
標題: 可以租車啦~~~但唔係$88 [打印本頁]

作者: JNA    時間: 2004-6-6 18:21:29     標題: 可以租車啦~~~但唔係$88

今日係大堂張notice見到7/6/04起可以租車 但細看如
too expensive!!!!!!
作者: FireFire    時間: 2004-6-6 18:34:04

作者: Alvin and Janis    時間: 2004-6-6 18:38:15     標題: Re: 可以租車啦~~~但唔係$88

[quote:4a476fc137="JNA"]今日係大堂張notice見到7/6/04起可以租車 但細看如
too expensive!!!!!![/quote]

其實都算平 因為出面果 d 閒閒地都要$4-500
仲要交幾千按金 因為佢地怕部車有咩問題d 租車客唔賠

不過 邊 d 係$88 的????
作者: 我是誰    時間: 2004-6-6 19:13:58

for me acceptable
作者: bobo    時間: 2004-6-6 19:31:16

作者: Patrick Cherry    時間: 2004-6-6 19:47:12

too expensive 呀... :em07:
作者: JNA    時間: 2004-6-6 19:48:29

Only the small car Japanese car are $88 in Monday to Thursday else like benz & BMW are higher prices.
作者: kenykl    時間: 2004-6-6 22:22:22

知唔知點計? 24小時計一轉 定係 0900 to 1700計一轉?
作者: Wynne and Paul    時間: 2004-6-6 22:27:53

[quote:353ebcb215="Mr. & Mrs. FireFire"]使唔使自己入油呀...?[/quote]

for general practise they will give you the car with full tank of oil.  When you return the car to them you should fill the tank to full also.

Thus the cost is the car rent + the amount of oil you spend.
作者: ivantat816    時間: 2004-6-6 23:01:40

最多咪用到佢盡囉 :em09:
作者: rstfung    時間: 2004-6-6 23:04:49

any more details???
作者: wychan    時間: 2004-6-6 23:05:06

最多咪用到佢盡囉 :em09:[/quote]

you should refill full tank before retuning the car. Otherwise they will charge you for full tank cost.... :em12:
作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-6-7 12:14:32

the charge is:

model:       mon-thu    fri - sun
mini           $88           $188
jazz           $88          $188
A-class       $88          $188
new bettle  $88          $188
smart car   $88          $188
Benz          $188        $288
BMW          $188        $288

仲有架唔記得咩車 好似7人車 都係 mon-thu $88 fri-sun $188. 租車時要用 credit car 俾按金(其實係"jin"抵費) 你炒車就係果度扣 炒到 total loss 都係果個數 唔同車有唔同價錢 好似全部都 within $20000 你租車果時缸沖油係滿既 用完車都要入返滿佢. 交車時間應該係第2日早上0900. 可能我會記錯 想 confirm 下就打: 31651671 或 92619260 Mr. Yip
作者: rstfung    時間: 2004-6-7 12:18:55

作者: cliff    時間: 2004-6-7 13:36:40

[quote:490998a7cd="Arbee"]the charge is:

model:       mon-thu    fri - sun
mini           $88           $188
jazz           $88          $188
A-class       $88          $188
new bettle  $88          $188
smart car   $88          $188
Benz          $188        $288
BMW          $188        $288

仲有架唔記得咩車 好似7人車 都係 mon-thu $88 fri-sun $188. 租車時要用 credit car 俾按金(其實係"jin"抵費) 你炒車就係果度扣 炒到 total loss 都係果個數 唔同車有唔同價錢 好似全部都 within $10000 你租車果時缸沖油係滿既 用完車都要入返滿佢. 交車時間應該係第2日早上0900. 可能我會記錯 想 confirm 下就打: 31651671 或 92619260 Mr. Yip[/quote]

Thanks for info.
作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-6-7 15:34:56


按金唔係 within $10000 有d要差唔多 $20000 Benz 同 BMW 要超過 $20000 tim ! 用 credit card 俾.

而家冇咩 restriction 租多個 1 日係冇問題既.

租車者要年滿 25 歲 持有2年或以上駕駛執照 最多可以登記2名駕駛者 只有已登記既駕駛者先有保險保障.
作者: LW    時間: 2004-6-8 01:28:30

Anyone had booked the cars?  Which one will you choose?  What is the steps for booking?
作者: ivantat816    時間: 2004-6-8 02:46:35

作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-6-10 12:56:55

要打去問問先知喎...... 你冇人問過呀 ?
作者: SM    時間: 2004-6-10 13:35:44

管理處話暫時可以 但依個只係暫時性
for long term就要睇睇日後租車的情況而再作更改
作者: kenykl    時間: 2004-6-10 13:49:33

The steps are: -
1) 3 business days prior to your booking date goto the Mgt. Office fill in the form with max. 2 driver's name (with license and ID copy provide to them) pay by cash or cheque.
2) They will check the booking schedule for you.
3) On that day goto Hertz's table tp pickup the key and check the car.
4) ** remember to refill the tank otherwise I remember they will charge a very high price for the fuel consumed.
作者: Hotcake    時間: 2004-6-10 20:30:44

[quote:21e7a02143="kenykl"]The steps are: -
4) ** remember to refill the tank otherwise I remember they will charge a very high price for the fuel consumed.[/quote]

好方便0者.........隔離就係油站........... :em12:
作者: ye    時間: 2004-6-12 12:55:35

US e.g. AVIS need U$40 per day but no need to refill the oil.
作者: kenykl    時間: 2004-6-13 01:40:33

[quote:7731f41a3a="ye"]US e.g. AVIS need U$40 per day but no need to refill the oil.[/quote]

Then our price is more or less the same la....ok wor
作者: jokenhk    時間: 2004-6-14 16:48:49

Have anyone have concern the time for rent the car out and return the car?In States Hentz is 24 hour service. So you can rent the car on Sunday 7:00am and return the car after the dinner eg. 10:00pm. For our service their working hour is from 9:30 to 5:30pm. If you what to have family day on sunday you can only get the car at 9:30am and drive in a hury to return it before 5:30pm or you may need to apply a half-day-off on monday so that you can return the car when the Hentz open early on monday. Do you think its may cause us a lot of inconvenent if it only open in office hour?
作者: wychan    時間: 2004-6-14 20:21:46

[quote:73217f19a4="jokenhk"]Have anyone have concern the time for rent the car out and return the car?In States Hentz is 24 hour service. So you can rent the car on Sunday 7:00am and return the car after the dinner eg. 10:00pm. For our service their working hour is from 9:30 to 5:30pm. If you what to have family day on sunday you can only get the car at 9:30am and drive in a hury to return it before 5:30pm or you may need to apply a half-day-off on monday so that you can return the car when the Hentz open early on monday. Do you think its may cause us a lot of inconvenent if it only open in office hour?[/quote]

I do think that the opening hour of Hentz is a big big problem. For example I rent a car on sunday 9:30am and take it out and should return on 9:30 am monday for a complete 24 hr cycle. In this case :

1. I should go to work in 9:00 am monday. How can I return the car?
=> I should return it in sunday evening. how can I have a dinner with the car?

2. Should I pay for the car park fee for sunday night until 9:30 am for returning the car ?

3. If I return the car in ABOUT 9:30 am monday can the next renter get the car in 9:30 sharply or one or two hour latter for car checking ?

So how can the operater manager our fleet?
作者: Fafa    時間: 2004-6-15 00:55:08

[quote:d67fba4d57="wychan"][quote:d67fba4d57="jokenhk"]Have anyone have concern the time for rent the car out and return the car?In States Hentz is 24 hour service. So you can rent the car on Sunday 7:00am and return the car after the dinner eg. 10:00pm. For our service their working hour is from 9:30 to 5:30pm. If you what to have family day on sunday you can only get the car at 9:30am and drive in a hury to return it before 5:30pm or you may need to apply a half-day-off on monday so that you can return the car when the Hentz open early on monday. Do you think its may cause us a lot of inconvenent if it only open in office hour?[/quote]

I do think that the opening hour of Hentz is a big big problem. For example I rent a car on sunday 9:30am and take it out and should return on 9:30 am monday for a complete 24 hr cycle. In this case :

1. I should go to work in 9:00 am monday. How can I return the car?
=> I should return it in sunday evening. how can I have a dinner with the car?

2. Should I pay for the car park fee for sunday night until 9:30 am for returning the car ?

3. If I return the car in ABOUT 9:30 am monday can the next renter get the car in 9:30 sharply or one or two hour latter for car checking ?

So how can the operater manager our fleet?[/quote]~For my case I rented the car at the morning and drove back parked into the original parking spot at night and the next moring I went to the office and return the car with the parking slip. and it's OK so NO need to pay for the overnight parking.
~You don't need to pick up the car at 9:30am sharp can pick any time within their office hours and return them within 24 hours.
~They should made a drop-off box or something for returning purpose.
作者: wychan    時間: 2004-6-15 01:06:09

[quote:ef95f9c114="Fafa"][quote:ef95f9c114="wychan"][quote:ef95f9c114="jokenhk"]Have anyone have concern the time for rent the car out and return the car?In States Hentz is 24 hour service. So you can rent the car on Sunday 7:00am and return the car after the dinner eg. 10:00pm. For our service their working hour is from 9:30 to 5:30pm. If you what to have family day on sunday you can only get the car at 9:30am and drive in a hury to return it before 5:30pm or you may need to apply a half-day-off on monday so that you can return the car when the Hentz open early on monday. Do you think its may cause us a lot of inconvenent if it only open in office hour?[/quote]

I do think that the opening hour of Hentz is a big big problem. For example I rent a car on sunday 9:30am and take it out and should return on 9:30 am monday for a complete 24 hr cycle. In this case :

1. I should go to work in 9:00 am monday. How can I return the car?
=> I should return it in sunday evening. how can I have a dinner with the car?

2. Should I pay for the car park fee for sunday night until 9:30 am for returning the car ?

3. If I return the car in ABOUT 9:30 am monday can the next renter get the car in 9:30 sharply or one or two hour latter for car checking ?

So how can the operater manager our fleet?[/quote]~For my case I rented the car at the morning and drove back parked into the original parking spot at night and the next moring I went to the office and return the car with the parking slip. and it's OK so NO need to pay for the overnight parking.
~You don't need to pick up the car at 9:30am sharp can pick any time within their office hours and return them within 24 hours.
~They should made a drop-off box or something for returning purpose.[/quote]

this may be problem if you don't return the car promptly in 9:30 because other guy cannot pickup the car in his turn in early morning!!
作者: wychan    時間: 2004-6-15 01:10:22

other problem is if I am not the registered owner of the flat say the flat is named by my another half. I cannot rent the car event I am the occupient of the flat.

In the same case If I rent the flat to other guys. He/She cannot rent the cars also!! no saleing point for renting the flat!! Can the operator rent the car to a card owner of the RC resident card?

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