Cool air from air-con and 鮮風 relationship!?!?

On Saturday The Air-Con inspector from Fortress come and test my air-con.

In my small room. We waited for about 25-30mins :evil:  before the air cool down (N.B. Not very cold actually.) The set temp was 17C on remote but he (Mr.Ng!?) told me that even if I set it to 17C the room temp. can only be cool down to around 20-22C and it's normal?!?!?!?!? Is that True? :?:

I told him that I can't accept to wait for almost half hour to cool down my small room!! then he said the room temp can even be cool down to 14-16C if the 鮮風 is ON too!  :shock:  Why make such a big difference and 鮮風 is not supposed to co-operate with air-con for making cool air-temp Can't imagine how he can link those things together to hide the air-con problem  :em13:  :em13:

But unfortuately he then told me that he's heard the 鮮風 will no longer be running for some reasons. REALLY!?!? :twisted:  If that's the case we really need to sue to Hxxxxson. for misleading info.  

After all I told him that I totally disagree of his bullshit and need someone to repair my air-con then he said it may take up to 2-3 week to complete the checkup and the possible reasons for the problem may be either too many "ICE SEED" or too less "ICE SEED" can someone tell me if that's true or not? Thanks :em14:

Further he said there are 2 different types of Air-con system used in RC Flat D using a more power saving model while small flat does not use the same model. Again is that true?? :em05:

:em10:  :em10:

作者: 007    時間: 2004-6-7 15:19:21

Hi AngusZire

I also got similar cooling problem. I asked him to take temperature reading from the air discharge. Once the temperature is out of range they have to repair at outdoor.
Actually the output temperature is around 14-15C whatever you set the room temperature. Whilst the pre-set temperature is reached the thermostat should cut-off the compressor. If your air-conditioner is not efficient it may be due to insufficient refrigerant or the outdoor condenser problem. It has nothing to do with the fresh air supply. Generally fresh air supply can be pre-cooled same as the output temperature from our indoor unit. This can avoid water condensation. However it is costly. I don't think Hutchison will provide this for us.
Please ask him to have a test again. As you know it may take time to book Gondola to service the outdoor unit.
Good luck
作者: saml    時間: 2004-6-7 17:27:26

作者: 5th Element    時間: 2004-6-8 00:10:00

其實唔駛多講,條友只係唔想做任何嘢兼且當你係 idiot. 但係另一方面,你亦無須同佢理論,因為最终亦輪唔到佢話事究竟駛唔駛跟進。 :x

我嘅意思係,如果你嘅冷氣機真係有問题,你绝對有權要求跟進,而收樓部亦绝對有責任代業主跟進。無理由要你自已直接面對供應商,處理發展商留低嘅「蘇州屎」! :em16:

只要各位以理性同平和嘅態度去同收樓部講道理,佢哋绝對明白自已責無旁貸。不過大家可能要俾多少少耐性! :|

Quality life can only be acquired by quality people.  :wink:
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-6-8 11:22:07

想問下個鮮風系統係咪會自動開架呢?  係咪由屋裡的人控制?
作者: saml    時間: 2004-6-8 11:31:52

作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-6-8 11:36:49



咁咪好唔環保?  又好浪費d 冷氣喎....

作者: yautin1    時間: 2004-6-8 11:48:08



咁咪好唔環保?  又好浪費d 冷氣喎....


係啊! 又幾唔環保! 不過佢唔係冷氣 只不過係一個中央大風扇...
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2004-6-8 11:50:21



咁咪好唔環保?  又好浪費d 冷氣喎....


係啊! 又幾唔環保! 不過佢唔係冷氣 只不過係一個中央大風扇...[/quote]

係呀!! 係抽出面d 空氣入屋丫ma. 咁同開住窗開冷氣有咩分別?
作者: yautin1    時間: 2004-6-8 11:58:20



咁咪好唔環保?  又好浪費d 冷氣喎....


係啊! 又幾唔環保! 不過佢唔係冷氣 只不過係一個中央大風扇...[/quote]

係呀!! 係抽出面d 空氣入屋丫ma. 咁同開住窗開冷氣有咩分別?[/quote]

好處: 屋入面長期處於空氣流通
壞處: 屋冇人時 大量浪費能源...
不過話時話 唔知佢運作成本高唔高呢?
作者: kyu    時間: 2004-6-8 12:26:24

1. 入屋的鮮風是經過 Filter 及 抽濕的 溫度較外面低.
2. 因為單位使用分體機 無鮮風入口 窗口式冷氣是有鮮風入口開關的.
3. 要換氣 來維持氧氣量 不至缺氧.
作者: ROCKAN28    時間: 2004-6-9 01:25:08

1. 入屋的鮮風是經過 Filter 及 抽濕的 溫度較外面低.
2. 因為單位使用分體機 無鮮風入口 窗口式冷氣是有鮮風入口開關的.
3. 要換氣 來維持氧氣量 不至缺氧.[/quote]

咁冬天會唔會抽啲勁凍勁乾西北風入屋架 :?:  :?: ..zzzzzzzz :em03:
作者: kyu    時間: 2004-6-9 09:45:36

一般會有溫度和濕度控制功能 及鮮風量不大 冬天應不會太凍.
作者: Cara CC    時間: 2004-6-9 17:02:23

作者: kyu    時間: 2004-6-9 17:19:31

最好開一部抽氣扇 廚房窗上果部 來平衡出入風量及室內壓力.
作者: AngusZire    時間: 2004-6-9 19:42:14     標題: Re: Cool air from air-con and 鮮風 relationship!?!?

[quote:bd950bf2fc="AngusZire"]On Saturday The Air-Con inspector from Fortress come and test my air-con.

In my small room. We waited for about 25-30mins :evil:  before the air cool down (N.B. Not very cold actually.) The set temp was 17C on remote but he (Mr.Ng!?) told me that even if I set it to 17C the room temp. can only be cool down to around 20-22C and it's normal?!?!?!?!? Is that True? :?:

I told him that I can't accept to wait for almost half hour to cool down my small room!! then he said the room temp can even be cool down to 14-16C if the 鮮風 is ON too!  :shock:  Why make such a big difference and 鮮風 is not supposed to co-operate with air-con for making cool air-temp Can't imagine how he can link those things together to hide the air-con problem  :em13:  :em13:

But unfortuately he then told me that he's heard the 鮮風 will no longer be running for some reasons. REALLY!?!? :twisted:  If that's the case we really need to sue to Hxxxxson. for misleading info.  

After all I told him that I totally disagree of his bullshit and need someone to repair my air-con then he said it may take up to 2-3 week to complete the checkup and the possible reasons for the problem may be either too many "ICE SEED" or too less "ICE SEED" can someone tell me if that's true or not? Thanks :em14:

Further he said there are 2 different types of Air-con system used in RC Flat D using a more power saving model while small flat does not use the same model. Again is that true?? :em05:

:em10:  :em10:


The 鮮風 system will be turned off FOREVER is that true?? I heard it from Fortress's inspector last week.
:twisted:  :twisted:  :em13:  :em13:  :em13:

作者: lux    時間: 2004-6-9 19:56:42     標題: Re: Cool air from air-con and 鮮風 relationship!?!?

[quote:a0cf84593f="AngusZire"][quote:a0cf84593f="AngusZire"]On Saturday The Air-Con inspector from Fortress come and test my air-con.

In my small room. We waited for about 25-30mins :evil:  before the air cool down (N.B. Not very cold actually.) The set temp was 17C on remote but he (Mr.Ng!?) told me that even if I set it to 17C the room temp. can only be cool down to around 20-22C and it's normal?!?!?!?!? Is that True? :?:

I told him that I can't accept to wait for almost half hour to cool down my small room!! then he said the room temp can even be cool down to 14-16C if the 鮮風 is ON too!  :shock:  Why make such a big difference and 鮮風 is not supposed to co-operate with air-con for making cool air-temp Can't imagine how he can link those things together to hide the air-con problem  :em13:  :em13:

But unfortuately he then told me that he's heard the 鮮風 will no longer be running for some reasons. REALLY!?!? :twisted:  If that's the case we really need to sue to Hxxxxson. for misleading info.  

After all I told him that I totally disagree of his bullshit and need someone to repair my air-con then he said it may take up to 2-3 week to complete the checkup and the possible reasons for the problem may be either too many "ICE SEED" or too less "ICE SEED" can someone tell me if that's true or not? Thanks :em14:

Further he said there are 2 different types of Air-con system used in RC Flat D using a more power saving model while small flat does not use the same model. Again is that true?? :em05:

:em10:  :em10:


The 鮮風 system will be turned off FOREVER is that true?? I heard it from Fortress's inspector last week.
:twisted:  :twisted:  :em13:  :em13:  :em13:


If yes they will break the contract and rules wor...
coz' service apartment needs to have some sort of centralized air conditioning (唔一定係冷氣)
作者: 5th Element    時間: 2004-6-10 00:07:12

[quote:e108682fb6="kyu"]最好開一部抽氣扇 廚房窗上果部 來平衡出入風量及室內壓力.[/quote]如果唔開抽氣扇會有也壞處?

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